Raphidonema faringdonense, a fossil sponge from the Cretaceous of England.

This list of prehistoric sponges is an attempt to create a comprehensive listing of all genera that have ever been included in the phylum Porifera, excluding purely vernacular terms. The list includes all commonly accepted genera, but also genera that are now considered invalid, doubtful (nomina dubia), or were not formally published (nomina nuda), as well as junior synonyms of more established names, and genera that are no longer considered to be sponges.

Naming conventions and terminology

Naming conventions and terminology follow the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Technical terms used include:

  • Junior synonym: A name which describes the same taxon as a previously published name. If two or more genera are formally designated and the type specimens are later assigned to the same genus, the first to be published (in chronological order) is the senior synonym, and all other instances are junior synonyms. Senior synonyms are generally used, except by special decision of the ICZN, but junior synonyms cannot be used again, even if deprecated. Junior synonymy is often subjective, unless the genera described were both based on the same type specimen.
  • Nomen nudum (Latin for "naked name"): A name that has appeared in print but has not yet been formally published by the standards of the ICZN. Nomina nuda (the plural form) are invalid, and are therefore not italicized as a proper generic name would be. If the name is later formally published, that name is no longer a nomen nudum and will be italicized on this list. Often, the formally published name will differ from any nomina nuda that describe the same specimen.
  • Nomen oblitum (Latin for "forgotten name"): A name that has not been used in the scientific community for more than fifty years after its original proposal.
  • Preoccupied name: A name that is formally published, but which has already been used for another taxon. This second use is invalid (as are all subsequent uses) and the name must be replaced. As preoccupied names are not valid generic names, they will also go unitalicized on this list.
  • Nomen dubium (Latin for "dubious name"): A name describing a fossil with no unique diagnostic features. As this can be an extremely subjective and controversial designation, this term is not used on this list.
Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z See also


  • Acanothyra
  • Acanthactinella
  • Acanthastrella
  • Acanthochaetetes
  • Acanthocoryna
  • Acanthodictya
  • Acanthophora
  • Acanthopyrgus (genus name already occupied by a grasshopper, synonym of Yukonensis
  • Acanthoraphis
  • Acanthospongia
  • Achrochordiella
  • Achrochordonia
  • Acloeodictya
  • Acoelia
  • Acosmostroma
  • Actinocoelia
  • Actinodictya
  • Actinodictyon
  • Actinofungia
  • Actinolites
  • Actinostromaria
  • Actinostromarianina
  • Actinostromella
  • Actostroma
  • Aculatostroma
  • Adrianella
  • Adriatella
  • Afiacyathus
  • Agastrocyathus
  • Aglithodictya
  • Agyrekocyathus
  • Ajacicyathellus
  • Ajacicyathus
  • Aka
  • Aksopora
  • Alaskacoscinus
  • Alaskaspongia
  • Alasonia
  • Alataucyathus
  • Alconeracyathus
  • Alectona
  • Allantospongia
  • Alleynodictyon
  • Allomera
  • Allosaccus
  • Alosculum
  • Alphacyathus
  • Alpinothalamia
  • Altaicyathus
  • Amblysiphonella
  • Amblysiphonelloides
  • Amnestostroma
  • Amphilectella
  • Amphipora
  • Amphorithalamia
  • Amsassia
  • Anaptyctocyathus
  • Andreaea (sponge)
  • Angaricyathus
  • Angullongia
  • Annaecoelia
  • Annulocyathella
  • Annulocyathus
  • Annulofungia
  • Anomoclonella
  • Anomorphites
  • Anostylostroma
  • Antarcticocyathus
  • Anthaspidella
  • Anthomorpha
  • Anthracosycon
  • Antoniocoscinus
  • Antrispongia
  • Antrospongia
  • Aphlebospongia
  • Aphrocallistes
  • Aphrosalpinx
  • Aplosphecion
  • Aplysinofibra
  • Apocoelia
  • Aporosocyathus
  • Aptocyathella
  • Aptocyathus
  • Arakespongia
  • Araneosustroma
  • Arborohindia
  • Arbuscula
  • Archaeocyathus
  • Archaeodoryderma
  • Archaeolynthus
  • Archaeopharetra
  • Archaeoscyphia
  • Archaeosycon
  • Arctostroma
  • Ardrossacyathus
  • Armstrongia
  • Arrythmocricus
  • Arthaberia
  • Arturocyathus
  • Arystidictyon
  • Asteractinella
  • Asteriospongia
  • Asterocyathus
  • Asterospongia
  • Asterotumulus
  • Asthenospongia
  • Astraeoconus
  • Astraeospongium
  • Astrobolia
  • Astrocladia
  • Astroconia
  • Astrolemma
  • Astropegma
  • Astroporina
  • Astrosclerida
  • Astrostylopsis
  • Astylomanon
  • Astylospongia
  • Astylospongiella
  • Ataxiocyathus
  • Atelodictyon
  • Atopostroma
  • Atrochaetetes
  • Attungaia
  • Aulacera
  • Aulacosia
  • Aulacospongia
  • Aulaxinia
  • Auliscocyathus
  • Aulocopella
  • Aulocopina
  • Aulocopium
  • Aulocricus
  • Aulocyclus
  • Aulodomus
  • Aulophax
  • Aulosoma
  • Aulospongia
  • Auroria
  • Australispongia
  • Azorica
  • Azyrtalia


