While many Slavic languages officially use Latin-derived names for the months of the year in the Gregorian calendar, there is also a set of older names for the twelve months that differs from the Latin month names, as they are of Slavic origin. In some languages, such as the Serbian language these traditional names have since been archaized and are thus seldom used.
The original names of the months of the year in the Slavic languages closely follow natural occurrences such as weather patterns and conditions common for that period, as well as agricultural activities.
Many months have several alternative names in different regions; conversely, a single "Slavic name" may correspond to different "Roman names" (for different months, usually following each other) in different languages.
Comparison table
The Slavic names of the months have been preserved by a number of Slavic people in a variety of languages. The conventional month names in some of these languages are mixed, including names which show the influence of the Germanic calendar (particularly Slovene, Sorbian, and Polabian)[1] or names which are borrowed from the Gregorian calendar (particularly Polish and Kashubian), but they have been included here nonetheless.
In the Lithuanian language, the Baltic names of the months are preserved, which partially coincide with the Slavic ones, which suggests that some of these names may date back to the time of the Balto-Slavic linguistic unity. Lithuanian names are also shown in this table for comparison.
Language | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |
Belarusian | студзень studzen′ |
люты ljuty |
сакавік sakavik |
красавік krasavik |
май* maj* |
чэрвень čèrven′ |
ліпень lipen′ |
жнівень žniven′ |
верасень verasen′ |
кастрычнік kastryčnik |
лістапад listapad |
снежань snežan′ |
травень traven′ | ||||||||||||
Ukrainian | січень sičen′ |
лютий ljutyj |
березень berezen′ |
квітень kviten′ |
червень červen′ |
липень lypen′ |
серпень serpen′ |
вересень veresen′ |
жовтень žovten′ |
листопад lystopad |
грудень hruden′ | |
Rusyn | лютый ljutyj |
цвітень cviten′ |
жолтень žolten′ | |||||||||
Russian (archaic) | сечень sečenʹ |
лютень ljutenʹ |
березозол berezozol |
цветень cvetenʹ |
липец lipec |
листопад listopad |
грудень grudenʹ |
студень studenʹ | ||||
Old East Slavic | стоудѣнь studěnʹ |
снежѣнь snežěnʹ |
соухїй suhij |
берѣзолъ berězolŭ |
травѣнь travěnʹ |
чѣрвѣнь čěrvěnʹ |
липѣнь lipenʹ |
сѣрпѣнь sěrpěnʹ |
версѣнь versěnʹ |
осень osenʹ |
листопадъ listopadŭ |
гроудѣнь gruděnʹ |
Old Church Slavonic | просиньць prosinĭcĭ |
сѣчьнъ sěčĭnŭ |
соухъ suhŭ |
брѣзьнъ brězĭnŭ |
трѣвьнъ trěvĭnŭ |
изокъ izokŭ |
чръвлѥнꙑи črŭvljenyi |
заревъ zarevŭ |
роуинъ ruinŭ |
листопадъ listopadŭ |
гроудьнъ grudĭnŭ |
стоуденъ studenŭ |
Bulgarian (archaic) | сечен sečen |
люти ljuti |
сухи suhi |
брезен brezen |
тревен treven |
изок izok |
червен červen |
зарев zarev |
руен ruen |
листопад listopad |
груден gruden |
просинец prosinec |
Macedonian (archaic) | коложег koložeg |
сечко sečko |
цутар cutar |
тревен treven |
косар kosar |
жетвар žetvar |
златец zlatec |
житар žitar |
гроздобер grozdober |
студен studen |
снежник snežnik | |
Serbian (archaic) | дерикожа derikoža |
лажитрава lažitrava |
цветањ cvetanj |
трешњар trešnjar |
жетвар žetvar |
гумник gumnik |
коледар koledar | |||||
Croatian | siječanj | veljača | ožujak | travanj | svibanj | lipanj | srpanj | kolovoz | rujan | listopad | studeni | prosinac |
Slovene (archaic) | prosinec | svečan | sušec | mali traven | veliki traven | rožnik | mali srpan | veliki srpan | kimavec | vinotok | listopad | gruden |
Slovak (archaic) | veľký sečeň | malý sečeň | brezen | duben | kveten | lipen | červenec | klasen | malý rujen | veľký rujen | prosinec | |
Czech | leden | únor | březen | květen | červen | srpen | září | říjen | ||||
Polish | styczeń | luty | marzec* | kwiecień | maj* | czerwiec | lipiec | sierpień | wrzesień | październik | grudzień | |
brzezień (archaic) | trawień (archaic) | |||||||||||
łżykwiat (archaic) | ||||||||||||
Kashubian | stëcznik | gromicznik | strëmiannik | łżëkwiat | môj* | czerwińc | lëpińc | zélnik | séwnik | rujan | lëstopadnik | gòdnik |
luti | kwiecéń | gòran | miodownik | serzpiéń | wrzeseń | pazdzérznik | grëdzéń | |||||
Lower Sorbian (archaic) | wezymski | swěckowny | pózymski | jatšownik | rozhelony | smažki | žnjojski | jacmjeński | požnjenc | winski | młośny | zymski |
Upper Sorbian (archaic) | wulki róžk | mały róžk | nalětnik | jutrownik | róžownik | pražnik | žnjenc | winowc | nazymnik | hodownik | ||
Polabian (extinct) | ledemån | rüzac | zürmån | chåidemån | laisemån | pąťustemån | zeminik | haimån | jisinmån | vaińamån | zaimamån | trübnemån |
Lithuanian (non-Slavic) | sausis | vasaris | kovas | balandis | gegužė | birželis | liepa | rugpjūtis | rugsėjis | spalis | lapkritis | gruodis |
Croatian months
The Croatian months used with the Gregorian calendar by Croats differ from the original Latin month names.
