During the Second Italo-Ethiopian War, the Italians captured and either imprisoned as prisoners of war or executed selected prominent Ethiopians. The majority of the public executions and mass incarcerations happened in the wake of the assassination attempt on Rodolfo Graziani. The Italian occupying force gave permission to the black shirts to murder educated Ethiopians, sparing only a few notables who were transported to various concentration camps maintained in the Harar region, Italian Somaliland, Eritrea and Italy. While the majority of prisoners who were kept at Asinara and other camps in Italy survived, tens of thousands of detainees perished under the severe conditions they were forced to live in. According to famous survivors like Ambassador Imru Zeleke,[1] conditions were worse in Italian Somaliland camps due to the scarcity of food, water and medicine. According to Imru Zeleke, tens of thousands of Ethiopians died every year.

Princess Romanework Haile Selassie, Emperor Haile Selassie's daughter and the wife of Dejazmatch Beyene Merid, would later contract tuberculosis and was transferred to Ospedale Maggiore in Turin from Asinara, where she died on 14 October 1940. She was the only child of the Emperor who was captured. Woizero Denknesh Teklemariam and Lij Abate Mulat were among the young prisoners at Asinara. Lij Abate was captured with the renowned patriot Ras Desta Damtew. Woizero Denknesh was rounded up with her parents who were all imprisoned on the Italian island. While the fascist forces executed the Ras and select patriots, they shipped off other notable prisoners to Asinara and elsewhere. In the picture seen below were a group of Ethiopian POWs held at one of the island prisons in Italy.

Highly educated and influential members of the Ethiopian Nobility and intelligentsia

Asinara prison camp

It is virtually impossible to find out the exact number of Ethiopian POWs who were imprisoned at different camps. The Asinara prison camp is an exception, due to its location in Europe and due to the personalities of the incarcerated individuals, the identities of many of the POWs and their approximate number became available through the years from people who kept records of their experiences in captivity.[2] According to the book "Etsub Dinq" written in Amharic by Balemberas Mahateme Selassie Wolde Meskel who was one of the prisoners at Asinara, the total number of prisoners was well over 400. He came up with names of close to 279 notables he remembered. Ras Imru Haile Selassie spent a few months at Asinara and later transferred to another detention camp where Ras Seyoum Mengesha was kept before the former's repatriation by the orders of Amedeo, 3rd Duke of Aosta, the Viceroy and Governor General of Italian East Africa. Ambassador Imru Zelleke was never incarcerated outside of East Africa. In the picture below, LtoR unidentified Ethiopian, Lij Seifu Mikael and Dejazmatch Girmachew TekleHawariat at Asinara Island.

Members of the Ethiopian nobility held captives at Asinara

List of Ethiopian POWs at Asinara

The prisoners held on Asinara are as follows:[3]