  • Baccispongia
  • Bactronella
  • Baikalocyathus
  • Balantionella
  • Balatonia
  • Barrandeolites
  • Barroisia
  • Bathotheca
  • Batschykicyathus
  • Battaglia
  • Bauneia
  • Beaussetia
  • Becksia
  • Belemnospongia
  • Belemnostroma
  • Belonisia
  • Beltanacyathus
  • Belubulaia
  • Belubulaspongia
  • Bicolumnostratum
  • Bicoscinus
  • Bifariostroma
  • Bipallicyathus
  • Blastinia
  • Blastinoidea
  • Blastochaetetes
  • Blastulospongia
  • Boikothalamia
  • Bolidium
  • Bolitesia
  • Bolojerea
  • Bolospongia
  • Boonderooia
  • Borocyathus
  • Bothoteca
  • Bothrochlaenia
  • Bothroconis
  • Bothrolemma
  • Botocyathus
  • Botroclonium
  • Botryodictya
  • Botryosella
  • Bottonaecyathus
  • Brachiospongia
  • Bractocyathus
  • Brevisiphonella
  • Brianispongia
  • Brochodora
  • Bullulodictyon
  • Burgundia
  • Butakovicyathus


  • Cadniacyathus
  • Caesaria
  • Calathiscus
  • Calathospongia
  • Calcihexactina
  • Calcistella
  • Calicia
  • Caliculospongia
  • Callicylix
  • Callodictyon
  • Callopegma
  • Calthropella
  • Calycocoelia
  • Calycospongia
  • Calymmatina
  • Calyptocoscinus
  • Calyptrella
  • Cambrocyathells
  • Camellaspongia
  • Cameroptychium
  • Camerospongia
  • Canistrumella
  • Capsospongia
  • Capsulocyathus
  • Carinacyathus
  • Carnegiea
  • Carphites
  • Carpicyathus
  • Carpospongia
  • Carta
  • Carterella
  • Caryomanon
  • Caryospongia
  • Caseispongia
  • Cassianochaetes
  • Cassianostroma
  • Cassianothalamia
  • Catenispongia
  • Cauliculospongia
  • Caulophacus
  • Cavispongia
  • Cavusonella
  • Cellicyathus
  • Celyphia
  • Ceotinella
  • Cephalites
  • Cephaloraphidites
  • Ceraostroma
  • Ceratodictya
  • Ceratoporella
  • Ceriodictyon
  • Chaetetella
  • Chaetetes
  • Chaetetipora
  • Chaetetopsis
  • Chakassicyathus
  • Chalaropegma
  • Changicyathus
  • Chankacyathus
  • Chaunactis
  • Cheilosporites
  • Chenendopora
  • Chiastoclonella
  • Chirospongia
  • Choia
  • Choiaella
  • Chondrocladia
  • Chonellopsis
  • Chouberticyathus
  • Churanocyathus
  • Cinclidella
  • Cincliderma
  • Cinnabaria
  • Circopora
  • Cladocoropsis
  • Cladodermia
  • Cladodia
  • Cladolithosia
  • Cladorhiza
  • Claruscoscinus
  • Clathricoscinus
  • Clathricyathus
  • Clathrispongia
  • Clathrithalamus
  • Clathrocoilona
  • Clathrodictyella
  • Clathrodictyon
  • Clathrospongia
  • Clathrostroma
  • Clavidictyon
  • Cleodictya
  • Clepsydrospongia
  • Clifdenella
  • Climacospongia
  • Cliona
  • Cnemaulax
  • Cnemicopanon
  • Cnemidiastrum
  • Coelocladia
  • Coelocladiella
  • Coeloconia
  • Coelocorypha
  • Coeloptychium
  • Coeloscyphia
  • Coelosphaeroma
  • Coenostella
  • Coenostroma
  • Collatipora
  • Colossolacis
  • Colpospongia
  • Columellaespongia
  • Columna
  • Columnostroma
  • Compositocyathus
  • Compsaspis
  • Conannulofungia
  • Condylacanthus
  • Coniatopenia
  • Coniculospongia
  • Conispongia
  • Conocoelia
  • Constellatospongia
  • Copleicyathus
  • Corallidium
  • Corallistes
  • Cordilleracyathus
  • Cordobicyathus
  • Cornuaspongia
  • Corralio
  • Corticium
  • Corticospongia
  • Corticulospongia
  • Corymbospongia
  • Corynella
  • Coscinaulus
  • Coscinocyathella
  • Coscinocyathellus
  • Coscinocyathus
  • Coscinodiscus
  • Coscinopora
  • Coscinoptycta
  • Coscinospongia
  • Cotylahindia
  • Cotyliscus
  • Còyptoporocyathus
  • Craniella
  • Crassicoscinus
  • Crateromorpha
  • Craticularia
  • Cribrospongia
  • Cribrothalamia
  • Crispispongia
  • Crucispongia
  • Crumillospongia
  • Cryptocoelia
  • Cryptodictya
  • Cryptophragmus
  • Cucumaltina
  • Cupulina
  • Cyathocricus
  • Cyathodictya
  • Cyathophycus
  • Cyathophyscus
  • Cyathospongia
  • Cycloclema
  • Cyclocyathella
  • Cyclostigma
  • Cylicoopsis
  • Cylindrophyma
  • Cymbochlaenia
  • Cypellia
  • Cypellospongia
  • Cyrtobolia
  • Cysticyathus
  • Cystispongia
  • Cystistroma
  • Cystocerium
  • Cystostroma
  • Cystothalamia
  • Cystothalamiella
  • Cytoracea


