Cum multa
Latin for 'With many'
Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII
Coat of arms of Pope Leo XIII
Signature date 8 December 1882
SubjectInstructions to Spanish Catholics
Number11 of 85 of the pontificate

Cum multa, "With many", is an encyclical issued by Pope Leo XIII on December 8, 1882, in which he gives some instructions to Spanish Catholics. It is composed of 20 points which deals with several aspects:

  • (1-2) Introduction.
  • (3-5) The Necessity of Union Amongst Catholics.
  • (6-9) The Relations Between Religion and Politics.
  • (10-11) The Authority of Bishops and the Respect Due to Them.
  • (12-13) The Clergy and Political Parties.
  • (14) Rules Which Should Guide Catholic Associations.
  • (15) And for the Conduct of the Catholic Press.
  • (16-20) End.

See also


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