Men's doubles
1936 Wimbledon Championships
ChampionsUnited Kingdom Pat Hughes
United Kingdom Raymond Tuckey
Runners-upUnited Kingdom Charles Hare
United Kingdom Frank Wilde
Score6–4, 3–6, 7–9, 6–1, 6–4
Draw64 (5 Q )

Jack Crawford and Adrian Quist were the defending champions, but lost in the third round to Jean Borotra and Jacques Brugnon.

Pat Hughes and Raymond Tuckey defeated Charles Hare and Frank Wilde in the final, 6–4, 3–6, 7–9, 6–1, 6–4 to win the gentlemen's doubles tennis title at the 1936 Wimbledon Championship.[1][2]


01.   Australia Jack Crawford / Australia Adrian Quist (third round)
02.   United States Wilmer Allison / United States John Van Ryn (semifinals)
03.   United States Don Budge / United States Gene Mako (third round)
04.   United Kingdom Pat Hughes / United Kingdom Raymond Tuckey (champions)

Click on the seed number of a player to go to their draw section.




Quarterfinals Semifinals Final
France Jean Borotra
France Jacques Brugnon
6 6 5 6
United States Merrimon Cuninggim
Japan Eikishi Ito
2 5 7 2
France Jean Borotra
France Jacques Brugnon
1 6 1 4
United Kingdom Charles Hare
United Kingdom Frank Wilde
6 4 6 6
United Kingdom Jimmy Jones
United Kingdom Ronnie Shayes
2 2 5
United Kingdom Charles Hare
United Kingdom Frank Wilde
6 6 7
United Kingdom Charles Hare
United Kingdom Frank Wilde
4 6 9 1 4
4 United Kingdom Pat Hughes
United Kingdom Raymond Tuckey
6 3 7 6 6
New Zealand Cam Malfroy
New Zealand Alan Stedman
1 1 6 0
4 United Kingdom Pat Hughes
United Kingdom Raymond Tuckey
6 6 3 6
4 United Kingdom Pat Hughes
United Kingdom Raymond Tuckey
7 6 3 11
2 United States Wilmer Allison
United States John Van Ryn
5 4 6 9
Australia Vivian McGrath
Australia Clifford Sproule
4 3 4
2 United States Wilmer Allison
United States John Van Ryn
6 6 6

Top half

Section 1

First round Second round Third round Quarterfinals
1 Australia Jack Crawford
Australia Adrian Quist
6 6 7
Czechoslovakia Josef Caska
Czechoslovakia Ladislav Hecht
3 3 5 1 Australia J Crawford
Australia A Quist
6 6 6
Republic of China (1912–1949) Kho Sin-Kie
Republic of China (1912–1949) Lum Pao-Hua
6 6 6 Republic of China (1912–1949) S-K Kho
Republic of China (1912–1949) P-H Lum
1 2 4
United Kingdom George Godsell
Republic of Ireland Henry Purcell
3 4 0 1 Australia J Crawford
Australia A Quist
6 5 6 7 2
United Kingdom Charles Kingsley
United Kingdom Jack Lysaght
2 2 6 4 France J Borotra
France J Brugnon
3 7 2 9 6
Switzerland Hector Fisher
Kingdom of Yugoslavia Franjo Kukuljević
6 6 2 6 Switzerland H Fisher
Kingdom of Yugoslavia F Kukuljević
2 5 13
France Jean Borotra
France Jacques Brugnon
6 6 6 France J Borotra
France J Brugnon
6 7 15
Q United Kingdom Claude Lister
United Kingdom Norman Taylor
3 2 2 France J Borotra
France J Brugnon
6 6 5 6
United Kingdom Guy Cooper
United Kingdom Bob Tinkler
6 6 6 United States M Cuninggim
Japan E Ito
2 5 7 2
United States Bill Breese
AW Patterson
2 1 3 United Kingdom G Cooper
United Kingdom R Tinkler
6 6 6 6
United States David Jones
Germany Daniel Prenn
6 6 6 United States D Jones
Germany D Prenn
8 4 3 4
United Kingdom Dennis Cook
United Kingdom Eric Filby
4 2 2 United Kingdom G Cooper
United Kingdom R Tinkler
4 6 3 6 4
United Kingdom Jimmy Hunt
United Kingdom Colin Ritchie
4 4 2 United States M Cuninggim
Japan E Ito
6 4 6 0 6
United Kingdom Ian Collins
United States Hal Surface
6 6 6 United Kingdom I Collins
United States H Surface
6 2 6 3 4
United States Merrimon Cuninggim
Japan Eikishi Ito
6 6 6 United States M Cuninggim
Japan E Ito
4 6 4 6 6
Belgium Léopold de Borman
Belgium Jack Van den Eynde
1 3 4