  • Dactylites
  • Dactylocalycites
  • Dactylocalyx
  • Daharella
  • Dailycyathus
  • Deceptioncyathus
  • Defordia
  • Degeletticyathus
  • Denaecyathus
  • Dendroclonella
  • Deningeria
  • Densastroma
  • Densocyathus
  • Dentatocoscinus
  • Dermatostroma
  • Desmidopora
  • Desmoderma
  • Desmopora
  • Desmostroma
  • Devonospongia
  • Diacyparia
  • Diagoniella
  • Diaplectia
  • Diasterofungia
  • Dichojerea
  • Dicranoclonella
  • Dictyocoelia
  • Dictyocyathus
  • Dictyofavus
  • Dictyophyton
  • Dictyorhabdus
  • Dictyospongia
  • Dictyosycon
  • Didymocyathus
  • Didymosphaera
  • Diecithalamia
  • Dierespongia
  • Diestosphecion
  • Dimorpha
  • Diphyllospira
  • Diplochaetetes
  • Diplocyathellus
  • Diplodictyon
  • Diplopleura
  • Diplostoma
  • Diplostroma
  • Discispongia
  • Discocoeila
  • Discodermia
  • Discodermites
  • Discophyma
  • Discosiphonella
  • Discostroma
  • Disjectopora
  • Disparistromaria
  • Ditraenella
  • Divaricospongia
  • Docoderma
  • Dokidocyathella
  • Dokidocyathus
  • Doryderma
  • Dracolychnus
  • Drosdoria
  • Drosdovia
  • Dunhillia
  • Dupliporocyathus
  • Dyoconia
  • Dyocopanon
  • Dysidea
  • Dystactospongia


  • Ecblastesia
  • Ecclimadictyon
  • Echidnina
  • Ectenodictya
  • Edelsteinia
  • Edriospongia
  • Elasma
  • Elasmalimus
  • Elasmocoelia
  • Elasmoierea
  • Elasmostoma
  • Ellesmerespongia
  • Ellipsactinia
  • Emploca
  • Enaulofungia
  • Endoplegma
  • Endostoma
  • Enoplocoelia
  • Ensiferites
  • Eochaunactis
  • Eocoryne
  • Eospongia
  • Epeudea
  • Epiplastospongia
  • Epistomella
  • Epitheles
  • Erbocyathus
  • Eremitacyathus
  • Erineum
  • Erismacoscinus
  • Erugatocyathus
  • Erylus
  • Esperites
  • Etalloniella
  • Etheridgia
  • Ethmocoscinus
  • Ethmocyathus
  • Ethmophyllum
  • Eubrochis
  • Eubrochus
  • Eudea
  • Eudictyon
  • Euepirrhysia
  • Euleraphe
  • Euplectella
  • Eurete
  • Euryamphipora
  • Eurydiscites
  • Eusiphonella
  • Eustrobilus
  • Eutactostomium
  • Euzittelia
  • Euzkadiella
  • Exanthesis
  • Exochopora
  • Exodictydia


  • Faciledictyon
  • Fallocyathus
  • Falospongia
  • Faniathalamia
  • Fansycyathus
  • Farrea
  • Farreopsis
  • Favilynthus
  • Favosichaetetes
  • Feifelia
  • Felixium
  • Fenestrocyathus
  • Fenestrospongia
  • Ferestromatopora
  • Fieldospongia
  • Finksella
  • Fissispongia
  • Fistellaspongia
  • Fistulimurina
  • Fistulisponga
  • Flabellispongia
  • Flexanulus
  • Flexiostroma
  • Flosculus
  • Foerstella
  • Follicalena
  • Forcepia
  • Formosocyathus
  • Forolina
  • Fragilicyathus
  • Fransuasaecyathus
  • Frinalicyathus
  • Fusiferella


