The most influential part of the executive of the Government of the Netherlands are the ministries. There are twelve ministries of the Netherlands, all with their own minister. There are also several ministers without portfolio and about as many State Secretaries.


Ministries Responsibilities Agencies /
Independent Agencies
Ministry of General Affairs
(Dutch: Ministerie van
Algemene Zaken
AZ Government policyPlanning
InformationDutch royal house
Government Information Service
Scientific Council for Government Policy
Cabinet Office
• Review Committee on the Intelligence and Security Services
Mark Rutte
as Prime Minister
Minister of General Affairs
Ministry of the Interior
and Kingdom Relations

(Dutch: Ministerie van Binnenlandse
Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties
BZK Domestic policyCivil servicePublic administration
ElectionsLocal governments
IntelligenceKingdom Relations
Safety Board
General Intelligence and Security Service
Hugo de Jonge
as Minister of the Interior
and Kingdom Relations
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(Dutch: Ministerie van
Buitenlandse Zaken
BZ Foreign relationsForeign policyInternational development
International tradeEuropean UnionNATOBeneluxDiaspora
Diplomatic Service
Center for the Promotion of Imports
Hanke Bruins Slot
as Minister of
Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Finance
(Dutch: Ministerie van Financiën)
FIN Economic policyMonetary policyFiscal policy
Tax policyIncomes policyFinancial market
RegulationsGovernment budget
Tax and Customs Administration
Fiscal Information and Investigation Service
Authority for the Financial Markets
Rob Jetten
as Minister of Finance
Ministry of
Justice and Security

(Dutch: Ministerie van
Justitie en Veiligheid
J&V Justice systemLaw enforcementPublic security
Emergency managementCounter-terrorismImmigration policy
Legal aidDrug policyIncarcerations
National Police Corps
Public Prosecution Service
National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism
Forensic Institute
Immigration and Naturalisation Service
Custodial Institutions Agency

as Minister of Justice
and Security
Ministry of Economic Affairs
and Climate Policy

(Dutch: Ministerie van Economische
Zaken en Klimaat
EZK Commercial policyEnergy policyEnvironmental policy
Climate change policyRenewable energy policyNuclear energy policy
Industrial policyInvestment policyTechnology policy
MiningTradeSpace policy
Natural resourceTourism
Foreign Investment Agency
Space Office
Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
Department of Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards
Patent Office
Central Agency for Statistics
Environmental Assessment Agency
Micky Adriaansens
as Minister of
Economic Affairs
and Climate Policy
Ministry of Defence
(Dutch: Ministerie van Defensie)
DEF Armed forcesMilitary policyNational securityVeterans Affairs
Military policeDefence diplomacyHumanitarian aid
Air Force
Military Intelligence and Security Service
Kajsa Ollongren
as Minister of Defence
Ministry of Health,
Welfare and Sport

(Dutch: Ministerie van
Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport
VWS Health careHealth policyHealth insurance
Pharmaceutical policyVaccination policyWelfare
Biomedical sciencesSport
Institute for Public Health and the Environment
Health Care Inspectorate
Ernst Kuipers
as Minister of Health,
Welfare and Sport
Ministry of Social Affairs
and Employment

(Dutch: Ministerie van Sociale Zaken
en Werkgelegenheid
SZW Social policyEmploymentLabour economics
Occupational safety and healthSocial security
Consumer protectionTrade unionsTrade associationsEmancipation
Social and Economic Council
• Inspectorate SZW
Karien van Gennip
as Minister of
Social Affairs
and Employment
Ministry of Education,
Culture and Science

(Dutch: Ministerie van Onderwijs,
Cultuur en Wetenschap
OCW Education policyCultural policyScience policy
Knowledge policyResearchInnovation
ArtGender equalityCommunicationMedia
Public Broadcasting Agency
National Archives
National Library
Equal Treatment Commission
Robbert Dijkgraaf
as Minister of Education,
Culture and Science
Ministry of Infrastructure
and Water Management

(Dutch: Ministerie van Infrastructuur
en Waterstaat
I&W TransportAviationHousing policyPublic works
Spatial planningLand managementWater Management
• Driving License and Certificates Agency
Meteorological Institute
Mark Harbers
as Minister of
Infrastructure and
Water Management
Ministry of Agriculture,
Nature and Food Quality

(Dutch: Ministerie van Landbouw,
Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit
LNV Agricultural policyFood policyFood safetyFisheries
Natural conservationForestryAnimal welfare
• Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority Piet Adema
as Minister of Agriculture,
Nature and Food Quality
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