  1. Princess Romanework Haile Selassie
  2. Lij Merid Beyene [4]
  3. Lij Samson Beyene [4]
  4. Lij Getachew Beyene [4]
  5. Lij Gideon Beyene [4]
  6. Woizero AtsedeWoin Heruy[5]
  7. Woizero Genet Heruy[5]
  8. Dejazmatch Girmachew TekleHawariat[6]
  9. Lij Seifu Mikael
  10. Woizero Sara Workneh[7]
  11. Dejazmatch Teferra Mesfin
  12. Woizero Ketsela Tullu[8]
  13. Kentiba Gebru Desta[9]
  14. Woizero Senedu Gebru[10]
  15. Emahoy YewubDar Gebru[11]
  16. Woizero Desta Gebru[12]
  17. Woizero Genet Gebru[11]
  18. Ato Wagaye Gebru[13]
  19. Ato Misew Gebru[13]
  20. Ato Bobi Gebru[13]
  21. Woizero ShewaReged Gedle[14]
  22. Ato Kifle Wodajo
  23. Balambaras MahitemeSellasie WoldeMeskel[15]
  24. Lij Minase Asfaw
  25. Dejazmatch Habte'Mikael Yinadu
  26. TsehafeT'ezaz WoldeMeskel Tariku
  27. Fitawrari LeulSeged Wendyirad
  28. Lij Hiwot Wendyirad
  29. Balambaras LeulSeged Yimer
  30. NegaDires Gebre-Egziabher François
  31. Woizero Aster Workneh
  32. Kegnazmacth Habte'Mikael Birru
  33. Ato Lema Shurte
  34. Kegnazmatch Lema Bisewur
  35. Girazmatch Legesse Gizaw
  36. Kegnazmatch LeulSeged Deneke
  37. Lij Liben Gebrehiwot
  38. Ato LisaneWerk WeldeMikael
  39. Weizero Hamere Eshete
  40. Shiek Mohammed Shafi
  41. Lij Mesay WendBewesen
  42. Girazmatch Mesha Wenberu
  43. Kegnazmatch Meshesha
  44. Dejazmatch Metaferia MelkeTsedek
  45. Dejazmatch Mengesha Wube
  46. Ato Mekonnen Tesema
  47. Ato Mekonnen WoldeYohannes
  48. Dejazmatch Mekonnen Wosene
  49. Ato Mekonnen WendAwik
  50. Ato Mekonnen GebreHiwot
  51. Lij Mulugeta Bezabih
  52. Weizero Mamite
  53. Ato Mamo BehsaWured
  54. Ato Markos ManAmnoh
  55. Ato Markos Reta
  56. Ato Masresha
  57. Weizero ManYahilishal Kassa
  58. Weizero Mintiwab Tekle
  59. Ato Minda HabteSellasie
  60. Kegnazmatch Mola Wenberu
  61. Ato SahileMariam Sifeta..
  62. Fitawrari SahileGiorgis Nadew
  63. Blatten Geta Sahle Tsedalu
  64. Dejazmatch Seyoum Desta
  65. Balambaras Reda
  66. Woizero Roza
  67. Ato SelaDingay Tilahun
  68. Ato Senbeta Bedane
  69. Woizero Sara GebreEyesus
  70. Ato Samuel Gebreyes
  71. Lij Sileshi Bezabih
  72. Ato Sileshi WendBewesen
  73. Sheik Shofe
  74. Girazmatch Belew Tessema
  75. Ato Belachew Yadete
  76. Dejazmatch Belay Ali
  77. Ato Berehe
  78. Ato Bekele Senbete
  79. Ato Bekele Kiros
  80. Ato Bekele GebreTsadik
  81. Woizero Bekelu Kassa
  82. Girazmatch Bedasso Abdulahi
  83. Ato BeFekadu WoldeMikael
  84. Girazmatch Biyad'gilign
  85. Ato Benedeto AtnafeAlem
  86. Ato Birhane HabteMikael
  87. Ato Birhane Markos
  88. Lij BirhaneSellasie Yibsaa[16]
  89. Fitawrari Temesgen Bitew
  90. Ato Temune
  91. Lij Terefe WoldeGabriel
  92. Blatta Tessema Belhu
  93. Balambaras Tessema Ali
  94. Blatta Tessema Debalke
  95. Ato Tesfaye Tegegn
  96. Dejazmatch Tesfa Tiku
  97. Meli'ake Genet Tesfaye
  98. Ato Teshome Minda
  99. Girazmatch Tebeje
  100. Ato TekleMariam Kassahun
  101. Woizero Tewabech Ze'Amanuel
  102. Girazmatch Tedla HaileGiorgis
  103. Ato Tefera Lewetegn
  104. Fitawrari Tefera Mesfin
  105. Lij Teferi Bezabih
  106. Ato Tefera'Werk Kidane'Weld
  107. Lij Tadesse Wolde'Giorgis
  108. Ato Tafesse Gessese
  109. Ato Tewodros Workneh
  110. Kegnazmatch HaileMikael Haji Bilto
  111. Lij HaileMikael Zewde
  112. Ato HaileMikael Fetene
  113. Girazmatch HaileMariam Gessese
  114. Dejazmatch HaileSellasie Aba Je'Bel
  115. Azazh HaileSellasie Megenu
  116. Kegnazmatch HaileTsion Kawotona
  117. Ato Haili Markos
  118. Dejazmatch Hailu Tesfaye
  119. Ato Haile Bahir
  120. Ato Haile Tessema
  121. Balmbaras Haile GetaBicha
  122. Lij Haile WoldeMeskel
  123. Fitawari Haile WoldeTsadik
  124. Kegnazmatch Haile Digua'Wuhaw
  125. Ato Haile Digua'Wuhaw
  126. Kegnazmatch Nigatu Beshe
  127. Ato Alito
  128. Kadi Ahmed
  129. Kegnazmatch Amare GebreMariam
  130. Ato Areke GebreHiwot
  131. Woizero Aselefech
  132. Woizero Asegedech
  133. Ato Aseffa Mola
  134. Ato Aseffa Solomon
  135. Girazmatch Asres Tessema
  136. Woizero Askale WoldeAmanuel
  137. Woizero Askale Wosenne
  138. Fitawrari Asfaw Man'Aye
  139. Balambaras Asfaw TekleMariam
  140. Girazmatch Asfaw Tamene
