Donald Fareed is an Iranian-born American Christian televangelist and President of the non-profit organization Persian Ministries International, which was founded by him. Fareed is an ordained minister and founding pastor of the Bay Area Persian Churches of San Mateo and Santa Clara in California. The ministry's objectives include evangelising and spreading Christianity among the Persian-speaking peoples around the world.


Donald Fareed was born into a Shia Muslim family in Iran during the reign of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran. His family was somewhat dysfunctional and his parents divorced when he was a teenager. In his website, Fareed claims that he was very outspoken as a youth and as a result, got into trouble with the Savak, which was the secret police apparatus of the Shah. He became disillusioned with orthodox Islam as a teenager and turned to Sufism. However, he soon became dissatisfied by what he perceived as the "superstitious and complicated nature of Sufism" and rejected Islam completely. He became interested in Christianity in 1990 after having a chance encounter with three Christian pastors and a dream in which a vision of Jesus Christ appeared to him, and as a result, he converted to Christianity. His conversion would influence most of his family members to embrace Christianity as well.

Fareed is a strong advocate of democracy and Western secular ideals. He has partnered with several pro-democracy Muslim television broadcasting executives to promote democracy and regime change in Iran since 1994.

Fareed is known for his peace-building strategies and for transforming lives affected by belief in militant Islam, social unrest, and political hardship. His ministry is to help the followers of Islam understand Jesus and his teachings in the Bible. His efforts are focused on correcting the misunderstanding that exists between the followers of Islam and Christianity. He also promotes peace and unity between Muslims and Christians through communication and conflict resolution.

Interviewed or mentioned in over 100 publications, including Herald Tribune, Associated Press, Charisma Magazine, Religion Today, San Jose and Sacramento Mercury News, Cross Walk, NBC 11 Local News, CBS 5 Eyewitness News, ABC Local News, KFAX, Across Pacific & Asia, Fellowship, Crossroad, American Family Network AFR, Christian Television Network, CTN, etc.

Media comments about him: Associated Press Breaking News: “Now he reaches about 30 million people each week ….”

San Jose Mercury News: “Unlike other Christian converts from Islam, he is not merely expressing spiritual ideas, but also core democratic ideals.”

CBS 5 Eyewitness News: “His message promoted communication and understanding between Muslims and Christians after 9/11.”

NBC 11 Local News: “It appears that he achieved the goal of starting that dialogue ….”

Agape Press: “Ex- Muslim Seeks to Transform Iran with Christian Broadcasts”

See also


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