An overall heatmap from the 2023 Index of Economic Freedom, published by The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal.
  Free (100–80)
  Mostly free (79.9–70)
  Moderately free (69.9–60)
  Mostly unfree (59.9–50)
  Repressed (49.9–0.00)

The Index of Economic Freedom is an annual index and ranking created in 1995 by The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal to measure the degree of economic freedom in the world's nations. The creators of the index claim to take an approach inspired by Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations, that "basic institutions that protect the liberty of individuals to pursue their own economic interests result in greater prosperity for the larger society".[1][2]


The Heritage Foundation website states that, "Economic freedom is the fundamental right of every human to control his or her own labor and property. In an economically free society, individuals are free to work, produce, consume, and invest in any way they please. In economically free societies, governments allow labor, capital, and goods to move freely, and refrain from coercion or constraint of liberty beyond the extent necessary to protect and maintain liberty itself."[3] By publishing the Index annually, the foundation attempts to highlight where such freedoms do and do not exist.

The Heritage Foundation reports that the top 20% on the Index have twice the per capita income of those in the second quintile, and five times that of the bottom 20%.[4]

Carl Schramm, who wrote the first chapter of the 2008 Index, states that cities of Medieval Italy and those of the mid-19th century Midwestern United States both flourished proportionate to their possessed economic fluidity and institutional adaptiveness created by economic freedom.[5]

According to Will Wilkinson of the libertarian think tank Cato Institute, studies show that higher economic freedom correlates strongly with higher self-reported happiness.[6] According to economists Tomi Ovaska and Ryo Takashima, economic freedom research suggests "that people unmistakably care about the degree to which the society where they live provides them opportunities and the freedom to undertake new projects, strongly with and make choices based on one's personal preferences."[7]

According to the Cato Institute, higher economic freedom promotes participation and collaboration.[8] Also claimed is that higher economic freedom is extremely significant in preventing wars; according to their calculations, freedom is around 54 times more effective than democracy (as measured by Democracy Score) in diminishing violent conflict.[9]


Since the creation of the Index in 1995, the score for world economic freedom has increased, rising 2.6 points up to 2008.[10] In 2011 the score had decreased from the 2008 score of 60.2 to 59.7, which represents an increase of 2.2 points since 1995. The Economic Freedom score improved for 117 countries, the majority of countries included in the index, which were mainly developing and emerging market economies. With the exception of Europe and North America, there were increased levels of freedom recorded in all regions, with the greatest improvement shown in Sub-Saharan Africa. The top five "free" economies identified by the 2011 index were Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, and Switzerland, each scoring over 80 on the economic freedom grading scale.[11] Since the Index was created in 1995, Hong Kong has been the top performing economy.[11][12]

In 2011, the United States dropped to 9th place behind such countries as Denmark, Canada, and first-place Hong Kong.[11] The Heritage Foundation has pointed to increases in government spending as the reason for the United States' decline, and according to data from the 2011 Index, the growth rates of countries with the highest levels of government spending were 4.5 points lower, on average, than countries where government spending was under control.[13] In their "Executive Highlights" of index results, the Heritage Foundation stated that "high levels of government spending in response to the global economic turmoil have not resulted in higher economic growth".[11]

The results from the 2012 Index showed an overall decline in global economic freedom; according to The Heritage Foundation, the average score in its ranking was the second lowest of the last ten years.[14] In particular, the U.S. dropped to 10th place in the ranking, and has now fallen three places since 2008, when it was 7th.[15] A report issued by the Foundation stated that government spending was the cause of the decline, and had "not only failed to arrest the economic crisis, but also in many countries seems to be prolonging it".[16] According to the report, activity in the private sector is threatened by the greater government spending, which has increased public debt and led to more bureaucracy.[14]

Countries that shared the same rank received a tie score.


