Black bream may refer to one of several fish species:

  • Black drummer, Girella elevata
  • Black seabream, Spondyliosoma cantharus, a silvery fish found in northern Europe and the Mediterranean
  • Galjoen, Dichistius capensis, the national fish of South Africa
  • Macquarie perch, Macquaria australasica, an Australian native freshwater fish of the Murray-Darling river system
  • Parore, Girella tricuspidata, a sea chub of the family Kyphosidae
  • Sooty grunter, Hephaestus fuliginosus, found in rivers of Queensland and Northern Territory
  • Southern black bream, Acanthopagrus butcheri of the family Sparidae, endemic to Australia
  • Surf bream, Acanthopagrus australis of the family Sparidae, found off eastern Australia
  • Japanese black porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegelii of the family Sparidae

See also

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