  • Gabelia
  • Gabrielsocyathus
  • Gagarinicyathus
  • Garraspongia
  • Gaspespongia
  • Gatagacyathus
  • Geniculicyathus
  • Geocyathus
  • Geodia
  • Geodiopsis
  • Geodites
  • Gerronodictyon
  • Gerronostroma
  • Gevreya
  • Gigantospongia
  • Gignouxia
  • Gillettia
  • Ginkgospongia
  • Girtycoelia
  • Glenodictyum
  • Glomocystospongia
  • Gloriosocyathus
  • Glyptostromoides
  • Gnaltacyathus
  • Gomphites
  • Gonamispongia
  • Gondekia
  • Gongylospongia
  • Gordonicyathus
  • Gordonifungia
  • Goreauiella
  • Graminospongia
  • Graphoscyphus
  • Gravestockia
  • Griphodictya
  • Grossotubenella
  • Guadalupia
  • Guettardiscyphia
  • Guitarra
  • Guizhouchaetetes
  • Gumbycyathus
  • Gyrispongia


  • Habrosium
  • Habrostroma
  • Halichondrites
  • Halina
  • Hallirhoa
  • Hallodictya
  • Halysicyathus
  • Hamacantha
  • Hammatostroma
  • Hamptonia
  • Hapalopegma
  • Haplistion
  • Haplistionella
  • Hartmanina
  • Hazelia
  • Heckericyathus
  • Heftastylis
  • Helicodictya
  • Heliospongia
  • Helminthophyllum
  • Helobrachium
  • Heloraphinia
  • Hemidiscella
  • Hemithalamocyathus
  • Henricellum
  • Heptastylis
  • Hermatoporella
  • Hermatostroma
  • Hermatostromella
  • Hesperocoelia
  • Heteroraphidites
  • Heterospongia
  • Heterostella
  • Heterostinia
  • Hexactinella
  • Hexactractiella
  • Hexastylostroma
  • Himatella
  • Hindia
  • Hintzesnonaia
  • Hintzespongia
  • Hippalimus
  • Hispidopetra
  • Hodsia
  • Holasterella
  • Holcospongia
  • Holocoelia
  • Holodictyon
  • Homalodora
  • Hormathospongia
  • Hormospongia
  • Hudsonella
  • Hudsonospongia
  • Hunanospongia
  • Hupecyathellus
  • Hupecyathus
  • Hyaloderma
  • Hyalonemia
  • Hyalospongia
  • Hyalostelia
  • Hyalotragos
  • Hydnoangulus
  • Hydnoceras
  • Hydnocerina
  • Hydnodictya
  • Hydriodictya
  • Hymedesmia
  • Hypothyra
  • Hyptocyathus


  • Ichnospongia
  • Ichnusocyathus
  • Idiodictyon
  • Idiostroma
  • Iljinicyathus
  • Imbricatocoelia
  • Imperatoria
  • Imponodictyon
  • Inacyathella
  • Incurvocyathus
  • Inessocyathellus
  • Inessocyathus
  • Infexiostella
  • Ingentilotus
  • Inobolia
  • Inodia
  • Insulipora
  • Intexodictyon
  • Intextum
  • Intrasporeocoelia
  • Intratubospongia
  • Iophon
  • Iouea
  • Iowaspongia
  • Irinaecyathus
  • Irregulatopora
  • Ischadia
  • Isispongia
  • Isiticyathus
  • Isoraphinia
  • Itararella
  • Ithacadictya


  • Jablonskyia
  • Jakutocarinus
  • Jangudacyathus
  • Japhanicyathus
  • Jawonya
  • Jebileticoscinus
  • Jerea
  • Jereica
  • Jereina
  • Jereomorpha
  • Jereopsis
  • Jianghania
  • Jima
  • Joanaecyathus
  • Jugalicyathus


  • Kalimnospongia
  • Kalpinella
  • Kaltatocyathus
  • Karatubulus
  • Kasyricyathus
  • Kazania
  • Kechikacyathus
  • Kellericyathus
  • Kentrosia
  • Keriocoelia
  • Keriocyathus
  • Keriogastrospongia
  • Khalfinaea
  • Khasaktia
  • Kidjasocyathus
  • Kijacyathus
  • Kisasacyathus
  • Kiwetinokia
  • Kiwicyathus
  • Kolbicyathus
  • Koleostoma
  • Komia
  • Konyrium
  • Kordecyathus
  • Korovinella
  • Korshunovicyathus
  • Kotuyicoscinus
  • Kozlowskispongia
  • Krasnopeevacyathus
  • Kruseicnema
  • Kyarocyathus
  • Kymbecyathus
  • Kyphoclonella