According to the Freedom House, "there is a high and statistically significant correlation between the level of political freedom as measured by Freedom House and economic freedom as measured by the Wall Street Journal/Heritage Foundation survey."[17] The Millennium Challenge Account, a U.S. government foreign aid program, has used the Trade freedom indicator in determining which countries will receive their performance-based compacts.[18]

Critics such as Jeffrey Sachs have contested the Index's assumption that economic openness necessarily leads to better growth. In his book The End of Poverty, Sachs graphed countries' ratings on the Index against per capita GDP growth between 1995 and 2003, claiming to demonstrate no correlation between a country's rating and its rate of economic growth. Sachs pointed out, as examples, that countries with good ratings such as Switzerland and Uruguay had sluggish economic performances, others, like China, with poorer rating had very strong economic growth.[19]

The United Arab Emirates questioned the rating of their country's economic freedom in 2008, comparing its middling rating with the high rating they had received from other indicators such as Transparency International and Moody's. They also argued that the report is "unreliable", because its methodology had changed twice in the last two years.[20]

Stefan Karlsson of the Ludwig von Mises Institute challenged the usefulness of the Index due to the fuzziness of many of the categories used to determine freedom.[21] John Miller roundly criticizes the "Index", writing in Dollars & Sense, "In the hands of the Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation, Washington's foremost right-wing think tank, however, an economic freedom index merely measures corporate and entrepreneurial freedom from accountability. Upon examination, the index turns out to be a poor barometer of either freedom more broadly construed or of prosperity."[22] According to Left Business Observer, growth in Index accounts for 10% of the variation in the growth of GDP.[23]


The Index evaluates 177 countries in four broad policy areas that affect the economic freedom, which are rule of law, government size, regulatory efficiency and open markets.[24][25] It also takes into consideration some specific categories like property rights, judicial effectiveness, government integrity and tax burden.[26][27] The ranking scores aspects of economic freedom between 0 and 100, with 0 meaning "no economic freedom" and 100 meaning "total economic freedom". There are twelve aspects divided into four categories.[28]

Rule of law

Property rights

Degree of a country's legal protection of private property rights and degree of enforcement of those laws. It is divided into the following sub-factors:

  1. Physical property rights
  2. Intellectual property rights
  3. Strength of investor protection
  4. Risk of expropriation
  5. Quality of land administration

Judicial effectiveness

Degree of the judiciary's efficiency and fairness, especially dealing with property laws. It is divided into the following sub-factors:

  1. Judicial independence
  2. Quality of the judicial process

Government integrity

Analyzes how prevalent are forms of political corruption and practices such as bribery, extortion, nepotism, cronyism, patronage, embezzlement, and graft. It is divided into the following sub-factors:

  1. Public trust in politicians
  2. Irregular payments and bribes
  3. transparency of government policymaking
  4. Absence of corruption
  5. perceptions of corruption
  6. Governmental and civil service transparency

Government size

Tax burden

Analyzes marginal tax rates on personal and corporate income and the overall taxation level (including direct and indirect taxes imposed by all levels of government) as a percentage of the GDP. Its sub-factors are:

  1. Top marginal tax rate on individual income
  2. Top marginal tax rate on corporate income
  3. Total tax burden as a percentage of GDP

Government spending

Quantifies the burden of government expenditures, including consumption by the state and all transfer payments related to various welfare programs. The ideal level varies from country to country, but zero expenditure is used as a benchmark.

Fiscal health

Analyzes how well a country manages its budget by quantifying the growing debt and deficit. It is divided into the following sub-factors:

  1. Average deficits as a percentage of GDP for the most recent three years (80 percent of score)
  2. Debt as a percentage of GDP (20 percent of score)

Regulatory efficiency

Business freedom

Analyzes the cost, time and freedom to open, operate and close a business, taking into consideration factors like electricity. It is divided into thirteen sub-factors:

  1. Starting a business - procedures (number)
  2. Starting a business - time (days)
  3. Starting a business - cost (% of income per capita)
  4. Starting a business - minimum capital (% of income per capita)
  5. Obtaining a license - procedures (number)
  6. Obtaining a license - time (days)
  7. Obtaining a license - cost (% of income per capita)
  8. Closing a business - time (years)
  9. Closing a business - cost (% of estate)
  10. Closing a business - recovery rate (cents on the dollar)
  11. Getting electricity - procedures (number)
  12. Getting electricity - time (days) and
  13. Getting electricity - cost (% of income per capita)

Labor freedom

Quantifies the intrusiveness of labor rights such as minimum wage, laws inhibiting layoffs, severance requirements, and measurable regulatory restraints on hiring and hours worked, plus the labor force participation rate as an indicative measure of employment opportunities in the labor market. It is divided into the following sub-factors:

