Fiction Illustrated is a short-lived series of early illustrated fiction, similar to graphic novels, produced and packaged by Byron Preiss Visual Productions in the 1970s and published by Pyramid/Jove/HBJ. Four were produced, with a fifth was planned. All but one were written by Byron Preiss. The first three were published digest size, the fourth was published in larger format.


  • Fiction Illustrated #1—Schlomo Raven: Public Detective (Pyramid Books, 1976; by Preiss and Tom Sutton)
  • Fiction Illustrated #2—Starfawn (Pyramid Books, 1976; by Preiss and Stephen Fabian)
  • Fiction Illustrated #3—Chandler: Red Tide (Pyramid Books, 1976 ISBN 0-515-04241-2; Dark Horse Comics, 2001 ISBN 1-56971-438-X)
  • Fiction Illustrated #4—Son of Sherlock Holmes (Pyramid Books, 1977; by Preiss and Ralph Reese)


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