This article lists plants referenced in the Bible, ordered alphabetically by English common/colloquial name. For plants whose identities are unconfirmed or debated the most probable species is listed first. Plants named in the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible or Tenakh) are given with their Hebrew name, while those mentioned in the New Testament are given with their Greek names.


Name in Bible Plant name Scientific name References
סנה səneh Abraham's Bush or
Vitex agnus-castus, Rubus sanctus or Loranthus acaciae Exodus 3:2
שטה šiṭṭāh Acacia, Spirale Acacia raddiana Exodus 25:10
אלמגים ’almuggîm Almug tree; traditionally thought to denominate Red Sandalwood and/or
White Sandalwood, but a few claim it is Juniper
Pterocarpus santalinus
Santalum album
Juniperus excelsa
2 Chronicles 2:8; 9:10, 11; 1 Kings 10:11, 12
שקד šāqêḏ Almond Amygdalus communis Genesis 43:11
אהלים ’ăhālîm Agarwood ("Aloe") Aquilaria malaccensis Proverbs 7:17
κρίνον, krinon Anemone Anemone coronaria Matthew 6:28
ἄνηθον, anēthon Anise or Dill Pimpinella anisum, Anethum graveolens Matthew 23:23
תפוחי tappūaḥ Apple[lower-alpha 1] or citron Malus domestica or Citrus medica Genesis 2:7; Job 31:39; Jeremiah 15:9


Name in Bible Plant name Scientific name References
בשם bōśem, בכא bəḵā’îm Balsam Commiphora gileadensis[1] Exodus, Songs
שערה śə‘ōrāh Barley Hordeum vulgare Numbers 5:15; Ezekiel 4:9
אזרח bā’ezrāḥ Bay Laurus nobilis Psalm 37:35
בדלח bəḏōlaḥ Bdellium Commiphora africana Genesis 2:12; Numbers 11:7
פול p̄ōl Bean Vicia faba Ezekiel 4:9
תאשור ṯə’aššūr Box Buxus sempervirens Isaiah 41:19
צנ tsin Boxthorn Lycium europaeum Proverbs 22:5
אטד ’āṭāḏ Bramble Rubus ulmifolius Judges 9:15
רתם rōṯem Broom Calycotome villosa, Retama raetam or Spartium junceum Psalm 120:4, 1 Kings 19:4
גמא gōme Bulrush or
Typha spp.
Cyperus papyrus
Exodus 2:3, Job 40:21 (ABP and NETS)
אביונה ’ăḇîyōnāh Caper, Desire Capparis spinosa Ecclesiastes 12:5
κεράτιον, keration Carob and Locust Ceratonia siliqua Luke 15:16, Matthew 3:1
קדה qiddāh Cassia Cinnamomum iners Exodus 30:24, Psalm 45:8, Job 42:14
קיקיון qîqōnāh Castor Oil Tree ("Jonah's gourd") Ricinus communis Jonah 4:9
ארז ’ārez Cedar of Lebanon Cedrus libani 1 Kings 5:10, 2 Kings 19:23
קנמון qinnāmōn Cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum Proverbs 7:17
באשה ḇā’əšāh Cockle or Stinkweed Agrostemma githago Job 31:40
גד gad Coriander Coriandrum sativum Exodus 16:31
כרפס karpas Cotton Gossypium herbaceum Esther 1:6
חבצלת ḥăḇatseleṯ Crocus Crocus sativus Song of Solomon 2:1, Isaiah 35:1
קשא qiššu’a Cucumber Cucumis melo Numbers 11:5
כמן kammōn; κύμινον, kuminon Cumin Cuminum cyminum Isaiah 28:27
קצח qetsaḥ Cumin, Black Nigella sativa Isaiah 44:14
תרזה tirzāh Cypress Cupressus sempervirens Isaiah 44:14
ברוש bərōš Cypress or fir Cupressus sempervirens Isaiah 44:14
תמר tāmār
φοίνιξ, phoinix
Date Palm Phoenix dactylifera Song of Solomon 5:11; 7:7, 8, John 12:13
דביונים diḇyōnîm Dove's Dung Ornithogalum narbonense 2 Kings 6:25
תדהר tiḏhār Elm Ulmus minor subsp. canescens Song of Solomon 5:11; 7:7, 8, John 12:13