  1. Ratio of minimum wage to the average value added per worker
  2. Hindrance to hiring additional workers
  3. Rigidity of hours
  4. Difficulty of firing redundant employees
  5. Legally mandated notice period
  6. Mandatory severance pay
  7. Labor force participation rate

Monetary freedom

Analyzes how stable are prices and how much microeconomy intervenes. It is divided into the following sub-factors:

  1. Weighted average inflation rate for the most recent three years
  2. Price controls

Market openness

Trade freedom

Quantifies the extent to which tariff and nontariff barriers affect imports and exports of goods and services into and out of the country. Its sub-factors are:

  1. Trade-weighted average tariff rate
  2. Non-tariff barriers (NTBs)

Investment freedom

Analyzes how free or constrained is the flow of investment capital of individuals and firms.

Financial freedom

Indicates banking efficiency as well as how independent the government is from the financial sector. This aspect looks at five broad areas:

  1. Extent of government regulation of financial services
  2. Degree of state intervention in banks and other financial firms through direct and indirect ownership
  3. Government influence on the allocation of credit
  4. Extent of financial and capital market development
  5. Openness to foreign competition

Previous methodology

The Index's 2008 definition of economic freedom is "the highest form of economic freedom provides an absolute right of property ownership, fully realized freedoms of movement for labor, capital, and goods, and an absolute absence of coercion or constraint of economic liberty beyond the extent necessary for citizens to protect and maintain liberty itself."[29]

The Index scores nations on ten factors of economic freedom, separated into four categories, using statistics from organizations like the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, Economist Intelligence Unit and Transparency International. In each factor, countries are scored 0 to 100, with 0 being the least free and 100 the most free. A score of 100 signifies an economic environment or set of policies that is most conducive to economic freedom.[29] The methodology has shifted and changed as new data and measurements have become available, especially in the area of Labor Freedom, which was given its own indicator spot in 2007.[2] The following list explains what each factor currently assesses and groups them according to their respective category:

Rule of law

Limited government

  • Fiscal freedom: How free is a country from tax burden. It comprises three quantitative measures: top marginal tax rate of both individual (1) and corporate (2) income, and total tax burden as a percentage of GDP (3).
  • Government size and spending: Governments' expenditures as a percentage of GDP, including consumption and transfers. The higher the percental spending, the lower the score.

Regulatory efficiency

  • Business freedom: A country's freedom from the burden of regulations on starting, operating, and closing business, given factors such as time, cost and number of procedures, as well as the efficiency of government in the regulatory process.
  • Labor freedom: How free is a country from legal regulation on the labor market, including those relating to minimum wages, hiring and firing, hours of work and severance requirements.
  • Monetary freedom: How free from microeconomic intervention and price instability is a country, basing on an equation considering the weighted average inflation rate in the last three years and price controls.

Open markets

  • Trade freedom: Freedom from sizeable numbers and burdens of tariffs and non-tariff barriers to imports and exports of a country.
  • Investment freedom: Freedom from restrictions on the movement and use of investment capital, regardless of activity, within and across the country's borders.
  • Financial freedom: A country's independence from government control and interference in the financial sector, including banks. It considers government ownership of financial firms, extent of financial and capital market development, government influence on the allocation of credit and openness to foreign competition.

Rankings and scores


Key: ██ Free (80–100) ██ Mostly Free (70–79.9) ██ Moderately Free (60–69.9) ██ Mostly Unfree (50–59.9) ██ Repressed (0–49.9)