No. | Latin name | English name | Croatian name | Croatian meaning |
1 | Ianuarius | January | siječanj | from cutting or hewing wood[12] but there are also dialectal terms 'svečan, svičen, sičan' that have a meaning 'festive', so there is a possibility of a meaning 'festive month' (as there are several holidays celebrated in January)[13] |
2 | Februarius | February | veljača | month in which days become longer, oveljiti se = to get bigger;[14] or to wallow, to roll valjati, to indicate unstable weather[15] |
3 | Martius | March | ožujak | lying month (laž>ož; laž = a lie), because the weather is changing often[16][17] |
4 | Aprilis | April | travanj | from growing grass, trava[18] |
5 | Maius | May | svibanj | from budding Cornel tree svib[19] |
6 | Iunius | June | lipanj | from linden tree, lipa[20] |
7 | Iulius | July | srpanj | from reaping with a sickle, srp[21] |
8 | Augustus | August | kolovoz | from driving a wagon (for harvest) — wheel kolo + drive voz[22] |
9 | September | September | rujan | from an archaic verb for deer roaring[23] or from a poetic word for blushing, rosy[24] |
10 | October | October | listopad | from falling leaves — leaf list + fall padati[25] |
11 | November | November | studeni | from cold, studen[26] |
12 | December | December | prosinac | the beginning of the Sun's shining, to dawn sinuti;[27] or from sinji, greyish blue color[28] |
Czech months
The names of Czech months are, as in Belarusian, Croatian, Kashubian, Polish, and Ukrainian, not based on the Latin names used in most European languages. The suffix -en is added to most of the months' names.
No. | Latin name | English name | Czech name | Meaning |
1. | Ianuarius | January | leden | From led, "ice". |
2. | Februarius | February | únor | Probably from the word root -nor-, infinitive form nořit (se), "to plunge, to welter", as the ice welters under the lake surface. |
3. | Martius | March | březen | Either from bříza, "birch", or from březí, "gravid, with young", as the forest animals, mainly hares and rabbits, are pregnant at that time.[29] |
4. | Aprilis | April | duben | Derived from dub, "oak". |
5. | Maius | May | květen | From květ, "blossom". Originally máj, "May". The word květen first appeared in Jungmann's translation of Atala from 1805 as a poetism and translation for French lune de fleurs (month of flowers), but quickly gained acceptance. Jungmann was probably also influenced by the Polish word kwiecień ("April"). |
6. | Iunius | June | červen | Either from červený, "red", or from červ, "worm", both related to fruit. |
7. | Iulius | July | červenec | The same as červen with a diminutive suffix ec, lit. "small červen". |
8. | Augustus | August | srpen | From srp, "sickle" - used for harvesting. |
9. | September | September | září | From Old Czech zářij, from za říje. (See říjen.) Folk etymology derives it from zářit, "to blaze, glow, radiate, shine". |
10. | October | October | říjen | From říje, "rutting", the time when the – mainly deer – males want to couple. |
11. | November | November | listopad | Literally "leaf-fall". |
12. | December | December | prosinec | Either from prosit, "to pray, beg, to ask, to plead", possibly relating to holidays at this time, or from prosinalý, "pallid", from siný, deep blue, because the sky is usually pallid at this time. |
Macedonian months
The Macedonian language has two sets of names of the months of the Gregorian calendar. The most commonly used set of names is derived from the Latin month names and these are used by the vast majority of the Macedonian population. However, there is also a set of older names for the twelve months of Slavic origin that differ from the Latin month names, although their usage is archaized and largely restricted to folk literature and religious calendars issued by the Macedonian Orthodox Church.
