48°12′20.6″N 16°22′2″E / 48.205722°N 16.36722°E

The Herzgruft (German for 'Heart Crypt') is a burial chamber that protects 54 urns containing the hearts of members of the House of Habsburg. The crypt is located behind the Loreto Chapel in the Augustinian Church within the Hofburg Palace complex in Vienna, Austria.[1]
The first heart, belonging to King Ferdinand IV, was placed in the Augustinian Church on 10 July 1654, according to his wishes. The last heart, belonging to Archduke Franz Karl of Austria, was placed in the crypt on 8 March 1878. The bodies of all but three of the hearts are in the Imperial Crypt a few blocks away.[1]
King Ferdinand IV instructed that his heart would be interred at the foot of the Holy Mother in the Augustinian Church in Vienna. Following the death of the king on 9 July 1654, the corpse was embalmed and the heart was placed in a goblet and displayed on the death bed. The next day, around 9:00 pm, the heart was transferred to the Loreto Chapel and buried at the foot of the Madonna in a simple celebration. With this simple act of piety, a custom was started to bury the hearts of all members of the House of Habsburg in the crypt alongside the heart of King Ferdinand IV. By 1878, 54 hearts had been brought to this simple crypt.[1]
Upper row
In the upper row, arranged in sequence of death date (from left to right):
- Daughter of Ferdinand II, Duke of Tyrol and wife of her cousin Emperor Matthias.2 Buried in tomb 1 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Third son of Emperor Maximilian II. Husband of Empress Anna.1 Buried in tomb 2 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Eldest son of Archduke Charles II of Styria. Buried in the Grazer Dom, Graz.
- Eldest son of Emperor Ferdinand III. Founder of this Herzgruft. Buried in tomb 29 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Son of Emperor Ferdinand II.3 Named at age 13 to take over his uncle Leopold's renounced see of Halberstaedt (when he became 22, this was confirmed by the Pope) and later became also Bishop of Olomouc, Bishop of Breslau, and Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights. Buried in tomb 115 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Niece, cousine and first wife of Emperor Leopold I11 at age 15. Buried in tomb 20 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 7 Empress Eleonora Magdalena of Mantua-Nevers-Gonzaga (18 November 1630 – 6 December 1686) →Family TreeThird wife of Emperor Ferdinand III. Foundress of the Order of the Starry Cross (the Sternkreuzorden). Buried in tomb 19 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Daughter of Emperor Leopold I11 and wife of Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria. Buried in tomb 28 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Twelve-year-old daughter of Emperor Leopold I.11 Buried in tomb 25 of the Imperial Crypt.
- Daughter of Emperor Leopold I.11 Buried in tomb 16 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Second son of Emperor Ferdinand III and father of Emperors Joseph I12 and Karl IV.13 Buried in tomb 37 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Son of Emperor Leopold I.11 Buried in tomb 35 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Younger son of Emperor Leopold I.11 Buried in tomb 40 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Daughter of Emperor Leopold I.11 Buried in tomb 38 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Daughter of Emperor Karl VI.13 and sister of Empress Maria Theresia.21 Buried in tomb 39 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 16 Unnamed princess (1744) →Family TreeDaughter of Prince Charles of Lorraine and Archduchess Maria Anna.15 Buried in tomb 47 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 17 Empress Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (28 August 1691 – 21 December 1750) →Family TreeWife (1708) of Emperor Karl VI13 and mother of Empress Maria Theresa.21 Buried in tomb 36 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 18 Archduke Karl Joseph Emanuel Johann Nepomuk Anton Prokop (1 February 1745 – 18 January 1761) →Family TreeSecond son of Emperor Franz I Stephen20 and Empress Maria Theresa.21 Buried in tomb 44 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 19 Archduchess Maria Johanna Gabriela Josephe Antonie (4 February 1750 – 23 December 1762 →Family TreeEighth daughter of Emperor Franz I Stephen20 and Empress Maria Theresa.21 Buried in tomb 45 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Duke of Lorraine and Grand Duke of Tuscany. Husband of Empress Maria Theresa,21 Buried in tomb 55 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Eldest surviving descendant of Emperor Karl VI,13→Family Tree her ascension was contested and officially the crown of the Empire went to her husband (1736) Emperor Franz I Stephen.20 Buried in tomb 56 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 22 Archduchess Louise Elisabeth (Vienna 18 February 1790 – Vienna 24 June 1791) →Family TreeInfant first daughter of Emperor Franz II43 and Empress Maria Theresia Caroline.35 Buried in tomb 66 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Third son of Empress Maria Theresia.21 →Family Tree Buried in tomb 113 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Wife of Emperor Leopold II23 and mother of Emperor Franz II43. Buried in tomb 114 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 25 Archduchess Maria Karoline Leopoldine Franziska Theresia Josepha Medarde (Vienna 8 June 1794 – Vienna 16 March 1795) →Family TreeDaughter of Emperor Franz II43 and