Economic Freedom Index[30]
Country Rank Score Change
 Singapore 183.9Decrease 0.5
  Switzerland 283.8Decrease 0.4
 Ireland 382.0Steady
 Taiwan 480.7Increase 0.6
 New Zealand 578.9Decrease 1.7
 Estonia 678.6Decrease 1.4
 Luxembourg 778.4Decrease 2.2
 Netherlands 878.0Decrease 1.5
 Denmark 977.6Decrease 0.4
 Sweden 1077.5Decrease 0.4
 Finland 1177.1Decrease 1.2
 Norway 1276.9Steady
 Australia 1374.8Decrease 2.9
 Germany 1473.7Decrease 2.4
 South Korea 1473.7Decrease 0.9
 Canada 1473.7Decrease 2.9
 Latvia 1772.8Decrease 2.0
 Cyprus 1872.3Decrease 0.6
 Iceland 1972.2Decrease 4.8
 Lithuania 1972.2Decrease 3.6
 Czech Republic 2171.9Decrease 2.5
 Chile 2271.1Decrease 3.3
 Austria 2271.1Decrease 2.7
 United Arab Emirates 2470.9Increase 0.7
 United States 2570.6Decrease 1.5
 Mauritius 2570.6Decrease 0.3
 Uruguay 2770.2Increase 0.2
 United Kingdom 2869.9Decrease 2.8
 Barbados 2969.8Decrease 1.5
 Portugal 3069.5Decrease 1.3
 Japan 3169.3Decrease 0.6
 Bulgaria 3169.3Decrease 1.7
 Slovakia 3369.0Decrease 0.7
 Israel 3468.9Increase 0.9
 Georgia 3568.7Decrease 3.1
 Qatar 3668.6Increase 0.9
 Slovenia 3768.5Decrease 2.0
 Samoa 3868.3Steady
 Jamaica 3968.1Increase 0.7
 Poland 4067.7Decrease 1.0
 Malta 4167.5Decrease 4.0
 Malaysia 4267.3Decrease 0.8
 Belgium 4367.1Decrease 2.5
 Peru 4466.5Steady
 Costa Rica 4466.5Increase 1.1
 Croatia 4666.4Decrease 1.2
 Romania 4767.1Decrease 2.4
 Hungary 4866.9Decrease 0.3
 Cabo Verde 4966.7Increase 2.9
 Albania 5066.6Increase 1.4
 Spain 5166.5Decrease 1.2
 France 5265.9Increase 0.2
 North Macedonia 5365.7Decrease 2.9
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 5465.7Decrease 0.6
 The Bahamas 5565.4Increase 1.2
 Panama 5665.4Decrease 0.8
 Italy 5765.4Increase 0.5
 Armenia 5865.3Decrease 6.6
 Serbia 5965.2Decrease 2.0
 Colombia 6065.1Decrease 3.0
 Botswana 6164.8Decrease 2.8
 Brunei Darussalam 6264.8Decrease 1.8
 Indonesia 6364.4Decrease 2.5
 Kazakhstan 6464.4Decrease 6.7
 Saint Lucia 6564.3Decrease 3.2
 Mongolia 6663.9Increase 1.5
 Mexico 6763.7Decrease 1.8
 Bosnia and Herzegovina 6863.4Increase 0.5
 Guatemala 6963.2Decrease 0.8
 Thailand 7063.2Decrease 6.5
 Dominican Republic 7163.0Increase 0.9
 Vanuatu 7262.9Increase 2.4
 Paraguay 7362.9Increase 0.3
 Bahrain 7462.0Decrease 7.9
 Azerbaijan 7561.6Decrease 8.5
 Ivory Coast 7661.6Decrease 0.1
 Greece 7761.5Increase 0.6
 Moldova 7861.3Decrease 1.2
 Seychelles 7961.1Decrease 5.2
 Philippines 8061.1Decrease 3.0
 Benin 8161.0Increase 1.4
 Micronesia 8261.0Increase 10.6
 Tonga 8360.8Increase 3.3
 Vietnam 8460.6Decrease 1.1
 São Tomé and Príncipe 8560.3Increase 4.4
 Kosovo 8660.1Decrease 6.4
 Jordan 8760.1Decrease 4.5
 Senegal 8860.0Increase 2.0