The origin of the Macedonian month names is closely related to the agricultural activities that occur in the corresponding period, or to the weather conditions common for that period. Some months have alternative names in different regions. The usage of modern Latin month names among Macedonians started towards the end of the 19th century, as a result of mass education.
No. | Latin name | English name | Macedonian Cyrillic | Macedonian Latin | Old Macedonian name | Transliteration | Meaning |
1. | Ianuarius | January | Јануари | Januari | Коложег | Koložeg | Month of burning tree trunks |
2. | Februarius | February | Февруари | Fevruari | Сечко | Sečko | Month of ice |
3. | Martius | March | Март | Mart | Цутар | Cutar | Month of blossoming |
4. | Aprilis | April | Април | April | Тревен | Treven | Month of grass |
5. | Maius | May | Мај | Maj | Косар | Kosar | Time of flowering grasses and shrubs |
6. | Iunius | June | Јуни | Juni | Жетвар | Žetvar | Time of maturity of the first yield of fruits |
7. | Iulius | July | Јули | Juli | Златец | Zlatec | Golden month |
8. | Augustus | August | Август | Avgust | Житар | Žitar | Month of wheat |
9. | September | September | Септември | Septemvri | Гроздобер | Grozdober | Month of harvesting grapes |
10. | October | October | Октомври | Oktomvri | Листопад | Listopad | Month of leaves falling |
11. | November | November | Ноември | Noemvri | Студен | Studen | Month of cold |
12. | December | December | Декември | Dekemvri | Снежник | Snežnik | Month of snow |
Polish months
The names of Polish months are, as in Belarusian, Croatian, Czech, Kashubian, and Ukrainian, not based on the Latin names used in most European languages, with the exception of March and May, which were borrowed from the Gregorian calendar.
No. | Latin name | English name | Polish name | Meaning |
1. | Ianuarius | January | styczeń | Inherited from Old Polish sieczeń, from Proto-Slavic *sěčьnь (“winter month of cutting wood”), derived from Proto-Slavic *sěča (“cutting wood”), from Proto-Slavic *sěťi (“to cut”), with -ty- possibly by influence from the word tyka (“pole, rod, branch, beam”).[30] |
2. | Februarius | February | luty | Inherited from Old Polish luty, from Proto-Slavic *ľutъ (“harsh, cruel, severe”).[31] |
3. | Martius | March | marzec | Borrowed from Middle High German marz, from Old High German merzo, from Latin Mārtius (“of or belonging to Mars, the god of war”). Diplaced Old Polish brzezień.[32] |
4. | Aprilis | April | kwiecień | Inherited from Proto-Slavic *květьnь, derived from Proto-Slavic *květъ (“flower”). Diplaced Old Polish łżykwiat.[33] |
5. | Maius | May | maj | Borrowed from Latin Maius (“of or belonging to Maia, the goddess of growth”). Diplaced Old Polish trawień.[34] |
6. | Iunius | June | czerwiec | Inherited from Old Polish czyrwiec. By surface analysis, from czerw (“maggot; red dye made from bugs”) + -iec. Diplaced Old Polish czyrwień possibly under influence of marzec and later lipiec.[35] |
7. | Iulius | July | lipiec | Inherited from Proto-Slavic *lipьcь. By surface analysis, from lipa (“linden, lime-tree, basswood”) + -iec. Diplaced Old Polish lipień.[36] |
8. | Augustus | August | sierpień | Inherited from Proto-Slavic *sŕ̥pьnь. By surface analysis, from sierp (“sickle”) + -eń.[37] |
9. | September | September | wrzesień | Derived from wrzos (“heather”) + -eń.[38] |
10. | October | October | październik | Derived from paździerz (“boon, hurds, shives, shoves”) + -nik.[39] |
11. | November | November | listopad | Inherited from Proto-Slavic *listopadъ. By surface analysis, from liść (“leaf”) + -o- + padać (“to fall”).[40] |
12. | December | December | grudzień | Inherited from Proto-Slavic *grudьnъ. By surface analysis, from gruda (“clod, heap, lump”) + -eń.[41] |
Russian months
The names of Russian months used with the Gregorian calendar by vast majority of the Russian population. The most of names for the twelve months of Slavic origin that is differ from the Latin month names and standardized set of archaic that issued by Old Church Slavonic.