Maria Theresia Caroline.35 Buried in tomb 95 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 26 Archduke Alexander Leopold Johann Joseph, Palatine of Hungary (Poggio Imperiale 14 August 1772 – Laxenburg 12 July 1795) →Family TreeFourth son of Emperor Leopold II23 and Empress Maria Ludovika.24 Buried in tomb 64 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 27 Archduchess Maria Amalia Josephe Johanna Katharina Theresia (Florence 15 October 1780 – Vienna 25 December 1798) →Family TreeDaughter of Emperor Leopold II23 and Empress Maria Ludovika.24 Buried in tomb 65 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 28 Archduchess Maria Christina Johanna Josephe Antonie ("Mimi") (3 May 1742 – 24 June 1798) →Family TreeFavorite daughter of Empress Maria Theresia.21 and wife of Duke Albert of Teschen.40 The famous and moving monument he erected to her memory is in the nave of this Augustinerkirche church. Buried in tomb 112 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 29 Archduchess Caroline Ludovika Leopoldine (Vienna 9 December 1795 – Schloß Hetzendorf 30 June 1799) →Family TreeFourth daughter of Emperor Franz II43 and Maria Theresia.35 Buried in tomb 87 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Youngest son of Empress Maria Theresia.21 Archbishop of Cologne. Buried in tomb 118 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 31 Archduchess Karoline Ferdinanda (1793–1802) →Family TreeDaughter of Emperor Franz II43 and Maria Theresia.35 Buried in tomb 79 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 32 Grand Duchess Luisa Maria Amelia Teresa of Naples and Sicily (Naples 27 July 1773 – Vienna 19 September 1802) →Family TreeDaughter of Queen Maria Karolina of Naples and Sicily.38 First wife (1790) of Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany. →Family Tree Buried in tomb 84 in the Imperial Crypt.
Lower row
In the lower row, arranged in sequence of death date (from left to right):
- 33 Marie Amalie Josepha Johanna Antonie (Vienna 26 February 1746 – Prague 18 June 1804)Daughter of Empress Maria Theresia.21 Buried in St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague.
- 34 Archduke Ferdinand Karl Anton Joseph Johann Stanislaus (1 June 1754 – 24 December 1806) →Family TreeFourth son of Empress Maria Theresia.21 Buried in tomb 105 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 35 Empress Maria Teresa of Naples and Sicily (Naples 6 June 1772 – Vienna 13 April 1807) →Family TreeSecond wife (1790) at age 18 of Emperor Franz II.43 Buried in tomb 60 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Second son of Emperor Franz II43 and Empress Maria Theresia Carolina.35 Buried in tomb 69 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Fourth son of Emperor Franz II43 and Empress Maria Theresia Carolina.35 Buried in tomb 71 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Daughter of Empress Maria Theresia.21 Buried in tomb 107 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 39 Empress Archduchess Maria Ludowika of Austria-Este (Monza 14 December 1787 – Verona 7 April 1816) →Family TreeThird wife (1808) at age 20 of 40-year-old cousin Emperor Franz II.43 Buried in tomb 58 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Husband of Archduchess Maria Christina.28 Buried in tomb 111 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 41 Archduke Rudolph Franz (1822–1822) →Family TreeInfant son of Archduke Karl.45 Buried in tomb 125 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Son of Napoléon Bonaparte and Empress Maria Louise (daughter of Emperor Franz II.43) Buried in Les Invalides in Paris.
- Eldest son of Emperor Leopold II.23 →Family Tree Buried in tomb 57 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Eighth son of Emperor Leopold II.23 Last Grand Master of the Order of Teutonic Knights before Napoleon suppressed it outside of the Habsburg lands. Buried in tomb 103 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Duke of Teschen, third son of Emperor Leopold II.23 Adopted son of his aunt Archduchess Maria Christina.28 and Albert of Saxony-Teschen40. Buried in tomb 122 of the Imperial Crypt.
- Son of Archduke Ferdinand Karl Anton.34 Buried in tomb 102 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 47 Archduke Franz Joseph of Austria-Teschen (Groß-Seelowitz 5 March 1855 – Groß-Seelowitz 13 March 1855) →Family TreeInfant first son of Archduke Karl Ferdinand. Buried in tomb 68 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Unmarried 54-year-old daughter of Emperor Franz II43 and Maria Theresia Carolina.36 Buried in tomb 82 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Wife of Archduke Albrecht. Buried in tomb 129 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Eleventh son of Emperor Leopold II.23 Buried in tomb 104 in the Imperial Crypt.
- 51 Grand Duchess Maria Anna of Saxony (Dresden 27 April 1796 – Schloß Brandeis, Bohemia 3 January 1865) →Family TreeSecond wife (1821) of Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany. Buried in tomb 86 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Daughter of Archduke Albrecht. Buried in tomb 130 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Son of Emperor Franz II.43 Buried in tomb 62 in the Imperial Crypt.
- Third son of Emperor Franz II.43 and father of Emperor Franz Josef. Buried in tomb 135 in the Imperial Crypt.
See also
- 1 2 3 "Die Herzgruft in der Loretokapelle". Augustinerkirche. Archived from the original on 28 September 2007. Retrieved 29 January 2013.
External links
- Official Website (in German)
- The World of the Habsburgs