The nationality of AW Patterson is unknown.

Section 2

First round Second round Third round Quarterfinals
3 United States Don Budge
United States Gene Mako
6 13 6
France Christian Boussus
France Bernard Destremau
3 11 4 3 United States D Budge
United States G Mako
6 8 7
United Kingdom Donald MacPhail
United Kingdom Pat Sherwood
6 6 6 United Kingdom D MacPhail
United Kingdom P Sherwood
4 6 5
Q United Kingdom Gerald King
United Kingdom Bill Latham
2 0 2 3 United States D Budge
United States G Mako
Germany Heinrich Kleinschroth
United Kingdom Nigel Sharpe
2 0 2 United Kingdom C Jones
United Kingdom R Shayes
United Kingdom Jimmy Jones
United Kingdom Ronnie Shayes
6 6 6 United Kingdom C Jones
United Kingdom R Shayes
Argentina Lucilo del Castillo
Argentina Adriano Zappa
6 6 6 Argentina L del Castillo
Argentina A Zappa
Q United Kingdom Jack Antrobus
United Kingdom Stanley Stewart
3 4 4 United Kingdom C Jones
United Kingdom R Shayes
2 2 5
Netherlands Josef Knottenbelt
Netherlands Hendrik Timmer
4 6 7 United Kingdom C Hare
United Kingdom F Wilde
6 6 7
United Kingdom Henry Billington
United Kingdom Bobby Meredith
6 8 9 United Kingdom H Billington
United Kingdom G Meredith
4 2 3
United Kingdom Eric Attewell
United Kingdom Jack Harrison
5 4 3 United Kingdom C Hare
United Kingdom F Wilde
6 6 6
United Kingdom Charles Hare
United Kingdom Frank Wilde
7 6 6 United Kingdom C Hare
United Kingdom F Wilde
6 7 6
Germany Kay Lund
Spain Enrique Maier
6 6 4 6 Germany K Lund
Spain E Maier
4 5 4
United Kingdom John Leader
Republic of Ireland George McVeagh
1 3 6 3 Germany K Lund
Spain E Maier
7 4 6 6
New Zealand Buster Andrews
United Kingdom Eric Peters
3 2 6 2 Austria A Baworowski
Austria G von Metaxa
5 6 3 4
Austria Adam Baworowski
Austria Georg von Metaxa
6 6 4 6

