This is the list of public holidays in Kyrgyzstan:

DateEnglish name Local name/s Notes
January 1New Year's Day Жаңы жыл
Новый Год (Novyy God)
January 7Orthodox Christmas пайгамбардын туулган күнү
Рождество Христово (Rojdestvo hrıstovo / Rozhdestvo Khristovo)
Celebrated by local Orthodox Christians
February 23Fatherland Defender's Day Мекенди коргоочунун күнү
День защитника Отечества
Formation of the Red Army in February 1918.
March 8International Women's Day Эл аралык аялдар күнү
Международный женский день (Mezhdunarodnyy zhenskiy den')
March 21Nooruz Mairamy Нооруз Which is originally the Persian New Year, is traditionally a springtime holiday marking the beginning of a new year.
April 7Day of the People's April Revolution[1] Элдик Апрель революциясы күнү Commemorates the Second Kyrgyz Revolution of 2010.
May 1International Workers' Day Эмгек күнү
May 5Constitution Day Кыргыз Республикасынын конституция күнү
День Конституции Кыргызская Республики (Den' Konstitutsii Kyrgyzskaya Respubliki)
May 9Great Patriotic War Against Fascism Victory Day Жеңиш күнү
День Победы (Den' Pobedy)
A holiday in the former Soviet Union carried over

to present-day Kazakhstan and other former republics (Except Baltic Countries and Ukraine).

August 31Independence Day Кыргыз Республикасынын Эгемендүүлүк күнү
День независимости (Den' nezavisimosti)
November 7–8Days of History and Commemoration of Ancestors Тарых күн жана аталардын эскерүү Two-day holiday commemorating the national liberation uprising and the tragic events of 1916 known as Urkun.[2][3]

Previously, from independence to 2017, the country celebrated the Great October Socialist Revolution. It has now been replaced with День примирения и согласия ("Day of Reconciliation and Agreement"), celebrated on a Nov. 7 (at least officially) before amendments in Labour Codex (adopted in December 2004, new holiday, which celebrates at November 4 is the People Unity Day ("День народного единства)"

Defined by lunar calendarOrozo Ait Орозо айт Feast of Fast-breaking
Celebrated 70 days after the Orozo AitKurman Ait Курман айт Feast of Sacrifice

Two additional Muslim holidays Orozo Ait and Kurman Ait are defined by lunar calendar.

Other holidays


  1. "Kyrgyz Popular Revolution Recognized As Public Holiday". RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty. 2016-04-04. Retrieved 2016-04-05.
  2. "Kyrgyzstan Renames Soviet-Era October Revolution Day, Lengthens Holiday".
  3. "Статья 113 Трудового Кодекса Кыргызской Республики" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2019-07-13. Retrieved 2017-11-07.
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