The modern constellation Hydra lies across two of the quadrants, symbolized by the Azure Dragon of the East (東方青龍, Dōng Fāng Qīng Lóng) and the Vermilion Bird of the South (南方朱雀, Nán Fāng Zhū Què), that divide the sky in traditional Chinese uranography.

The name of the western constellation in modern Chinese is 長蛇座 (cháng shé zuò), which means "the long snake constellation".


The map of Chinese constellation in constellation Hydra area consists of:

Four Symbols Mansion (Chinese name) Romanization Translation Asterisms (Chinese name) Romanization Translation Western star name Chinese star name Romanization Translation
Azure Dragon of the East (東方青龍) Jiǎo Horn Píng Justice
γ Hya[1]
平一Píngyī1st star
平西星PíngxīxīngWestern star
π Hya[1]平二Píngèr2nd star
折威 Shéwēi Executions
50 Hya折威一Shéwēiyī1st star
51 Hya折威增二Shéwēizēngèr2nd additional star
54 Hya折威增三Shéwēizēngsān3rd additional star
55 Hya折威增四Shéwēizēngsì4th additional star
56 Hya折威增五Shéwēizēngwǔ5th additional star
HD 131992折威增六Shéwēizēngliù6th additional star
57 Hya折威增七Shéwēizēngqī7th additional star
陣車 Zhènchē Battle Chariots
58 Hya陣車一Zhènchēyī1st star
60 Hya陣車二Zhènchēèr2nd star
59 Hya陣車增二Zhènchēzēngèr2nd additional star
Vermilion Bird of the South (南方朱雀) Guǐ Ghost 外廚 Wàichú Outer Kitchen
2 Hya[2]外廚一Wàichúyī1st star
F Hya[3]外廚二Wàichúèr2nd star
14 Hya外廚三Wàichúsān3rd star
1 Hya外廚增二Wàichúzēngèr2nd additional star
c Hya外廚增三Wàichúzēngsān3rd additional star
14 Hya外廚增四Wàichúzēngsì4th additional star
15 Hya外廚增六Wàichúzēngliù6th additional star
17 Hya外廚增七Wàichúzēngqī17th additional star
6 Hya外廚增八Wàichúzēngbā8th additional star
12 Hya外廚增九Wàichúzēngjiǔ9th additional star
9 Hya外廚增十Wàichúzēngshí10th additional star
Liǔ Willow Liǔ Willow
δ Hya[4]
柳宿一Liǔsùyī1st star
柳宿距星LiǔsùjùxīngSeparated star
柳宿西头第三星Liǔsùxītóudìsānxīng3rd star in the west of three stars of Three Stars
玉井西北星YùjǐngxīběixīngStar in the southwest of Jade Well constellation
鹑火星ChúnhuǒxīngQuail of Mars
σ Hya[4]柳宿二Liǔsùèr2nd star
η Hya[4]柳宿三Liǔsùsān3rd star
ρ Hya[4]柳宿四Liǔsùsì4th star
ε Hya[4]柳宿五Liǔsùwǔ5th star
ζ Hya[4]柳宿六Liǔsùliù6th star
ω Hya[4]柳宿七Liǔsùqī7th star
θ Hya[4]柳宿八Liǔsùbā8th star
10 Hya柳宿增一Liǔsùzēngyī1st additional star
Xīng Star Xīng Star
α Hya[5]
星宿一Xīngsùyī1st star
星宿距星XīngsùjùxīngSeparated star
蛇首一ShéshǒuyīLeading (star) in "snake" and stand alone
星宿中央大星XīngsùzhōngyāngdàxīngBig center star
τ1 Hya[5]星宿二Xīngsùèr2nd star
τ2 Hya[5]星宿三Xīngsùsān3rd star
ι Hya[5]星宿四Xīngsùsì4th star
27 Hya星宿五Xīngsùwǔ5th star
26 Hya[3]星宿六Xīngsùliù6th star
HD 82428[6]星宿七Xīngsùqī7th star
29 Hya星宿增一Xīngsùzēngyī1st additional star
24 Hya星宿增二Xīngsùzēngèr2nd additional star
20 Hya星宿增三Xīngsùzēngsān3rd additional star
19 Hya星宿增四Xīngsùzēngsì4th additional star
