The greater Brisbane area of Queensland Australia, has many species of indigenous flora. This article links the flora to its geography with:
- a list of indigenous genera and species with common names and reference links
- a list of places you might see the plants around Brisbane, in parks and in the wild
- reference resources
The list is organised in alphabetic order by genera; then species scientific name and common names; then external links documenting that species.

Wikispecies has information related to acacia.
- Acacia, wattles
- Acacia fimbriata, Brisbane golden wattle[1][2]
- Acacia leiocalyx, black wattle[3]
- Acmena, lillypilly
- Acmena smithii, lillypilly[4]
- Acronychia, aspens
- Acronychia laevis, glossy acronychia
- Acronychia pauciflora, soft acronychia
- Adiantum
- Adiantum aethiopicum, common maidenhair fern
- Adiantum hispidulum, rough maidenhair fern
- Ailanthus
- Ailanthus triphysa, white bean
- Alchornea
- Alchornea ilicifolia, native holly
- Alectryon
- Alectryon tomentosus, hairy alectryon
- Alocasia
- Alocasia brisbanensis, cunjevoi
- Alphitonia
- Alphitonia excelsa, red ash
- Alpinia
- Alpinia caerulea, native ginger
- Alyxia
- Alyxia ruscifolia, chain fruit
- Angophora, apples, gums
- Angophora subvelutina, broadleaf apple
- Angophora leiocarpa, rusty gum
- Aphananthe
- Aphananthe philippinensis, axe handle wood
- Allocasuarina, forest she-oaks
- Allocasuarina torulosa, forest she-oak
- Araucaria, conifers, pines
- Araucaria bidwillii, bunya pine
- Araucaria cunninghamii, Moreton Bay pine, hoop pine
- Argyrodendron
- Argyrodendron trifoliolatum, white booyong
- Aristolochia
- Aristolochia praevenosa, Richmond birdwing butterfly vine
- Arytera
- Arytera divaricata, coogera
- Asplenium
- Asplenium australasicum, birdsnest fern
- Austromyrtus
- Austromyrtus bidwillii, python tree
- Austromyrtus hillii, scaly myrtle
- Austromyrtus acmenoides, scrub ironwood
- Austrosteenisia
- Austrosteenisia blackii, blood vine
- Baloghia
- Baloghia inophylla, scrub bloodwood

Wikispecies has information related to Banksia.
- Banksia
- Banksia integrifolia, coastal banksia
- Brachychiton, kurrajong, bottletree
- Brachychiton discolor, lacebark
- Brachychiton populneus, kurrajong.
- Bridelia
- Bridelia exaltata, brush ironbark
- Bridelia leichhardtii, small-leaved brush ironbark

Wikispecies has information related to Callistemon.
- Callistemon, bottlebrush
- Callistemon salignus, white bottlebrush
- Callistemon viminalis, weeping bottlebrush
- Capparis
- Capparis arborea, brush caper berry
- Carissa
- Cassine
- Cassine australis, red olive plum
- Castanospermum
- Castanospermum australe, black bean
- Casuarina, she-oaks
- Casuarina cunninghamiana, river she-oak
- Cissus
- Cissus antarctica, water vine
- Cissus opaca, small-leaf water vine
- Citriobatus
- Citriobatus pauciflorus, orange thorn
- Citriobatus linearis, bird's nest bush
- Citrus
- Citrus australasica previously Microcitrus australasica, finger lime
- Citrus australis previously Microcitrus australis, native lime
- Clerodendrum
- Clerodendrum floribundum, lollybush
- Commersonia
- Commersonia bartramia, brown kurrajong
- Corchorus
- Corchorus cunninghamii, native jute
- Cordyline
- Cordyline petiolaris, broad-leaved palm lily
- Cordyline rubra, red-fruited palm lily
- Crinum
- Crinum pedunculatum, river lily
- Cryptocarya
- Cryptocarya obovata, pepperberry tree
- Corymbia, bloodwoods, ghost gums, spotted gums
- Corymbia citriodora, lemon scented gum, spotted gum (Eucalyptus citriodora)
- See Archived 19 August 2006 at the Wayback Machine
- See Archived 10 September 2006 at the Wayback Machine
- Corymbia henryi, spotted gum, large-leaved spotted gum (Eucalyptus henryi)
- See Archived 29 August 2007 at the Wayback Machine
- Corymbia maculata, spotted gum (Eucalyptus maculata)
- Corymbia tessellaris, Moreton Bay ash, carbeen (syn. Eucalyptus tessellaris)
- See Archived 19 August 2006 at the Wayback Machine
- Corymbia citriodora, lemon scented gum, spotted gum (Eucalyptus citriodora)
- Cupaniopsis
- Cupaniopsis anacardioides, tuckeroo, large-leaved tuckeroo
- Davallia
- Davallia pyxidata, haresfoot fern
- Dendrobium, orchids
- Dendrobium speciosum, king orchid
- Dendrobium macropus
- Dendrobium linguiforme, tongue orchid
- Dendrobium monophyllum, lily of the valley orchid
- Dendrobium teretifolium, bridal veil orchid
- Dendrocnide
- Denhamia
- Denhamia pittosporoides, veiny denhamia
- Dianella
- Dianella caerulea, blue flax lily, paroo lily
- Dianella congesta, dwarf flax-lily
- Diploglottis
- Doodia
- Drynaria
- Drynaria rigidula, basket fern
- Dysoxylum
- Dysoxylum rufum, hairy rosewood
- Ehretia
- Elaeocarpus, quandong
- Elaeocarpus obovatus, hard quandong
- Elaeocarpus reticulatus, blueberry ash
- Elattostachys
- Elattostachys xylocarpa, white tamarind
- Erythina
- Erythrina vespertilio, bat's wing coral tree