  141. Ato Asfaw Andarge
  142. Ato Asfaw Ali
  143. Balambaras Asfaw WoldeGiorgis
  144. Ato Asfaw GebreYohannes
  145. Ato Asfaw FikreSellasie
  146. Blatta Ashine KidaneMariam
  147. Ato Abera Shih'New
  148. Balambaras Abera Ketema
  149. Woizero Abebech Abegaz
  150. Woizero Abebech Cherkose
  151. Girazmatch Abebe Nake
  152. Dejazmatch Abebe Ayelewerk
  153. Ato Abebe WoldeTsasdik
  154. NegaDires Abebe Wolde
  155. Bejirond Abegaz
  156. Lij Abate Mulat
  157. NegaDires Abayneh WoldeMikael
  158. Ato Amberbir Abebe
  159. Woizero Ayelech Birru
  160. Ato Ayele Ali
  161. Blatta Ayele Gebre
  162. Dejazmatch Ayalew Birru
  163. Fitawrari Ayalew Birru
  164. Woizero AtnafeAlem GebreHiwot
  165. AfeNigus AtnafSeged WoldeTsadik
  166. Tsehafi Ti'ezaz AfeWerk
  167. Ato Efrem Asfaw
  168. Balambaras Emagnu Yimer
  169. NegaDires Eshete Teketelew
  170. Ato Eshete Hailu
  171. NegaDires Eshete Wube
  172. Aleka Estifanos
  173. Kegnazmatch Kebede Meshesha
  174. Dejazmatch Kebede Aragaw
  175. Girazmatch Kebede Tasew
  176. Kegnazmatch Keterew WoldeAregay
  177. Blatta KidaneMariam Abera
  178. Ato Kassa Maru
  179. Dejazmatch Kassa Sibhat
  180. Woizero Kassa Yelemitu
  181. Girazmatch Kassa Raklis
  182. Ato Kosros Bogosian
  183. Woizero WoleteKidan Mamo
  184. Yitot WoleteYes
  185. Woizero Wolete Yohannes
  186. Girazmatch WoldeMikael Desalegn
  187. BlattenGeta WoldeMariam Ayele
  188. Ato WoldeRufael Ashengo
  189. Basha Wolde Sema'et
  190. Ato WoldeSenbet Ayito
  191. Kegnazmatch WoldeYes Ayele
  192. Ato Wolde Gabriel
  193. Fitawrari WoldeGiorgis Adem
  194. Merigeta WoldeTsadik Aferu
  195. Kegnazmatch WoldeTsadik Zegeye
  196. Ato WoldeTsadik Zegeye
  197. Ato Wolde Wossene
  198. Lij Wossene Metaferia
  199. Ato Workneh ZikArgachew
  200. Ato Wondim Siamregn
  201. NegaDires Wedajo Ali
  202. Ato Amde Abera
  203. Ato Umer Ibrahim
  204. Ato Alemu Tekle
  205. Basha Alemu
  206. Ato Alemu Endashaw
  207. Lij Aleme
  208. Lij Zelleke Nigatu
  209. Abba Zemede Birhan
  210. Woizero Zenebech
  211. Ato Zewde Tadesse
  212. Zena AmdeMariam
  213. Zimam Wodejao
  214. Kegnazmatch YeshiNeh
  215. Ato YetNeberk WoldeMeskel
  216. Ato Yilma GebreKidan
  217. Lij Yikum Abate
  218. Ato Yibisa
  219. Ato Yosef Ayele
  220. Fitawrari Demise Habte-Selassie
  221. Basha Demise Bedasa
  222. Girazmatch Demise Abe
  223. Ato Demise WoldeYes
  224. Lij Dereje Mekonnen
  225. Ato Desta Liben
  226. Kentiba Desta Mitike
  227. Fitawrari Desta AtnafSeged
  228. Kegnazmatch Desta WeldeKiros
  229. Woizero Desta WoldeMariam
  230. Fitawrari Desalegn Cherinet
  231. Ato Desalegn Abesha
  232. Woizero Debritu Abnet
  233. Kegnazmatch Dehne WoldeMariam
  234. Balambaras Degefu Gebre
  235. Woizero Dinknesh Teferi
  236. Dinknesh BeshaWured
  237. Woizero Dinknesh Dinkitu
  238. Ato Dilnese
  239. Ato Dua'ali Kadiye
  240. Kadi Jami
  241. Ato Gerime
  242. Basha Gesesse Reda
  243. Ras GebreHiwot Mikael
  244. Ato GebreMikael Tesema
  245. Blatta GebreMikael WoldeMeskel
  246. Ato GebreMikael Selfako
  247. Basha GebreMariam Surur
  248. Ato GebreMariam Ewinetu
  249. Ato GebreMariam Jimma
  250. Abba Gebre-Selassie
  251. Fitawrari Gebre-Selassie Aba Wurji
  252. LiquLiqawunt Gebre-Ab
  253. Lique Gebre-Kirstos Wolde-Yohannes
  254. Ato GebreYes HabteGabriel
  255. Ato GebreGiorgis GebreMariam
  256. Ato GebreTsion Nigatu
  257. Genet Tedla
  258. Basha Gont Lante Yideru
  259. Azazh Getahun Habte-Selassie
  260. Ato GetaBicha Tsemiru
  261. Fitawrari Gediwon Guangul
  262. Balambaras Girma YayehYirad
  263. Fitawrari Girma Mamo
  264. Girazmatch Gibaw Gizaw
  265. Girazmatch Gizaw Serawitu
  266. Ligaba Tasew Walelu
  267. Woizero Taitu Kebede
  268. Afe Nigus Tilahun BeHabte
  269. Azazh Tilaye Tesema
  270. Ato Tilahun Cherinet
  271. Ato Tigashaw Tsemiru
  272. Woizero TiruWerk Aligaz
  273. Tirunesh Wodere
  274. Memhir Cherkos
  275. Ato Tsegaye GebreTsadik
  276. Kegnazmatch Tsige WerdeWerk
  277. Kegnazmatch Tsige Yimamu
  278. Woizero Tsehay Abeba AbaKoran
  279. Kegnazmatch Tsemiru Gebre-Selassie
  280. Fikade-Selassie Emagnu
  281. Bejirond Fikre-Selassie Ketema