Name in Bible Plant name Scientific name References
תאנ ṯə’ênāh Fig Ficus carica Joel 1:7
ארן ’ōren Fir Abies cilicica 1 Kings etc.
פשתה pešeth Flax Linum usitatissimum Proverbs 31:13
פרח peraḥ Flowers, unidentified 1 Kings 7:26
לבונה ləḇōnāh Frankincense Boswellia thurifera Matthew 2:10, 11
שום šūm Garlic Allium sativum Numbers 11:5
ענב ‘ănāḇ Grape Vitis vinifera Genesis 40:10 etc.
חציר ḥătsîr Grass Numbers 11:5
כמשכת חדק kimśuḵaṯ ḥāḏeq Hedge of Thorns Solanum incanum Proverbs 15:19[2]
ראש rōš Hemlock or gall Conium maculatum, Papaver somniferum Amos 6:12
כפר kōp̄er Henna Lawsonia inermis Song of Solomon 1:14
אזוב ’êzōḇ
ὕσσωπος, hysōpos
Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis Leviticus 14:52
קטרת qaṭṭərāh Incense Boswellia sacra Hosea 4:13
שושנ šōšannāh Iris (then denominated "Lily") Iris palaestina 1 Kings 7:22


Name in Bible Plant name Scientific name References
n/a Judas Tree Cercis siliquastrum Matthew 27:5
ערוער ‘ărō‘êr Juniper Juniperus excelsa Jeremiah 17:6, 48:6
ἄκανθα, akantha Jujube Ziziphus spina-christi Matthew 27:29
חציר ḥātsîr Leek Allium porrum Numbers 11:5
עדש ‘ăḏāša Lentil Lens esculenta 2 Samuel 17:28; Ezekiel 4:9
שושנת העמקים šōwōšannaṯ hā-‘ămāqîm Lily-of-the-valley Convallaria majalis Song of Solomon 2:1
שש šêš Linen Linum usitatissimum Exodus 35:25
צאל tse’ĕlîm Lotus Nelumbo nucifera Job 40:21–22
מלוח mallūaḥ Mallow Atriplex halimus Job 30:4
מלוח ḏūḏā’î Mandrake Mandragora autumnalis Genesis 30:15
מן man Manna Alhagi camelorum Numbers 11:7
ἡδύοσμον, hēduosmon Mint Mentha spp. Matthew 23:23
σίναπι, sinapi Mustard Brassica nigra Matthew 13:31
לט lōṭ Myrrh Commiphora guidotti Genesis 37:25, 43:11
הדס hăḏas Myrtle Myrtus communis Isaiah 55:13


Name in Bible Plant name Scientific name References
סרפד sirpaḏ Nettle Acanthus spinosus Isaiah 55:13
בטנ beten Pistachio Pistacia vera Song of Solomon 6:11
אלונ ’allōn Oak Quercus calliprinos Joshua 24:26
זית zāyiṯ Olive Olea europaea Judges 9:9
בצל bətsāl Onion Allium cepa Numbers 11:5
ערמון ‘armōn Plane Platanus orientalis Ezekiel 31:8, Genesis 30:37
רמונ rimmōn Pomegranate Punica granatum Song of Solomon 7:12
לבנה liḇneh Poplar species Populus spp. Isaiah 44:4
חלמות ḥallāmūṯ Purslane Portulaca oleracea Job 6:6
אבה ’êḇeh Reed (see also Cane) Phragmites Ezekiel 40:vv., Job 40:21
πήγανον, pēganon Rue Ruta graveolens Luke 11:42
אגמון ’aḡmōn Rush Juncus spp. Isaiah 9:14