 Ghana 8959.8Increase 0.6
 El Salvador 9059.6Decrease 1.4
 Guyana 9159.5Increase 2.1
 Honduras 9259.5Decrease 0.3
 Tanzania 9359.5Decrease 1.8
 Bhutan 9459.3Increase 1.0
 Namibia 9559.2Decrease 3.4
 Kiribati 9659.2Increase 14.8
 Morocco 9759.2Decrease 4.1
 Madagascar 9858.9Increase 1.2
 Trinidad and Tobago 9958.8Decrease 0.2
 Burkina Faso 10058.3Increase 1.8
 Kuwait 10158.3Decrease 5.8
 The Gambia 10258.0Decrease 0.8
 Montenegro 10357.8Decrease 5.6
 Togo 10457.2Decrease 0.3
 Rwanda 10557.1Decrease 11.2
 Cambodia 10657.1Decrease 0.2
 Turkey 10756.9Decrease 7.1
 Oman 10856.6Decrease 8.0
 Belize 10956.6Decrease 0.9
 Solomon Islands 11056.5 Steady 0.0
 Fiji 11156.4Decrease 5.8
 South Africa 11256.2Decrease 3.5
 Russia 11356.1Decrease 5.4
 Mali 11455.9Increase 0.3
 Gabon 11555.8Decrease 2.3
 Kyrgyzstan 11655.8Decrease 7.9
 Uzbekistan 11755.7Decrease 2.6
 Saudi Arabia 11855.5Decrease 10.5
 Mauritania 11955.3Decrease 0.8
 Djibouti 12055.3Decrease 0.9
 Niger 12154.9Decrease 2.4
 Nicaragua 12254.8Decrease 1.5
 Papua New Guinea 12354.6Decrease 4.3
 Nigeria 12454.4Decrease 4.3
 Dominica 12554.4Increase 1.4
 Ecuador 12654.3Increase 1.9
 Uganda 12754.2Decrease 4.4
 Tunisia 12854.2Decrease 2.4
 Guinea 12954.2Decrease 2.3
 Ukraine 13054.1Decrease 2.1
 India 13153.9Decrease 2.6
 Sri Lanka 13253.3Decrease 2.4
 Brazil 13353.3Decrease 0.1
 Malawi 13453.0Steady 0.0
 Belarus 13553.0Decrease 8.0
 Cameroon 13652.9Decrease 0.5
 Bangladesh 13752.7Decrease 3.8
 Kenya 13852.6Decrease 2.3
 Angola 13952.6Decrease 1.6
 Sierra Leone 14052.0Increase 0.3
 Eswatini 14151.4Decrease 3.7
 Mozambique 14251.3Decrease 0.3
 Comoros 14350.4Decrease 5.3
 Argentina 14450.1Decrease 2.6
 Haiti 14550.0Decrease 0.8
 Chad 14649.8Decrease 0.6
 Tajikistan 14749.7Decrease 5.5
   Nepal 14849.7Decrease 1.0
 Myanmar 14949.6Decrease 5.6
 Ethiopia 15049.6Decrease 2.1
 Laos 15149.2Decrease 4.7
 Egypt 15249.1Decrease 6.6
 Pakistan 15348.8Decrease 2.9
 Zambia 15448.7Decrease 1.7
 Republic of the Congo 15548.5Decrease 2.2
 Suriname 15648.1Increase 1.7
 Lesotho 15748.1Decrease 5.4
 China 15848.0Decrease 10.4
 Liberia 15947.9Decrease 1.3
 Congo-Kinshasa 16047.6Decrease 1.4
 Maldives 16147.3Decrease 7.9
 Lebanon 16247.3Decrease 4.1
 Equatorial Guinea 16347.2Decrease 2.0
 Timor-Leste 16446.3Increase 1.6
 Turkmenistan 16546.2Decrease 1.2
 Guinea-Bissau 16646.0Decrease 8.9
 Algeria 16745.8Decrease 3.9
 Central African Republic 16845.7Decrease 3.1
 Bolivia 16943.0Increase 0.3
 Iran 17042.4Decrease 4.8
 Eritrea 17139.7Decrease 2.6
 Burundi 17239.4Decrease 10.5
 Zimbabwe 17333.1Decrease 6.4
 Sudan 17432.0Decrease 7.1
 Cuba 17529.5Increase 1.4
 Venezuela 17624.8Increase 0.1
 North Korea 1774.2Decrease 1.7