  • Labechia
  • Labechiella
  • Ladaecyathus
  • Lamellata
  • Lamellistroma
  • Lamellopora
  • Landercyathus
  • Lanicyathus
  • Laocaetis
  • Lasiocladia
  • Lasiothrix
  • Latrunculia
  • Laubenfelsia
  • Lebedictya
  • Lecanella
  • Lecomptella
  • Lefroyella
  • Leinia
  • Leiocarenus
  • Leiochaetetes
  • Leiochonia
  • Leiodermatium
  • Leiodorella
  • Leiophyllum
  • Leiospongia
  • Leiostracosia
  • Lemonea
  • Lenica
  • Lenocyathus
  • Lepidospongia
  • Leptolacis
  • Leptomitella
  • Leptomitus
  • Leptophragma
  • Leptopoterion
  • Leptosocyathellus
  • Leptosocyathus
  • Lerouxia
  • Leuconia
  • Lewinia
  • Lichuanopora
  • Lichuanospongia
  • Licmosinion
  • Lineastroma
  • Linochone
  • Linonema
  • Liscombispongia
  • Lissocoelia
  • Lithopora
  • Lithostrobilis
  • Litophyllum
  • Loculicyathus
  • Loganiella
  • Lonsda
  • Lopadophorus
  • Lopanella
  • Lophiostroma
  • Ludictyon
  • Lumectospongia
  • Lunulacyathus
  • Lychniscaulus
  • Lyidium
  • Lymnorea
  • Lyrodictya
  • Lysactinella


  • Macandrewia
  • Macandrewites
  • Mackenziecyathus
  • Macrobrochus
  • Madonia
  • Maiandrocyathus
  • Makiyama
  • Malinowskiella
  • Malluviospongia
  • Malumispongium
  • Mamelohindia
  • Marginospongia
  • Marinduqueia
  • Markocyathus
  • Marshallia
  • Mastodictya
  • Mastodictyum
  • Mastophorus
  • Mastophyma
  • Mastosia
  • Mattajacyathus
  • Mattaspongia
  • Matthewcyathus
  • Mawsonicoscinus
  • Meandripetra
  • Meandrospongia
  • Meandrostia
  • Megalelasma
  • Megalithistida
  • Megaloraphium
  • Megarhiza
  • Megastroma
  • Megastylia
  • Melkanicyathus
  • Melonanchora
  • Melonella
  • Membranacyathus
  • Mennericyathus
  • Merlia
  • Metaldetes
  • Metamsassia
  • Metschnikowia
  • Metyacyathellus
  • Microblastidium
  • Microcoryne
  • Microdendron
  • Microhemidiscia
  • Microrhizophora
  • Microstaura
  • Mikhnocyathus
  • Milleporella
  • Milleporidium
  • Mimeticosia
  • Mixtusdictyon
  • Moleculospina
  • Molengraafia
  • Molybdocyathus
  • Monilispongia
  • Mootwingeecyathus
  • Morenicyathus
  • Moretia
  • Moretiella
  • Moretispongia
  • Mortieria
  • Moskovia
  • Mrassocyathus
  • Muchattocyathus
  • Muellerithalamia
  • Multiloqua
  • Multipocula
  • Multistella
  • Multivasculatus
  • Murania
  • Murguithalamia
  • Myliusia
  • Myrioporina
  • Myrmecidium
  • Myrmeciophytum
  • Myrmecioptychium
  • Mysterium
  • Myxilla


  • Nabaviella
  • Nalivkinicyathus
  • Napaeana
  • Nelumbia
  • Nelumbifolium
  • Nematinion
  • Nematosalpinx
  • Neobeatricea
  • Neoguadalupia
  • Neohindia
  • Neoloculicyathus
  • Neopelta
  • Neosyringostroma
  • Nepheliospongia
  • Nephelispongia
  • Neuropora
  • Nevadathalamia
  • Nevadocoelia
  • Newellia
  • Nibionia
  • Nipterella
  • Nitidus
  • Nochoroicyathus
  • Nodulipora
  • Norfordia
  • Nostrocyathus
  • Novitella
  • Nucha
  • Nuratadictyon


  • Ocellaria
  • Octobrum
  • Oculospongia
  • Offella
  • Okulitchicyathus
  • Okulitchina
  • Olangocoelia
  • Olgaecyathus
  • Oligoplagia
  • Olkenbachia
  • Oncocladia
  • Oncophora
  • Oncosella
  • Oncotoechus
  • Opeamorphus
  • Opetionella
  • Ophiodesia
  • Ophiraphidites
  • Ophrystoma
  • Oppligera
  • Orbiasterocyathus
  • Orbicoscinus
  • Orbicyathellus
  • Orbicyathus
  • Ordinatus
  • Orecyta
  • Orienticyathus
  • Ornatus
  • Orospheciom
  • Orthodiscus
  • Ortmannia
  • Ortmannispongia
  • Oslodictyon
  • Oxyrhizium
  • Ozarkocoelia
  • Ozospongia
  • Ozotrachelus


