Confederación Xeral de Traballadores Galegos-Intersindical Nacional
  • Spain
Key people
Fernando Acuña, general secretary

Confederación Xeral de Traballadores Galegos-Intersindical Nacional ('General Confederation of Galician Workers', abbreviated CXTG-IN) was a nationalist trade union centre in Galicia.[1] CXTG-IN was founded in 1985, as a split from the Intersindical Nacional dos Traballadores Galegos (INTG).[2] Fernando Acuña served as the general secretary of the organization.[3] Politically the movement was close to Galician leftwing groups.[1]

Split from INTG

In 1985 INTG was torn by internal divisions, over questions such as the tactics of general strikes and the building of a new political movement.[4] CXTG was founded as a result of this split.[4]

1986 elections

CXTG-IN participated in the 1986 trade union elections, winning 1,104 delegates (0.62% of the company committees representative seats in all of Spain).[5]

1988 general strike

On December 14, 1988 a general strike was organized across Spain. In Galicia two separate mobilizations were organized, one by CC.OO. and UGT and one by CXTG and INTG.[4]


CXTG-IN published the journal Adiante.[6]

Affiliated unions

The CXTG-IN union in the health care sector was the Sindicato Galego da Sanidade-CXTG (SGS-CXTG).[7] The metal workers' union of CXTG was Sindicato Galego do Metal.[8]

The teachers' union of CXTG-IN was called Sindicato Galego do Ensino ea Investigación/CXTG (SGEI-CXTG).[9] SGEI-CXTG won around 10% of the votes in the teachers' union elections of 1987.[10] In 1987 the CXTG teachers' union launched a 'Permanent Seminary for Education for Peace', which later became an independent institution.[11] The Permanent Seminary published didactic materials on human rights, marginalization and eco-pacifism. Through the Permanent Seminary, the CXTG sought to promote non-sexist education.[12]

Merger with INTG

On April 2, 1990 CXTG-IN and INTG signed a cooperation treaty.[13][14]

INTG and CXTG contested the 1990 trade union elections jointly, winning 3,527 delegates (23.2% of the representative seats in Galicia).[4] On January 18, 1992 CXTG held an extraordinary congress in Narón, with the slogan 'Forward on the path of unity'.[15] The third congress of CXTG was held in Vigo January 16–17, 1993, with the slogan 'Build the future of trade unionism'.[16]

In March 1994 the two trade union centres merged at a founding congress of Confederación Intersindical Galega (CIG).[14] The CXTG-IN leader Acuña became the founding general secretary of the new union.[1]

SGM-CXTG merged with the INTG metal workers' union (FTM), forming CIG-METAL.[8]


  1. 1 2 3 El País. Los sindicatos nacionalistas gallegos ratifican su unificación
  2. Cambio 16, edition 731-735. 1985. p. 7
  3. CIG-Galiza. Un non á discriminación: Folga xeral do 14-D de 1988
  4. 1 2 3 4 forGA. Percorrido pola historia da nación galega
  5. Köhler, Holm-Detlev. El movimiento sindical en España: transición democrática, regionalismo, modernización económica. Madrid: Editorial Fundamentos, 1995. p. 133
  6. Santos Gayoso, Enrique. Historia de la prensa gallega, 1800-1993. Sada, A Coruña: Ediciós do Castro, 1995. p. 273
  7. El País. El conflicto sanitario
  8. 1 2 CIG-METAL. 'Que é a Federación do Metal da CIG? Archived 2013-09-03 at the Wayback Machine
  9. Aguirre, Mariano. Conflictos y dilemas de la sociedad internacional: entre Sarajevo y Chiapas. Barcelona: Icaria Ed, 1994. p. 410
  10. Lago Peñas, I. and P. Lago Peñas. LAS ELECCIONES SINDICALES EN LA ENSEÑANZA PÚBLICA NO UNIVERSITARIA EN GALICIA (1987-1998) Archived 2012-07-24 at
  11. Sarmiento, Anuario Galego de Historia da Educación, Número 11, 2007.
  12. Cid, JM. ''Actualitat de I'educació per a la pau a Galícia
  13. Newton, Michael T., and Peter J. Donaghy. Institutions of Modern Spain: A Political and Economic Guide. Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997. p. 242
  14. 1 2 Espuny Tomás, María Jesús, Olga Paz Torres, and F. Pérez Amorós. El proyecto de Ley de acción sindical en la empresa de 1978. Bellaterra (Barcelona): Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions, 2006. p. 98
  15. CIG-Galiza. Congreso extraordinario da CXTG
  16. CIG-Galiza. III Congreso da CXTG
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