Country Code: +682
International Call Prefix: 00

National Significant Numbers (NSN): five (5) digits

Format: +682 XX XXX

Number allocations in the Cook Islands

LocalityRouting code to reach subscriberRouting code to reach operator
Country codeTelephone numberArea codeOperator codeOperator assistance
Rarotonga6822 XXXXCode 11Rarotonga Operator
Aitutaki68231 XXX
Reserved for Aitutaki growth68232 XXX
Atiu68233 XXX
Mangaia68234 XXX
Mauke68235 XXX
Mitiaro68236 XXX
Palmerston68237 XXX
Pukapuka68241 XXX
Penrhyn68242 XXX
Manihiki68243 XXX
Rakahanga68244 XXX
Nassau68245 XXX
mobile68250 XXX
mobile68251 XXX
mobile68252 XXX
mobile68253 XXX
mobile68254 XXX
mobile68255 XXX
mobile68256 XXX
mobile68257 XXX
mobile68258 XXX
Voicemail and service number only68259 XXX
mobile6827X XXX
mobile6828X XXX

See also


  1. "Cook Islands".

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