21 Hya星宿增五Xīngsùzēngwǔ5th additional star
23 Hya星宿增六Xīngsùzēngliù6th additional star
28 Hya星宿增七Xīngsùzēngqī7th additional star
33 Hya星宿增八Xīngsùzēngbā8th additional star
37 Hya星宿增十三Xīngsùzēngshísān13th additional star
34 Hya星宿增十五Xīngsùzēngshíwǔ15th additional star
軒轅[7]XuānyuánXuanyuan2 Sex[8]軒轅增四十六Xuānyuánzēngsìshíliù46th additional star
Zhāng Extended Net Zhāng Extended Net
υ1 Hya[9]
張宿一Zhāngsùyī1st star
張宿距星ZhāngsùjùxīngSeparated star
張宿西第二星Zhāngsùxīdìèrxīng2nd western star
λ Hya[9]張宿二Zhāngsùèr2nd star
μ Hya[9]張宿三Zhāngsùsān3rd star
HD 87344[6]張宿四Zhāngsùsì4th star
κ Hya[9]張宿五Zhāngsùwǔ5th star
φ1 Hya[9]張宿六Zhāngsùliù6th star
υ2 Hya張宿增一Zhāngsùzēngyī1st additional star
φ2 Hya張宿增三Zhāngsùzēngsān3rd additional star
44 Hya張宿增四Zhāngsùzēngsì4th additional star
HD 88215張宿增五Zhāngsùzēngwǔ5th additional star
Wings Wings
ν Hya[9]翼宿五Yìsùwǔ5th star
HD 100307翼宿十八Yìsùshíbā18th star
HD 96819翼宿十九Yìsùshíjiǔ19th star
χ1 Hya[9]翼宿二十Yìsùèrshí20th star
II Hya翼宿二十一Yìsùèrshíyī21st star
HD 103462翼宿二十二Yìsùèrshíèr22nd star
b1 Hya翼宿增三Yìsùzēngsān3rd additional star
b3 Hya翼翼宿增五Yìsùèrzēngwǔ5th additional star
HD 95698翼宿增六Yìsùèrzēngliù6th additional star
HD 96819翼宿增七Yìsùèrzēngqī7th additional star
Zhěn Chariot 青丘 Qīngqiū Green Hill
β Hya[10]
青丘一Qīngqiūyī1st star
土公西星TǔgōngxīxīngStar in the west on Official for Earthworks and Buildings constellation
HD 104213青丘二Qīngqiūèr2nd star
17 Crt[11]青丘三Qīngqiūsān3rd star
HD 100393[6]青丘四Qīngqiūsì4th star
ξ Hya[10]青丘五Qīngqiūwǔ5th star
HD 100623[6]青丘六Qīngqiūliù6th star
ο Hya[10]青丘七Qīngqiūqī7th star
HD 101666青丘增一Qīngqiūzēngyī1st additional star
HD 100953青丘增二Qīngqiūzēngèr2nd additional star
HD 100910青丘增三Qīngqiūzēngsān3rd additional star

See also


  1. 1 2 (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 6 月 27 日
  2. Sun, Xiaochun and Jacob Kistemaker. (1997). The Chinese Sky During the Han: Constellating Stars and Society. Leiden, New York, Köln: Koninklijke Brill. ISBN 90-04-10737-1. Page 186.
  3. 1 2 Ian Ridpath's Startales - Hydra the Water Snake
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 5 月 28 日
  5. 1 2 3 4 (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 5 月 29 日
  6. 1 2 3 4 (in Chinese) 夢之大地 @ 國立成功大學 WebBBS DreamLand @ National Cheng Kung University WebBBS System
  7. this is not original mansion for this constellation and listing is only for additional stars
  8. the star is actually located in the constellation of Hydra near the border of Sextans and Leo
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 5 月 30 日
  10. 1 2 3 (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 5 月 31 日
  11. the star is actually located in the constellation of Hydra near the border of Crateris
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