  • Pachastrella
  • Pachyascus
  • Pachycalymma
  • Pachycorynea
  • Pachycoscinus
  • Pachycothon
  • Pachylepisma
  • Pachymura
  • Pachynion
  • Pachypoterion
  • Pachypsechia
  • Pachyrachis
  • Pachysalax
  • Pachystylostroma
  • Pachyteichisma
  • Pachytheca
  • Pachytilodia
  • Palaeoaplysina
  • Palaeoconularia
  • Palaeojerea
  • Palaeomanon
  • Palaeophragmodictya
  • Palaeophyma
  • Palaeosaccus
  • Palaeoschada
  • Palaeostauronema
  • Palermocoelia
  • Palmatohindia
  • Palmericyathus
  • Pamirochaetetes
  • Pamiropora
  • Pamirostroma
  • Panormida
  • Pantokratoria
  • Papillocyathus
  • Paraaplysinofibria
  • Paracoscinus
  • Paracraticularia
  • Paradeningeria
  • Paraleptomitella
  • Parallelopora
  • Parallelostroma
  • Paramblysiphonella
  • Paranacyathus
  • Paraspelaeum
  • Parastromatopora
  • Paravesicocaulis
  • Parethmophyllum
  • Parksia
  • Parodospongia
  • Paropsites
  • Paruvanella
  • Patanophyma
  • Patellispongia
  • Pattersonia
  • Pelicaspongia
  • Pennastroma
  • Peregrinicyathus
  • Perimera
  • Periphragella
  • Periplectum
  • Perissocoelia
  • Peronella
  • Peronidella
  • Perplexostroma
  • Petalope
  • Petroidistroma
  • Petrosistroma
  • Petrosites
  • Petrostroma
  • Phacellopegma
  • Phalangium
  • Phanerochiderma
  • Pharetrospongia
  • Pheronema
  • Phialaspongia
  • Phlyctaenium
  • Phlyctia
  • Phobetractinia
  • Pholidocladia
  • Phormosella
  • Phragmocoelia
  • Phragmodictya
  • Phrissospongia
  • Phyllodermia
  • Phymaplecia
  • Phymaplectia
  • Phymaraphinia
  • Phymatella
  • Physocalpia
  • Physospongia
  • Piamaecyathellus
  • Pichiostroma
  • Pileolites
  • Pileospongia
  • Pinnatispongia
  • Pirania
  • Pisothalamia
  • Placochlaenia
  • Placojerea
  • Placonella
  • Placoscytus
  • Placotrema
  • Plakina
  • Platiferostroma
  • Platispongia
  • Platychonia
  • Platythalamiella
  • Plectascus
  • Plecteurette
  • Plectinia
  • Plectoderma
  • Plectodermatium
  • Plectospyris
  • Plectostroma
  • Plectroninia
  • Pleroma
  • Plethosiphonia
  • Pleurochorium
  • Pleuromera
  • Pleurope
  • Pleurophymia
  • Pleuropyge
  • Pleurostoma
  • Plexodictyon
  • Plicocyathus
  • Pliegatella
  • Plinthodermatium
  • Plinthosella
  • Pliobolia
  • Plioboliopsis
  • Plococonia
  • Plocoscyphia
  • Plumatalina
  • Pocillospongia
  • Podapsis
  • Polyactinella
  • Polyblastidium
  • Polycnemiseudea
  • Polycoscinus
  • Polycystocoelia
  • Polyedra
  • Polyendostoma
  • Polygonatium
  • Polylophidium
  • Polyosepia
  • Polyplectella
  • Polyrhipidium
  • Polyrhizophora
  • Polyschema
  • Polysiphon
  • Polysiphonella
  • Polysiphospongia
  • Polysiponeudea
  • Polystigmatium
  • Polystoma
  • Polysyge
  • Polytholosia
  • Polythyra
  • Polythyris
  • Polytretia
  • Porefieldia
  • Poriferella
  • Porkunites
  • Porochonia
  • Porocoscinus
  • Porocypellia
  • Porosphaera
  • Porosphaerella
  • Porospongia
  • Poterionella
  • Praeidiostroma
  • Praethalamopora
  • Precaratoporella
  • Precorynella
  • Prethmophyllum
  • Preverticillites
  • Prismodictya
  • Procorallistes
  • Procyathellus
  • Proeuplectella
  • Proeurete
  • Prohexactinella
  • Prokaliapsis
  • Promillepora
  • Propachastrella
  • Propleroma
  • Propriolynthus
  • Proseliscothon
  • Prosiphonella
  • Protachilleum
  • Protetraclis
  • Protoarmstrongia
  • Protohyalostelia
  • Protoleucon
  • Protopharetra
  • Protoprisma
  • Protospongia
  • Protosycon
  • Protremadictyon
  • Psarodictyon
  • Psephosyllogus
  • Pseudoactinodictyon
  • Pseudoactinostroma
  • Pseudoamblysiphonella
  • Pseudochaetetes
  • Pseudoguadalupia
  • Pseudoguettardia
  • Pseudohydnoceras
  • Pseudoimperatgoria
  • Pseudojerea
  • Pseudolabechia
  • Pseudopalaeoaplysina
  • Pseudopemmatites
  • Pseudoplocoscyphia
  • Pseudoporefieldia
  • Pseudoscytalia
  • Pseudoseliscothon
  • Pseudoseptifer
  • Pseudostromatoporella
  • Pseudostylodictyon
  • Pseudosyringocnema
  • Pseudotrupetostroma
  • Pseudoverruculina
  • Pseudovirgula
  • Psilocalyx
  • Pterocalpia
  • Ptretiosocyathus
  • Ptychochaetetes
  • Ptychodesia
  • Pulchrilamina
  • Purisiphonia
  • Putapacyathus
  • Pycnocalyptra
  • Pycnoclonella
  • Pycnodesma
  • Pycnoidocoscinus
  • Pycnoidocyathus
  • Pycnopegma
  • Pycnospongia
  • Pyritonema
  • Pyrogochonia
  • Pyrospongia
  • Pyruspongia