No. | Latin name | English name | Russian Cyrillic | Russian Latin | Russian name
(archaic) |
Transliteration | Meaning |
1. | Ianuarius | January | Январь | Janvar' | Сечень | Sečen' | Month of cutting wood |
2. | Februarius | February | Февраль | Fevral' | Лютень | Ljuten' | Month of harshing |
3. | Martius | March | Март | Mart | Берeзозол | Berezozol | Month of birch |
4. | Aprilis | April | Апрель | Aprel' | Цветень | Cveten' | Month of blossoming |
5. | Maius | May | Май | Maj | Травень | Traven' | Month of grass |
6. | Iunius | June | Июнь | Ijun' | Червень | Červen' | Month of gules |
7. | Iulius | July | Июль | Ijul' | Липец | Lipec | Month of linden tree |
8. | Augustus | August | Август | Avgust | Серпень | Serpen' | Month of sickle |
9. | September | September | Сентябрь | Sentjabr' | Вересень | Veresen' | Month of heather |
10. | October | October | Октябрь | Oktjabr' | Листопад | Listopad | Month of leaves falling |
11. | November | November | Ноябрь | Nojabr' | Грудень | Gruden' | Month of heap |
12. | December | December | Декабрь | Dekabrí | Студень | Studen' | Month of cold |
Slovene months
Many of the names in the standardized set of archaic Slovene month names first occur in the Škofja Loka manuscript, written in 1466 by Martin of Loka.[42]
No. | Latin name | English name | Slovene name | Slovene name (archaic) | Meaning |
1. | Ianuarius | January | januar | prosinec | '(sun) shining through';[43][44] |
2. | Februarius | February | februar | svečan | perhaps 'dry' or 'cut' (influenced by svečnica 'Candlemas');[43][44] |
3. | Martius | March | marec | sušec | '(earth) dry (enough for cultivation)';[43][44] |
4. | Aprilis | April | april | mali traven | 'small grass';[43][44] |
5. | Maius | May | maj | veliki traven | 'large grass';[43][44] |
6. | Iunius | June | junij | rožnik | 'flowers' (a translation of German Rosenmonat);[43][44] |
7. | Iulius | July | julij | mali srpan | 'small sickle' (i.e., reaping);[43][44] |
8. | Augustus | August | avgust | veliki srpan | 'large sickle' (i.e., reaping);[43][44] |
9. | September | September | september | kimavec | 'nodding (fruit)';[44] |
10. | October | October | oktober | vinotok | 'wine flowing' (a translation of German Weinmonat);[43][44] |
11. | November | November | november | listopad | 'falling leaves';[43][44] |
12. | December | December | december | gruden | 'biting (cold)'[43] or 'clumped (earth)';[44] |
See also
- ↑ Reindl, Donald F. (1 July 1995). "Evidence for the Germanic Origins of Some Slovene Month Names". Slovene Studies. 15 (1): 169–178. doi:10.7152/ssj.v15i1.4179.
- ↑ Nedeljković, Mile (September 1998). "Zimski znak vatre letnji znak sunca i Perunova munja" [Winter fire symbol, summer sun symbol, and lightning of Perun]. Srpsko nasleđe (in Serbian) (9). Retrieved 11 October 2014.
- ↑ Nedeljković, Mile (1990). Godišnji običaji u Srba [Annual traditions of the Serbs] (in Serbian). Belgrade: Vuk Karadžić.
- ↑ Jovanović, Stanoje, ed. (1999). Jezici podunavskih zemalja (i ruski) [Languages of the Danube countries (and Russia)]. Belgrade: YU Marketing Press and Verzalpress. OCLC 443031481.
- ↑ Gleichova, Jarmila; Jenikova, Anna (1982). Česko-srbocharvatsky a srbocharvatsko-česky slovnik na cesty [Czech–Serbo-Croatian/Serbo-Croatian–Czech travel dictionary] (in Czech). Prague: Statni pedagogicke nakladatelstvi.
- ↑ Menac, Antica; Kovalʹ, Alla P. (1979). Hrvatsko ili srpsko-ukrajinski rječnik [Croatian/Serbian–Ukrainian dictionary]. Zagreb: SNL. OCLC 800783862.
- ↑ "Carpatho-Rusyn month names". rolandanderson.se. Retrieved 11 September 2020.
- ↑ Serbska protyka [Sorbian calendar]. Bautzen: Domowina. 1968.
- ↑ Јacanović, Dragan (2000). Srpsko kalendarsko znanje u epskim narodnim pesmama [Serbian calendar knowledge in folk epic poetry] (in Serbian). Rača.