Wikispecies has information related to Eucalyptus.
- Eucalyptus, gums, iron barks
- Eucalyptus crebra, narrow-leaved ironbark
- Eucalyptus henryi, broad-leaved spotted gum
- Eucalyptus melanophloia, silver-leaved ironbark
- Eucalyptus microcorys, tallowwood
- Eucalyptus nigra, Queensland white stringybark
- Eucalyptus propinqua, grey gum
- See Archived 19 August 2006 at the Wayback Machine
- Eucalyptus siderophlia, grey ironbark
- See Archived 19 August 2006 at the Wayback Machine
- Eucalyptus tereticornis, Queensland blue gum, forest red gum
- See Archived 19 August 2006 at the Wayback Machine
- Euroschinus
- Euroschinus falcata, ribbonwood

Wikispecies has information related to Ficus.
- Ficus, figs
- Ficus coronata, creek sandpaper fig
- Ficus fraseri, shiny sandpaper fig
- Ficus macrophylla, Moreton Bay fig
- Ficus obliqua, small-leaved fig
- Ficus opposita, sandpaper fig
- Ficus platypoda, rock fig
- Ficus virens var. sublanceolata, white fig
- Flindersia, ash
- Flindersia australis, Crow's ash
- Flindersia bennettiana, Bennett's ash
- Glochidion
- Glochidion ferdinandi, cheese tree
- Gmelina
- Gmelina leichhardtii, white beech

Wikispecies has information related to Grevillea.
- Grevillea
- Grevillea robusta, silky oak
- Guioa
- Gymnostachys
- Gymnostachys anceps, settlers flax
- Hakea
- Hakea florulenta, blooming hakea
- See Archived 27 September 2007 at the Wayback Machine
- Hakea florulenta, blooming hakea
- Harpullia
- Hibiscus
- Hibiscus heterophyllus, native hibiscus
- Hovea
- Hovea acutifolia, pointed-leaved hovea
- Hymenosporum
- Hymenosporum flavum, native frangipani
- Lobelia
- Lobelia trigonocaulis, forest lobelia
- Lomandra
- Lomandra longifolia, long-leaved matrush
- Lomandra confertifolia
- Lomandra hystrix

Wikispecies has information related to Leptospermum.
- Leptospermum, tea trees
- Lophostemon, boxes
- Lophostemon confertus, brush box, Queensland box, Brisbane box
- Macaranga
- Macrozamia, burrawang
- Macrozamia lucida, burrawang, pineapple zamia
- Macrozamia miquellii