  • Quadrolaminiella


  • Raanespongia
  • Rackovskia
  • Racodiscula
  • Radicanalospongia
  • Radicispongia
  • Radioplica
  • Radiostroma
  • Radiothalamos
  • Radiotrabeculopora
  • Ragadinia
  • Rahbahthalmia
  • Ramalmerina
  • Ramispongia
  • Rankenella
  • Raphidonema
  • Rasetticyathus
  • Ratcliffespongia
  • Rauffia
  • Rectannulus
  • Regardrella
  • Regispongia
  • Regnardia
  • Reiswigia
  • Reniera
  • Retecoscinus
  • Retetumulus
  • Reticulcoelia
  • Reticullina
  • Reticullina
  • Retifungus
  • Rhabdactinia
  • Rhabdolynthus
  • Rhabdosispongia
  • Rhabdospongia
  • Rhabdotum
  • Rhagosplecion
  • Rhakistella
  • Rhaxella
  • Rhaxelloides
  • Rhizocheton
  • Rhizopoteronopsis
  • Rhizopsis
  • Rhizopterion
  • Rhizostele
  • Rhizotetraclis
  • Rhodanospongia
  • Rhogostomium
  • Rhombedonium
  • Rhombodictyon
  • Rhopalicna
  • Rhopalocoelia
  • Rhopaloconus
  • Rhopalospongia
  • Rhoptrum
  • Rhytidoderma
  • Riasanospongia
  • Rigbyella
  • Rigbyetia
  • Rigbyspongia
  • Ringifungia
  • Robertiolynthus
  • Robertocyathus
  • Robustocyathellus
  • Robustocyathus
  • Roemerispongia
  • Rosella
  • Rosenellinella
  • Rossocyathella
  • Rotundocyathus
  • Rozanovicoscinus
  • Rozanovicyathus
  • Rudanulus
  • Russocyathus
  • Russospongia
  • Rutkowskiella


  • Saccospongia
  • Sadleria
  • Saetaspongia
  • Sagittularia
  • Sahraja
  • Sajanocyathus
  • Sajanolynthus
  • Sakhacyathus
  • Salairella
  • Salairocyathus
  • Salzburgia
  • Sanarkocyathus
  • Sanarkophyllum
  • Sarophora
  • Saynospongia
  • Scheia
  • Scheiella
  • Scheielloides
  • Schistodictyon
  • Schizolites
  • Schrammeniella
  • Schumnyicyathus
  • Scleritoderma
  • Sclerocoelia
  • Sclerocyathus
  • Sclerokalia
  • Scleroplegma
  • Sclerothamnopsis
  • Scolecosia
  • Scolioraphis
  • Scribroporella
  • Scytalia
  • Scythophyma
  • Sebargasia
  • Sekwicyathus
  • Seliscothon
  • Semperella
  • Senowbaridaryana
  • Sentinella
  • Septochaetetes
  • Seranella
  • Sergaelites
  • Sestrocladia
  • Sestrodictyon
  • Sestrostomella
  • Shirdagopora
  • Shiveligocyathus
  • Shuqraia
  • Sibirecyathus
  • Sigmocoscinus
  • Sigmocyathus
  • Sigmofungia
  • Silicunculus
  • Simplexodictyon
  • Sinodictyon
  • Siphonia
  • Siphonocoelia
  • Siphostroma
  • Solenocoelia
  • Sollasia
  • Somersetella
  • Sontheimia
  • Sphaeractinia
  • Sphaeriella
  • Sphaerocoelia
  • Sphaerodictya
  • Sphaeropegma
  • Sphenaulax
  • Spherolichaetetes
  • Sphinctonella
  • Spinocladia
  • Spinosocyathus
  • Spinospongia
  • Spiractinella
  • Spirillicyathella
  • Spirolophia
  • Spirospongia
  • Spitsbergenia
  • Spongelites
  • Spongeoliomorpha
  • Spongiomorpha
  • Spongiothecopora
  • Sporadoporidium
  • Sporadopyle
  • Sporadoscinia
  • Squamosocyathus
  • Stachyodes
  • Stachyspongia
  • Stamnia
  • Staphylopora
  • Stapicyathus
  • Statanulocyathus
  • Stauractinella
  • Stauroderma
  • Stauronema
  • Steinerella
  • Steineria
  • Steinmanella
  • Steliella
  • Stellarispongia
  • Stelletta
  • Stellettites
  • Stellispongia
  • Stelodictyon
  • Stephanella
  • Stephanicyathus
  • Stephenospongia
  • Stereodictyum
  • Stevocyathus
  • Stichmaptyx
  • Stichophyma
  • Stictostroma
  • Stillicidocyathus
  • Stioderma
  • Stiodermiella
  • Stolleya
  • Stramentella
  • Stratispongia
  • Stratodictyon
  • Strephinia
  • Streptosolen
  • Streptospongia
  • Stromaporidium
  • Stromatidium
  • Stromatoaxinellia
  • Stromatocerium
  • Stromatodictyon
  • Stromatomorpha
  • Stromatopora
  • Stromatoporella
  • Stromatoporellata
  • Stromatoporellina
  • Stromatoporina
  • Stromatorhaxella
  • Stromatorhiza
  • Stromatospongia
  • Stromatostroma
  • Stylopegma
  • Styloporella
  • Stylostroma
  • Stylothalamia
  • Subascosymplegma
  • Subtilocyathus
  • Sulcastrella
  • Svetlanocyathus
  • Sycodictya
  • Syltispongia
  • Sylviacoscinus
  • Synaulia
  • Synopella
  • Synthetostroma
  • Synthetostroma
  • Syringocnema
  • Syringocyathus
  • Syringodictyon
  • Syringostroma
  • Syringostromina
  • Syringothalamus