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- ↑ Hauptova Z., editor (1958–1997) Slovník jazyka staroslověnského (Lexicon linguae palaeoslovenicae), Prague: Euroslavica
- ↑ "siječanj". Croatian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 23 November 2021.
- ↑ "NAZIV MJESECI U GODINI NA HRVATSKOM". hamdočamo. 7 February 2011. Retrieved 24 May 2017.
- ↑ "veljača". Croatian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 24 May 2017.
- ↑ "travanj". Hrvatski jezični portal (in Croatian). Znanje d.o.o. and Srce. Retrieved 23 November 2021.
- ↑ "ožujak". Croatian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 23 November 2021.
- ↑ "ožujak". Hrvatski jezični portal (in Croatian). Znanje d.o.o. and Srce. Retrieved 23 November 2021.
- ↑ "travanj". Hrvatski jezični portal (in Croatian). Znanje d.o.o. and Srce. Retrieved 23 November 2021.
- ↑ "svibanj". Hrvatski jezični portal (in Croatian). Znanje d.o.o. and Srce. Retrieved 23 November 2021.
- ↑ "lipanj". Hrvatski jezični portal (in Croatian). Znanje d.o.o. and Srce. Retrieved 23 November 2021.
- ↑ "srpanj". Hrvatski jezični portal (in Croatian). Znanje d.o.o. and Srce. Retrieved 23 November 2021.
- ↑ "kolovoz". Hrvatski jezični portal (in Croatian). Znanje d.o.o. and Srce. Retrieved 23 November 2021.
- ↑ "rujan". Croatian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 23 November 2021.
- ↑ "rujan". Hrvatski jezični portal (in Croatian). Znanje d.o.o. and Srce. Retrieved 23 November 2021.
- ↑ "listopad". Hrvatski jezični portal (in Croatian). Znanje d.o.o. and Srce. Retrieved 23 November 2021.
- ↑ "studeni". Hrvatski jezični portal (in Croatian). Znanje d.o.o. and Srce. Retrieved 23 November 2021.
- ↑ "prosinac". Croatian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 24 May 2017.
- ↑ "prosinac". Hrvatski jezični portal (in Croatian). Znanje d.o.o. and Srce. Retrieved 23 November 2021.
- ↑ Machek, 1968, in Václav Machek, Etymologický slovník jazyka českého, second edition, Academia, 1968
- ↑ "styczeń". Wielki słownik języka polskiego (in Polish). Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN. Retrieved 27 July 2023.
- ↑ "luty". Wielki słownik języka polskiego (in Polish). Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN. Retrieved 27 July 2023.
- ↑ "marzec". Wielki słownik języka polskiego (in Polish). Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN. Retrieved 27 July 2023.
- ↑ "kwiecień". Wielki słownik języka polskiego (in Polish). Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN. Retrieved 27 July 2023.
- ↑ "maj". Wielki słownik języka polskiego (in Polish). Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN. Retrieved 27 July 2023.
- ↑ "czerwiec". Wielki słownik języka polskiego (in Polish). Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN. Retrieved 27 July 2023.
- ↑ "lipiec". Wielki słownik języka polskiego (in Polish). Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN. Retrieved 27 July 2023.
- ↑ "sierpień". Wielki słownik języka polskiego (in Polish). Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN. Retrieved 27 July 2023.
- ↑ "wrzesień". Wielki słownik języka polskiego (in Polish). Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN. Retrieved 27 July 2023.
- ↑ "październik". Wielki słownik języka polskiego (in Polish). Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN. Retrieved 27 July 2023.
- ↑ "listopad". Wielki słownik języka polskiego (in Polish). Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN. Retrieved 27 July 2023.
- ↑ "grudzień". Wielki słownik języka polskiego (in Polish). Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN. Retrieved 27 July 2023.
- ↑ Stabej, Jože (1966). "Ob petstoletnici škofjeloškega zapisa slovenskih imen za mesece" [On the 500th Anniversary of the Škofja Loka Recording of Slovene Month Names]. Loški razgledi (in Slovenian). Muzejsko društvo Škofja Loka [Museum Society of Škofja Loka]. 13. ISSN 0459-8210.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Snoj, Marko. 2003. Slovenski etimološki slovar. 2nd edition. Ljubljana: Modrijan.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Vaštíková, Zuzana. 2012. Slovinské a české pranostiky. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav slavistiky.
External links

- http://projetbabel.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7222 – A comprehensive table of Slavic and Baltic month names, explanation in French
- http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages\M\O\Monthsoftheyear.htm