The 2015 Women's World Draughts Championship at the international draughts was held May 11–24, 2015 in Wuhan, China International Draughts Federation FMJD. Sixteen female players in total will be competing in the tournament. The tournament started on May 11, 2015, and will end on May 24, 2015. It will be played as a round-robin, with 15 rounds in total, each of which be micro-match from two games. The winning prize for the tournament is 20,000 euros.

Natalia Sadowska (Poland) won the right to become a candidate in the match for the title Women's World Draughts Champions with Zoja Golubeva (Latvia).


The sixteen participants are nominated according to a schema and rules accepted by the FMJD General Assembly:

1GMIF, MIZoja Golubeva LatviaWorld Champion
2GMIF, MITamara Tansykkuzhina RussiaChallenger
3You Zhang ChinaOrganisation place
4MIFHanqing Zhao ChinaSponsors place
5Enkhtuul Dondov MongoliaFMJD Wild Card
6MIFAlatenghua ChinaAsian Champion
7Odgerel Molomjamts MongoliaAsian Championship #2
8MIFLaima Adlytė LithuaniaInstead of Africa Champion
9MFFMarika Azojan EstoniaInstead of America Champion
10GMIF, MFOlga Baltazhy UkraineEurope #1
11GMIFViktoriya Motrichko UkraineEurope #2
12MIFNika Leopoldova RussiaEurope #3
13MIFAigul Idrisova RussiaEurope #4
14GMIF, MFOlga Fedorovich BelarusEurope #5
15MIF, MFNatalia Sadowska PolandEurope #6
16GMIFOlga Kamyshleeva NetherlandsRating on January 1, 2015

Reserve players

1GMIFMatrena Nogovitsyna Russia
2GMIFDarya Tkachenko Ukraine
3MIFVitalia Doumesh Netherlands
4MIFDarja Fedorovich Belarus
5MIFHeike Verheul Netherlands
6MIFOlesia Abdoullina Latvia
7MFFArleta Flisikowska Poland
8GMIFErdenetsogt Mandakhnaran Mongolia

Rules and regulations

The games will be played in the official FMJD time rate of the Fischer system with 1 hour and 20 minutes for the game plus 1 minute per move.[1] Conforming to the FMJD regulations players are not allowed to agree on a draw before they both made 40 moves. If they do so nevertheless, the referee is obliged to decide on a 0-point each players.

The final classification will be based on the total points obtained. If two or more players will have same total points to define the places:

1. the largest number of victories

2. the best results between this players

3. the best results obtained in order of the classification.


Place Name Country Title Rating 12345678910111213141516Pointswin.drawlossCoeff.
1Zoja Golubeva LatviaGMIF226211112102111222220681268
2Natalia Sadowska PolandMIF217910112211112221220681274
3Olga Kamyshleeva NetherlandsGMIF2251121111121121122205100281
4Olga Fedorovich BelarusGMIF219011111012222021219672265
5Tamara Tansykkuzhina RussiaGMIF225711111111221222019591270
6Aygul Idrisova RussiaMIF219900111111202222218663228
7Hanqing Zhao ChinaMIF205810121122021211118582262
8Nika Leopoldova RussiaMIF2169211111011111122173111238
9Yulia Makarenkova UkraineMIF212701001101121212215474185
10Olga Baltazhy UkraineGMIF216511100021111121215393202
11Laima Adlyte LithuaniaMIF208711100201012211114384196
12Alatenghua ChinaMIF2041 10001011110122213375158
13You Zhang China185000120001010112110267132
14Odgerel Molomjamts Mongolia19740010001110101129177113
15Marika Azojan EstoniaMFF19980101001001100117078101
16Enkhtuul Dondov Mongolia19560000201000101016141087

See also


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