  • Tabulacyathellus
  • Tabulacyathus
  • Taeniaecyathellus
  • Takakkawia
  • Taleastroma
  • Talpaspongia
  • Taplowia
  • Taraxaculum
  • Taylorcyathus
  • Tchojacyathus
  • Tebagathalamia
  • Teganium
  • Tegerocyathus
  • Tennericyathus
  • Tercyathellus
  • Tercyathus
  • Testispongia
  • Tetillopsis
  • Textispongia
  • Thalamnohaliclona
  • Thalamocyathus
  • Thalamopora
  • Thallospongia
  • Thamnodictya
  • Thamnonema
  • Thamnospongia
  • Thaumastocoelia
  • Thecosiphonia
  • Theneopsis
  • Theonella
  • Tholiasterella
  • Thoosa
  • Thrombus
  • Thyroidium
  • Thysanodictya
  • Tiddalickia
  • Tienodictyon
  • Timorella
  • Titusvillia
  • Tiverina
  • Tollicyathus
  • Tolminothalamia
  • Tologoicyathus
  • Toomeyospongia
  • Toquimiella
  • Toriscodermia
  • Torosocyathus
  • Tosastroma
  • Toulminia
  • Trachydictya
  • Trachynoton
  • Trachyphlyctia
  • Trachysinia
  • Trachyspecion
  • Trachysycon
  • Trachytila
  • Tragalimus
  • Trammeria
  • Tremabolites
  • Tremadictyon
  • Tremaphorus
  • Tremospongia
  • Tretocalia
  • Tretodictyum
  • Tretoechus
  • Triadocoelia
  • Trichospongia
  • Trigonostroma
  • Trininaecyathus
  • Tristratocoelia
  • Triticispongia
  • Trochobolus
  • Trupetostroma
  • Tubericyathus
  • Tubicoscinus
  • Tubispongia
  • Tubuliella
  • Tubuliporella
  • Tumulifungia
  • Tumuliolynthus
  • Tumulocoscinus
  • Tumulocyathus
  • Turonia
  • Tuvacnema
  • Twenhofelella
  • Tylocyathus
  • Typhlopleura


  • Ubiquiradius
  • Uphantena
  • Uralonema
  • Uranosphaera
  • Urcyathella
  • Urcyathus
  • Urnacristata
  • Usloncyathus
  • Ussuricyathus
  • Uvacoelia
  • Uvanella
  • Uvothalamia


  • Vaceletia
  • Valhalla
  • Valospongia
  • Varneycoelia
  • Vascothalamia
  • Vascothalmia
  • Vaurealispongia
  • Vauxia
  • Velellospongia
  • Ventriculites
  • Vermiculissimum
  • Veronicacyathus
  • Verrucospongia
  • Verruculina
  • Verticillites
  • Vesicocaulis
  • Vetulina
  • Vikingia
  • Virgaspongia
  • Virgula
  • Virmula
  • Vittia
  • Vologdinocyathellus
  • Vologdinocyathus


  • Waagenium
  • Wagima
  • Walliospongia
  • Wanella
  • Wapkia
  • Wapkiosa
  • Wareembra
  • Wareiella
  • Warrigalia
  • Warrriootacyathus
  • Welteria
  • Wewokella
  • Williamicyathus
  • Winwoodia
  • Wollemannia
  • Wongaspongia
  • Wrighticyathus


  • Xestecyathus
  • Xizangstromatopora
  • Xylospongia


  • Yabeodictyon
  • Yavorskiina
  • Youngella
  • Yrrhiza
  • Yudjaicyathus
  • Yukonella
  • Yukonocyathus
  • Yukonensis


  • Zangerlispongia
  • Zanklithalamia
  • Zardinia
  • Zeravshanella
  • Zhuravlevaecyathus
  • Zigzagella
  • Zittelella
  • Zitteleus
  • Zittelispongia
  • Zittelospongia
  • Zlambachella
  • Zonacoscinus
  • Zonacyathus
  • Zunyicyathus


    This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.