  1. "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2015-07-02. Retrieved 2015-07-01.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  2. "Yeweinshet Beshah-Woured" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2018-10-02. Retrieved 2022-02-26.
  3. Etsub Dinq Book, The writer of the book was an inmate at Asinara
  4. 1 2 3 4 Son of Princess Romanework and Dejazmatch Beyene Merid
  5. 1 2 BlattenGeta Heruy Wolde Selassie's daughter
  6. Fitawrari TekleHawariat TekleMariam's son
  7. Lij Seifu Mikael's wife, Hakim Workneh Eshete's daughter
  8. Hakim Workneh Eshete's wife, Sara Workneh's mother
  9. "Kentiba Gebru (Gobaw) Desta, Ethiopia, Protestant". Archived from the original on 2015-07-02. Retrieved 2015-07-01.
  10. Kentiba Gebru Desta's daughter http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780195382075.001.0001/acref-9780195382075-e-1847 Archived 2015-07-02 at the Wayback Machine
  11. 1 2 Kentiba Gebru Desta's daughter
  12. Kentiba Gebru Desta's daughter http://www.ethiopianwomenunleashed.org/database/desta-gebru-desta/ Archived 2015-09-24 at the Wayback Machine
  13. 1 2 3 Kentiba Gebru Desta's son
  14. Famous Ethiopian Female patriot
  15. Author of Etsub Dinq where this list derived from
  16. Mining engineer discovered uranium 1954 https://www.nytimes.com/1954/05/16/archives/uranium-deposits-found-in-ethiopia.html Archived 2022-02-26 at the Wayback Machine https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10150686017541422&set=a.10150685973721422 Archived 2022-02-26 at the Wayback Machine
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