Not ranked


Key: ██ Free (80–100) ██ Mostly Free (70.0–79.9) ██ Moderately Free (60.0–69.9) ██ Mostly Unfree (50.0–59.9) ██ Repressed (0–49.9)

  2020[31] 2019[32] 2018[33] 2017[34] 2016[35] 2015[36] 2014[37] 2013[38]
Country Rank Score Change in Yearly Score from 2019 Rank Score Change in Yearly Score from 2018 Rank Score Change in Yearly Score from 2017 Rank Score Change in Yearly Score from 2016 Rank Score Change in Yearly Score from 2015 Rank Score Change in Yearly Score from 2014 Rank Score Change in Yearly Score from 2013 Rank Score
 Singapore Increase 189.4Steady 0.0 Steady 289.4Increase 0.6 Steady 288.8Increase 0.2 Steady 288.6Increase 0.8 Steady 287.8Decrease -1.6 Steady 289.4Steady 0.0 Steady 289.4Increase 1.4 288.0
 New Zealand Steady 384.1Decrease -0.3 Steady 384.4Increase 0.2 Steady 384.2Increase 0.5 Steady 383.7Increase 2.1 Steady 381.6Decrease -0.5 Increase 382.1Increase 0.9 Decrease 581.2Decrease -0.2 481.4
  Switzerland Decrease 582.0Increase 0.1 Steady 481.9Increase 0.2 Steady 481.7Increase 0.2 Steady 481.5Increase 0.5 Increase 481.0Increase 0.5 Decrease 580.5Decrease -1.1 Increase 481.6Increase 0.6 581.0
 Australia Increase 482.6Increase 1.7 Steady 580.9Steady 0.0 Steady 580.9Decrease -0.1 Steady 581.0Increase 0.7 Decrease 580.3Decrease -1.1 Decrease 481.4Decrease -0.6 Decrease 382.0Decrease -0.6 382.6
 Estonia Increase 1077.7Increase 1.1 Decrease 1576.6Decrease -2.2 Decrease 778.8Decrease -0.3 Increase 679.1Increase 1.9 Decrease 977.2Increase 0.4 Increase 876.8Increase 0.9 Increase 1175.9Increase 0.6 1375.3
 Canada Decrease 978.2Increase 0.5 Increase 877.7Steady 0.0 Decrease 977.7Decrease -0.8 Decrease 778.5Increase 0.5 Steady 678Decrease -1.1 Steady 679.1Decrease -1.1 Steady 680.2Increase 0.8 679.4
 United Arab Emirates Decrease 1876.2Decrease -1.4 Increase 977.6Steady 0.0 Decrease 1077.6Increase 0.7 Increase 876.9Increase 4.3 Steady 2572.6Increase 0.2 Increase 2572.4Increase 1.0 Steady 2871.4Increase 0.3 2871.1
 Ireland Steady 680.9Increase 0.4 Steady 680.5Increase 0.1 Increase 680.4Increase 3.7 Decrease 976.7Decrease -0.6 Increase 877.3Increase 0.7 Steady 976.6Increase 0.4 Increase 976.2Increase 0.5 1175.7
 Chile Increase 1576.8Increase 1.4 Increase 1875.4Increase 0.2 Decrease 2075.2Decrease -1.3 Decrease 1076.5Decrease -1.2 Steady 777.7Decrease -0.8 Steady 778.5Decrease -0.2 Steady 778.7Decrease -0.3 779.0
 Taiwan Decrease 1177.1Decrease -0.2 Increase 1077.3Increase 0.7 Decrease 1376.6Increase 0.1 Increase 1176.5Increase 1.8 Steady 1474.7Decrease -0.4 Increase 1475.1Increase 1.2 Increase 1773.9Increase 1.2 2072.7
 United Kingdom Steady 779.3Increase 0.4 Increase 778.9Increase 0.9 Increase 878.0Increase 1.6 Decrease 1276.4Steady 0.0 Increase 1076.4Increase 0.6 Increase 1375.8Increase 0.9 Steady 1474.9Increase 0.1 1474.8
 Georgia Increase 1277.1Increase 1.2 Steady 1675.9Decrease -0.3 Decrease 1676.2Increase 0.2 Increase 1376.0Increase 3.4 Decrease 2372.6Increase 0.4 Steady 2273.0Increase 0.4 Decrease 2272.6Increase 0.4 2172.2