Wikispecies has information related to Melaleuca.
- Melaleuca, paperbarks
- Mallotus
- Mallotus philippensis, red kamala
- Mallotus claoxyloides, green kamala
- Mallotus discolor, yellow kamala
- Melia
- Melia azedarach var. australasica, white cedar, Chinaberry
- Melicope
- Melicope micrococca, white euodia
- Microcitrus see citrus
- Notelaea
- Notelaea longifolia, large mock-olive
- Omalanthus
- Omalanthus populifolius, bleeding heart
- Oplismenus
- Oplismenus aemulus, creeping beard grass
- Ottochloa
- Ottochloa gracillima, graceful grass
- Owenia
- Owenia venosa, crow's apple
- Pandorea
- Pandorea floribunda
- Pandorea jasminoides, bower-of-beauty
- Pandorea pandorana, wonga vine
- Pararchidendron
- Pararchidendron pruinosum, monkey's ear-rings
- Pavetta
- Pittosporum
- Pittosporum rhombifolium, hollywood
- Pittosporum revolutum, Brisbane laurel
- Planchonella
- Planchonella cotinifolia, coondoo
- Planchonella pohlmaniana, engraver's wood
- Planchonella myrsinoides, yellow plumwood
- Platycerium
- Platycerium bifurcatum, elkhorn
- Platycerium superbum, staghorn
- Podocarpus, conifers, pines
- Podocarpus elatus, brown pine
- Polyscias
- Polyscias elegans, celerywood
- Premna
- Psychotria
- Psychotria daphnoides, smooth psychotria
- Pteris
- Pteridium esculentum, common bracken
- Pteris tremula, tender bracken
- Pultenaea
- Pultenaea cunninghamii, grey bush pea
- Pultenaea villosa, hairy bush pea
- Pyrrosia
- Pyrrosia confluens, felt fern
- Rhodosphaera
- Rhodosphaera rhodanthema, deep yellowwood
- Smilax
- Smilax australis, barbed wire vine
- Stenocarpus
- Stenocarpus sinuatus, firewheel tree
- Stephania
- Stephania philippensis, snake vine
- Sterculia
- Sterculia quadrifida, peanut tree
- Streblus
- Streblus brunonianus, whalebone tree
- Syzygium
- Syzygium australe, creek lilly pilly
- Tabernaemontana
- Tabernaemontana pandacaqui, banana bush (Ervatamia angustissepala)
- Toechima
- Toechima tenax, pitted-leaf steelwood
- Toona
- Toona australis, red cedar
- Trema
- Trema aspera, poison peach
- Tristaniopsis
- Tristaniopsis laurina, watergum
- Turraea
- Turraea pubescens
- Waterhousea
- Waterhousea floribunda, weeping lilly pilly (Syzygium floribundum)
- Wilkiea
- Wilkiea macrophylla, large-leaved wilkiea
Parklands, forests and reserves with native vegetation around Brisbane.
Metropolitan area
- Anstead Bushland Reserve
- Banks Street Reserve
- Bayside Parklands
- Belmont Hills Bushland
- Boondall Wetlands
- Bunyaville State Forest Park
- Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mount Coot-tha
- Brisbane Forest Park, Queensland
- Brisbane Koala Bushlands
- Bulimba Creek
- City Botanic Gardens
- Chermside Hills Reserves
- Deagon Wetlands
- Hemmant Quarry Reserve
- Indooroopilly Island Conservation Park
- Karawatha Forest
- Mt Coot-tha Forest
- Rafting Ground Reserve
- Raven Street Reserve
- Roma Street Parkland
- Samford State Forest Park
- Seven Hills Bushland Reserve
- Tinchi Tamba Wetlands
- Toohey Mountain / Toohey Forest
- Whites Hill Reserve
- Venman Bushland National Park
Within 100 km
- Bellthorpe State Forest
- Bribie Island
- Burleigh Head National Park
- Glasshouse Mountains
- Moreton Island National Park
- Mt Mee State Forest
- Nerang State Forest
- North Stradbroke Island
- Numinbah State Forest
- Tamborine Mountain
- White Rock Conservation Park
See also
- ↑ "Acacia fimbriata - WATTLE".
- ↑ "Acacia fimbriata (MIMOSACEAE) Brisbane Wattle". Archived from the original on 19 August 2006. Retrieved 27 October 2006.
- ↑ "Acacia leiocalyx - WATTLE".
- ↑ "Australian Native Plants". Archived from the original on 4 January 2007.
- Plant Reference Materials
- Australian Plant Name Index (APNI); Australian National Botanic Gardens; Australian National Herbarium
- Brisbane Rainforest Action & Information Network
- "Eucalyptus Forest Guide"; P.A.R. Young, P.J. Hauser; Brisbane Forest Park Administration Authority, 1988; ISBN 0-7242-2798-9
- "Field guide to Eucalypts Volume 3 Northern Australia"; Brooker, Kleinig; Inkata Press, 1994; ISBN 0-909605-67-X
- "An Introduction to the Eucalypts" (including Corymbia and Angophora); Andrew Lyne; Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research;
- "Key to Eucalypts of Greater Brisbane"; Queensland Herbarium with Queensland Government Environmental Protection Agency, August 2001
- "Key to the Wattles of Greater Brisbane"; Queensland Herbarium with Queensland Government Environmental Protection Agency
- "Mangroves to Mountains - a field guide to the Native Plants of the Logan-Albert River Catchment"; Logan River branch SGAP. (Qld Region) Inc, 2002; ISBN 1-875401-95-4
- "Mangroves to Mountains Volume 2 - a field guide to the Native Plants of South-east Queensland"; Logan River branch SGAP (Qld Region) Inc, 2005; ISBN 0-646-45089-1
- "Putting back the forest - a landcare guide for Brookfield, Pullenvale and Moggill"; Bryan Hacker, Rona Butler and Rae Rekdahl; Rural Environment Planning Association Inc, 1994; ISBN 0-646-20579-X
- "Rainforest Guide"; P.A.R. Young, P.J. Hauser, L.G.H. Hepworth, K Plowman; Brisbane Forest Park Administration Authority, 1991; ISBN 0-7242-4605-3
- "Tree ID made Easy - a simple guide to open-forest trees of South-East Queensland"; Ann Moran; Published by the author; ISBN 0-646-05209-8
- "Wild plants of greater Brisbane - a Queensland Museum Guide"; Queensland Museum, 2003; ISBN 0-9751116-2-0
- Places Reference Materials
- Brisbane's Natural Areas
- EPA's list of parks and forests around Brisbane
- List of parks in Brisbane
- Mountains to Mangroves Organisation
- "Wild places of greater Brisbane - a Queensland Museum Publication"; Queensland Museum, 1996; ISBN 0-7242-7110-4
External links
- Revegetation and planting resources
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