Name in Bible Plant name Scientific name References
כרכם karkōmn Saffron Crocus sativus Song of Solomon 4:14[lower-alpha 2]
כסמת kussemeṯ Spelt Triticum spelta Isaiah 28:25; Ezekiel 4:9
נרד nêrəd Spikenard Nardostachys jatamansi Song of Solomon 4:14
נטפ nāṭāf Stacte or Storax Styrax officinalis, Liquidambar orientalis Exodus 30:34
συκάμινος, sykaminos Sycamine Fig-mulberry or Mulberry Ficus sycomorus, Morus nigra or Morus alba Luke 17:6


Name in Bible Plant name Scientific name References
אשל ’ešel Tamarisk Tamarix aphylla Genesis 21:33
ζιζάνιον, zizanion "Tares", Darnel[3][4] Lolium temulentum Matthew 13:25–40
אלה ’êlāh Terebinth Pistacia terebinthus 2 Samuel 18:9
חוח ḥōwaḥ Thistle Cardueae Job 31:40, 2 Chronicles 25:18
קוצ qōts Thorn, thornbush Vachellia tortilis or similar Jeremiah 4:3
θύϊνος, thyinos Thyine Wood Tetraclinis articulata Revelation 18:12
עצ ‘êts Timber 2 Kings 12:12
השרון שושנת hă-ḇatseleṯ ha-Šārōn Tulip Sharon Tulipa agenensis Song of Solomon 2:1
אגוז ’ĕḡōz Walnut Juglans regia Song of Solomon 6:11,[5] Genesis 43:11
אבטיח ’ăḇaṭṭiḥ Watermelon Citrullus lanatus Numbers 11:5
חטה ḥiṭṭāh
חנטא ḥinṭa’
Wheat Triticum aestivum Ezra 7:22; Ezekiel 4:9
ערב ‘ărāḇ Willow Salix alba Job 40:22
ἄψινθος, apsinthos
לענה la‘ănāh
Wormwood Artemisia absinthium Revelation 8:11


  1. To change a "p" to "f" in Hebrew a dot is changed; the word indicates that which is distinguished by its fragrance; it derives from the root "na·phach?" denoting "blow, pant, struggle for breath" (see Genesis 2:7; Job 31:39; Jeremiah 15:9); regarding this, M. C. Fisher wrote that "relationship [to na·phach?] seems at first semantically strained, but the ideas of 'breathe' and 'exhale an odor' are related. The by-form puah means both 'blow' (of wind) and 'exhale a pleasant odor, be fragrant.'" (see Proverbs 25:11)
  2. referenced as the plant or the product consisting of its stigmas?


  1. Amar, Zohar; Iluz, David. "Balsam: the most expensive perfume plant in the ancient world". In Ferziger, A. S. (ed.). The Paths of Daniel: Studies in Judaism and Jewish Culture in Honor of Rabbi Professor Daniel Sperber. Bar-Ilan University press. pp. 15–27. Quote: "Botanical synonyms: Amyris gileadensis L., Amyris opoBalsamum L., Balsamodendrum ehrenbergianum O. Berg, Balsamodendrum gileadense Kunth, Balsamodendrum opobalsamum Kunth, Commiphora opobalsamum (L.) Engl."
  2. Zohar Amar, Flora of the Bible: A New Investigation Aimed at Identifying All of the Plants of the Bible in Light of Jewish Sources and Scientific Research, Jerusalem, 2012, p. 220 (s. v. חדק)
  3. H. G. Liddell and R. Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1843–1996, under "ζιζάνια". The plural form "Zizania" has modernly denominated in botany wild rice.
  4. Thayer's Lexicon: ζιζάνια
    • Longman, Tremper (2001). Songs of Songs. The New International Commentary on the Old Testament. Vol. 26. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. p. 184. ISBN 9780802825438.


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