Bottom half

Section 3

First round Second round Third round Quarterfinals
United Kingdom Kenneth Gandar-Dower
United Kingdom Laddie Wheatcroft
6 6 6
Republic of China (1912–1949) Choy Wai-Chuen
Republic of China (1912–1949) Ho Jin
4 3 3 United Kingdom K Gandar-Dower
United Kingdom I Wheatcroft
6 6 12
United Kingdom Murray Deloford
United Kingdom Richard Turnbull
11 6 8 3 6 United Kingdom M Deloford
United Kingdom R Turnbull
0 1 10
United Kingdom Wilfred Freeman
United Kingdom Harvey Hillier
9 8 6 6 3 United Kingdom K Gandar-Dower
United Kingdom I Wheatcroft
1 4 3
United Kingdom Don Butler
United Kingdom Dickie Ritchie
6 6 6 New Zealand C Malfroy
New Zealand A Stedman
6 6 6
Canada Robert Murray
Canada Laird Watt
2 0 1 United Kingdom D Butler
United Kingdom R Ritchie
7 1 5 4
United Kingdom Ted Avory
United Kingdom Harry Lee
3 5 2 New Zealand C Malfroy
New Zealand A Stedman
5 6 7 6
New Zealand Cam Malfroy
New Zealand Alan Stedman
6 7 6 New Zealand C Malfroy
New Zealand A Stedman
1 1 6 0
Q United Kingdom Cliff Hovell
United Kingdom John Wright
1 2 3 4 United Kingdom P Hughes
United Kingdom R Tuckey
6 6 3 6
United States Bryan Grant
United States Gerry Stratford
6 6 6 United States B Grant
United States G Stratford
4 6 6 5 9
Netherlands Tod Hughan
Netherlands Hans van Swol
6 6 6 Netherlands T Hughan
Netherlands A van Swol
6 4 3 7 7
United States Bill Robertson
Czechoslovakia Josef Šíba
4 1 1 United States B Grant
United States G Stratford
5 8 2 5
Greece Georgios Nikolaides
Greece Lazaros Stalios
4 United Kingdom P Hughes
United Kingdom R Tuckey
7 6 6 7
France Antoine Gentien
France Pierre Henri Landry
w/o Greece G Nikolaides
Greece L Stalios
2 1 3
Norway Johan Haanes
Norway Fritz Jenssen
4 2 0 4 United Kingdom P Hughes
United Kingdom R Tuckey
6 6 6
4 United Kingdom Pat Hughes
United Kingdom Raymond Tuckey
6 6 6

Section 4

First round Second round Third round Quarterfinals
United Kingdom Freddie Della Porta
United Kingdom Leslie Walter
6 2 4 4
Switzerland Charles Aeschlimann
Switzerland Max Ellmer
3 6 6 6 Switzerland C Aeschlimann
Switzerland M Ellmer
2 6 3 1
United Kingdom John Olliff
South Africa Pat Spence
3 7 2 6 2 Australia V McGrath
Australia C Sproule
6 4 6 6
Australia Vivian McGrath
Australia Cliff Sproule
6 5 6 1 6 Australia V McGrath
Australia C Sproule
6 8 4 1 7
France Jean Lesueur
France André Martin-Legeay
7 6 6 6 France J Lesueur
France A Martin-Legeay
4 6 6 6 5
United Kingdom Jock Findlay
United Kingdom Jimmy Reddall
9 3 1 3 France J Lesueur
France A Martin-Legeay
6 3 6 4 6
United Kingdom Edmund David
United Kingdom Herman David
4 7 6 3 6 United Kingdom E David
United Kingdom H David
4 6 4 6 2
Switzerland Boris Maneff
Denmark Helge Plougmann
6 5 2 6 4 Australia V McGrath
Australia C Sproule
4 3 4
United Kingdom John Anderson
United Kingdom John Collins
0 4 2 2 United States W Allison
United States J Van Ryn
6 6 6
Germany Gottfried von Cramm
Germany Henner Henkel
6 6 6 Germany G von Cramm
Germany H Henkel
6 6 7
Poland Józef Hebda
France Jacques Jamain
3 6 4 4 United Kingdom S Clark
United Kingdom N Manby
0 2 5
United Kingdom Stan Clark
United Kingdom Bill Manby
6 2 6 6 Germany G von Cramm
Germany H Henkel
6 8 4 6 5r
Q United Kingdom Ralph Nichols
United Kingdom David Williams
0 4 1 2 United States W Allison
United States J Van Ryn
4 10 6 3 4
France Pierre Pellizza
France Yvon Petra
6 6 6 France P Pellizza
France Y Petra
1 5 3
Hungary Emil Gábori
Austria Richard von Planner
2 3 2 2 United States W Allison
United States J Van Ryn
6 7 6
2 United States Wilmer Allison
United States John Van Ryn
6 6 6


  1. 100 Years of Wimbledon by Lance Tingay, Guinness Superlatives Ltd. 1977
  2. Barrett, John (2014). Wimbledon: The Official History (4th ed.). Vision Sports Publishing. ISBN 9-781909-534230.
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