
HD3D is AMD's stereoscopic 3D API.[1]

HD3D exposes a quad buffer for game and software developers, allowing native 3D. An open HD3D SDK is available, although, for now, only DirectX 9, 10 and 11 are supported.[2]

Support for HDMI-3D-, DisplayPort-3D- and DVI-3D-displays is included in the latest AMD Catalyst.

AMD's Quad-Buffer API is supported by the following GPUs on following AMD products: Radeon HD 5000 Series, Radeon HD 6000 Series, and Radeon HD 7000 Series and A-Series APUs.

See also


  1. "AMD HD3D". Archived from the original on 3 February 2018.
  2. "Quad-Buffer "HD3D SDK". Archived from the original on 2014-07-01.
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