In biology, the BBCH-scale for coffee describes the phenological development of bean plants using the BBCH-scale.

The phenological growth stages and BBCH-identification keys of coffee plants are:

Growth stageCodeDescription
0: Germination, vegetative propagation 00Dry seed (11–12% moisture content), beige color if parchment present or bluish-green if parchment and silver skin removed.
Cutting (orthotropic, mononodal, 60 mm long, two half trimmed leaves).
Stump with bulky nodes and no buds visible
01Beginning of seed imbibition, bean swollen, whitish, no radicle visible.
Cutting planted in rooting media, no shoots visible, no callus visible
02Seed imbibition complete, bean whitish, small swelling visible at one end of bean where the embryo is located.
Callus formation begins on cuttings.
Bud burst start on stumps
05Seed radicle protrusion and hooking.
Shoot and root formation on the cuttings.
Green, rounded buds visible on the stumps
06Elongation of radicle, formation of root hairs and lateral roots on seeds and cuttings.
07Hypocotyl with cotyledons breaking through the seed coat.
Cuttings have formed shoots and branched roots.
09Emergence: Seeds have emerged from soil and show the hypocotile with cotyledons still enclosed in the parchment.
The cuttings present roots 6–7 cm. long and shoots with 1–2 nodes.
Stumps show sprouts with first leaf initials.
1: Leaf development on main shoot of the young plant, and branches of the coffee tree 10Cotyledons completely unfolded. First pair of true leaves separating on shoot or first pair of true leaves separating on branch of the coffee tree
11first leaf pair unfolded, not yet at full size. Leaves are light green or bronze
122 leaf pairs unfolded, not yet at full size. Leaves are light green or bronze
133 leaf pairs unfolded, not yet full size. The third leaf pair from apex is dark green
144 leaf pairs unfolded. The fourth leaf pair from apex is dark green and has reached full size
1.Stages continues till...
199 or more leaf pairs unfolded
2: Formation of branches (only for plants in the field) 20First pair of primary branches are visible
2110 pair of primary branches visible
2220 pair of primary branches visible
2330 pair of primary branches visible
2.Stages continues till...
2990 or more pairs of primary branches visible
3: Branch elongation 3110 nodes present in the branch(es)
3220 nodes present in the branch(es)
3.Stages continues till...
3990 or more nodes present in the branch(es)
5: Inflorescence emergence 51Inflorescence buds swelling in leaf axils
53Inflorescence buds burst and covered by brown mucilage; no flowers visible
57Flowers visible, still closed and tightly join, borne on multiflowered inflorescence (3–4 flowers per inflorescence)
58Flowers visible, untight, still closed, petals 4–6 mm long and green (dormant stage)
59Flowers with petals elongated ( 6–10 mm long), still closed and white color.
6: Flowering 60First flowers open
6110% of flowers open
6330% of flowers open
6550% of flowers open
6770% of flowers open
6990% of flowers open
7: Development of fruit 70Fruits visible as small yellowish berries
71Fruit set: Beginning of berry growth. Fruits have reached 10% of final size (pinheads).
73Fruits are light green and contents are liquid and crystalline.

Fruits have reached 30% of final size (fast growth).

75Fruits are light green and its contents are liquid and crystalline.

Fruits have reached 50% of final size.

77Fruits are dark green and its contents are solid and white.

Fruits have reached 70% of final size.

79Fruits are pale green and its contents are solid and white. Physiological maturity is complete.

Fruits have reached 90% of final size.

8: Ripening of fruit and seed 81Beginning of change of fruit coloration from pale green to yellow or red
85Increase in intensity (variety-specific), yellow or red, fruit color; fruit not yet ready for picking.
88Fruit is fully ripe color and ready for picking.
89Overripe; beginning of darkening or drying; fruits stay on the tree or abscission begins.
9: Senescence 90Shoots have completed their development; the plant appears of an intense dark green color, leaves are of normal size and harvest locates at the bottom part of the plant.
93Older leaves change its color from deep green to yellow with red spots, and fall specially at harvesting time.
94The foliage changes to a pale green color. Defoliation is observed on the bottom part of the main stem and lower branches.
97The production zone has moved towards the upper parts in the main shoot and outer parts of branches, leaves are of smaller size than normal, strong defoliation is observed on the bottom and inner part of the plant, some dead branches are observed at the bottom.
98The production zone is limited to a very few branches on the top of the shoot and a very few nodes on the tip of these branches, and the plant is heavily defoliated. A high-degree of senescence has been reached. 90% or more of the harvest completed.
99Post harvest or storage treatments


  • Arcila-pulgarin, J.; L. Buhr; H. Bleiholder; H. Hack; U. Meier; H. Wicke. "Application of the "Extended BBCH – Scale" for the description of the growth stages of coffee (Coffea sp)". Ann. Appl. Biol. in press.
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