Aluminium–manganese alloys (AlMn alloys) are aluminium alloys that contain manganese (Mn) as the main alloying element. They consist mainly of aluminium (Al); in addition to manganese, which accounts for the largest proportion of about 1% of the alloying elements, but they may also contain small amounts of iron (Fe), silicon (Si), magnesium (Mg), or copper (Cu). AlMn is almost only used as a wrought alloy and is processed into sheets or profiles by rolling or extrusion presses. These alloys are corrosion-resistant, have low strengths for aluminium alloys, and are not hardenable (by heat treatment). They are standard in the 3000 series.


Aluminium–manganese alloys are used in applications with low strength requirements and also in chemical and food-related environments due to their corrosion resistance. AlMn is therefore used more commonly as a functional material than a construction material.

AlMn is processed into beverage cans and is generally referred to as the packaging material used. It is used for apparatus and pipes in the chemical industry, for roof cladding, wall coverings, pressure vessels, roller shutters, roller doors, and heat exchangers.[1]

Influences of the alloy elements

Manganese combines with aluminium to form intermetallic phases—phases which contain a different crystallographic structure than either manganese or alumunium by itself. Compared to conventional alloys, the increased metallic bonding within the intermetallic phase of AlMn increases its strength and chemical resistance. Each percent of manganese increases its strength by about 42 MPa. Iron and silicon are usually unwanted accompanying elements that cannot be completely removed. Magnesium and copper are more effective in enhancing strength, providing an increase of 70–85 MPa per % of Mg when added to the alloy.[2]


Binary aluminium manganese phases

Aluminium and manganese are partially miscible in the solid state, meaning they can mix to some extent in the solid phase. However, their complete solubility in each other is limited, and they tend to form various intermetallic phases. The eutectic, between aluminium and Al6Mn is 1.3% manganese and 660 °C, while pure aluminium melts at 660.2 °C. Values of 1.8% and 657 °C or 658 °C can also be found in older literature.

Above 710 °C, Al4Mn is formed with a manganese content of at least 4%. However, such high levels are not typically used. Below 510 or 511 °C, Al12Mn forms.

The solubility of manganese in the Mn-Al solid solution falls rapidly with decreasing temperature and is close to zero at room temperature.

Phases in AlMn materials with other elements

Some of the AlMn materials also contain iron (Fe) or silicon (Si) additives. These form the phases Al3Fe, Al8Fe2Si, Al5FeSi, Al15Si2(Mn,Fe)3. Mixed crystals also occur in the form of Al12(Mn, Fe)3Si.

  • Aluminium and Al15Si2(Mn,Fe)3 are formed from the melt, Al3Fe and Al6(Mn,Fe) at 648 °C.
  • At temperatures below 630 °C, aluminium, Al15Si2(Mn,Fe)3 and Al8Fe2Si are formed from the melt, Al3Fe.
  • Aluminium, Al5FeSi and Al15Si2(Mn,Fe)3 are formed from the melt and Al8Fe2Si at around 600 °C.
  • Aluminium, silicon and Al15Si2(Mn,Fe)3 are formed from the melt and Al5FeSi at around 565 °C.


The structure resulting from casting into bars or slabs consists of the main mass, which is an oversaturated mixed crystal, along with areas containing manganese-containing phases that have an average size of about 100 μm. A significant portion of the manganese (approximately 0.7 to 0.9%) remains dissolved in aluminium because the cooling rates after casting are too rapid for all the manganese to undergo diffusion and precipitate. This is further exacerbated by the very low diffusion speed of manganese in aluminium.

Through processes such as homogenization and forming (rolling, forging), the structure of the material undergoes changes. During this transformation, various phases that were previously present within the basic aluminium crystal structure, each having a size of less than one micron, are eliminated. These particles contribute to an approximately 25% increase in strength compared to pure aluminium. They exhibit thermal stability and are challenging to dissolve.

In the formed and homogenized state, the material exhibits a very fine structure, and the larger manganese-containing areas observed in the initial casting state are no longer present. These finely dispersed particles also impede grain growth, further enhancing the material's strength. However, it's important to note that this improvement is relatively modest, as the influence of grain size on the strength of aluminium materials is generally limited.

The presence of silicon accelerates the excretion of Al12(Mn, Fe)3Si.[3] If there is enough silicon, the Al6(Mn,Fe) is converted to Al12(Mn,Fe)3Si during homogenization.

Properties and standardised alloys

Composition[4] code Condition yieldpoint (MPa) tensilestrength (MPa) elongation at


AlMn1Cu 3003 O ( soft annealed) HX2

( work hardened, 1/4 hard)







AlMn1 3103 Oh








3000 series

3000 series are alloyed with manganese and can be work hardened.

3000 series aluminium alloy nominal composition (% weight) and applications
Alloy Al contents Alloying elements Uses and refs
3003 98.6 Mn 1.5; Cu 0.12 Universal, sheet, rigid foil containers, signs, decorative
3004 97.8 Mn 1.2; Mg 1 Universal, beverage cans[5]
3005 98.5 Mn 1.0; Mg 0.5 Work-hardened
3102 99.8 Mn 0.2 Work-hardened[6]
3103&3303 98.8 Mn 1.2 Work-hardened
3105 97.8 Mn 0.55; Mg 0.5 Sheet
3203 98.8 Mn 1.2 Sheet, high-strength foil


  1. Ostermann, S. 100.
  2. Totten, MacKenzie, S. 160.
  3. Totten, MacKenzie, S. 160.
  4. Ostermann, Anhang
  5. Kaufman, John Gilbert (2000). "Applications for Aluminium Alloys and Tempers". Introduction to aluminum alloys and tempers. ASM International. pp. 93–94. ISBN 978-0-87170-689-8.
  6. 3102 (AlMn0.2, A93102) Aluminum Archived 31 March 2017 at the Wayback Machine

Further reading

  • Friedrich Ostermann: Application technology aluminium. 3. Edition. Springer, 2014, ISBN 978-3-662-43806-0, p. 100-102.
  • Aluminium paperback. Volume 1: Fundamentals and materials. 16. Edition. Beuth-Verlag, Berlin/ Vienna/ Zurich 2002, ISBN 3-87017-274-6, p. 104 f, 122.
  • George E. Totten, D. Scott MacKenzie: Handbook of Aluminum. Volume 1: Physical Metallurgy and Processes. Marcel Dekker, New York/ Basel 2003, ISBN 0-8247-0494-0, p. 159f.
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