 Luxembourg Decrease 1975.8Decrease -0.1 Decrease 1775.9Decrease -0.5 Steady 1476.4Increase 0.5 Increase 1475.9Increase 2.0 Increase 1973.9Increase 0.7 Decrease 2173.2Decrease -1.0 Decrease 1674.2Steady 0.0 1574.2
 Netherlands Decrease 1477.0Increase 0.2 Increase 1376.8Increase 0.6 Decrease 1776.2Increase 0.4 Increase 1575.8Increase 1.2 Increase 1674.6Increase 0.9 Decrease 1773.7Decrease -0.5 Increase 1574.2Increase 0.7 1773.5
 Lithuania Increase 1676.7Increase 2.5 Decrease 2174.2Decrease -1.1 Decrease 1975.3Decrease -0.5 Decrease 1675.8Increase 0.6 Increase 1375.2Increase 0.5 Increase 1574.7Increase 1.7 Increase 2173.0Increase 0.9 2272.1
 United States Decrease 1776.6Decrease -0.2 Increase 1276.8Increase 1.1 Decrease 1875.7Increase 0.6 Decrease 1775.1Decrease -0.3 Increase 1175.4Decrease -0.8 Steady 1276.2Increase 0.7 Decrease 1275.5Decrease -0.5 1076.0
 Denmark Increase 878.3Increase 1.6 Decrease 1476.7Increase 0.1 Increase 1276.6Increase 1.5 Decrease 1875.1Decrease -0.2 Decrease 1275.3Decrease -1.0 Decrease 1176.3Increase 0.2 Decrease 1076.1Steady 0.0 976.1
 Sweden Decrease 2274.9Decrease -0.3 Decrease 1975.2Decrease -1.1 Increase 1576.3Increase 1.4 Increase 1974.9Increase 2.9 Decrease 2672.0Decrease -0.7 Decrease 2372.7Decrease -0.4 Decrease 2073.1Increase 0.2 1872.9
 Latvia Increase 3271.9Increase 1.5 Decrease 3570.4Decrease -3.2 Decrease 2873.6Decrease -1.2 Increase 2074.8Increase 4.4 Increase 3670.4Increase 0.7 Increase 3769.7Increase 1.0 Increase 4268.7Increase 2.2 5566.5
 Mauritius Increase 2174.9Increase 1.9 Decrease 2573.0Decrease -2.1 Steady 2175.1Increase 0.4 Decrease 2174.7Decrease 0.0 Decrease 1574.7Decrease -1.7 Decrease 1076.4Decrease -0.1 Steady 876.5Decrease -0.4 876.9
 Iceland Decrease 1377.1Steady 0.0 Steady 1177.1Increase 0.1 Increase 1177.0Increase 2.6 Decrease 2274.4Increase 1.1 Increase 2073.3Increase 1.3 Decrease 2672.0Decrease -0.4 Steady 2372.4Increase 0.3 2372.1
 South Korea Increase 2574.0Increase 1.7 Decrease 2972.3Decrease -1.5 Decrease 2773.8Decrease -0.5 Increase 2374.3Increase 2.6 Increase 2771.7Increase 0.2 Increase 2971.5Increase 0.3 Increase 3171.2Increase 0.9 3470.3
 Finland Steady 2075.7Increase 0.8 Increase 2074.9Increase 0.8 Decrease 2674.1Increase 0.1 Steady 2474.0Increase 1.4 Decrease 2472.6Decrease -0.8 Steady 1973.4Steady 0.0 Decrease 1973.4Decrease -0.6 1674.0
 Norway Decrease 2873.4Increase 0.4 Decrease 2673.0Decrease -1.3 Increase 2374.3Increase 0.3 Increase 2574.0Increase 3.2 Decrease 3270.8Decrease -1.0 Increase 2771.8Increase 0.9 Decrease 3270.9Increase 0.4 3170.5
 Germany Decrease 2773.5Steady 0.0 Increase 2473.5Decrease -0.7 Increase 2574.2Increase 0.4 Decrease 2673.8Decrease -0.6 Decrease 1774.4Increase 0.6 Increase 1673.8Increase 0.4 Increase 1873.4Increase 0.6 1972.8
 Malaysia Decrease 2474.7Increase 0.7 Steady 2274.0Decrease -0.5 Increase 2274.5Increase 0.7 Increase 2773.8Increase 2.3 Increase 2971.5Increase 0.7 Increase 3170.8Increase 1.2 Increase 3769.6Increase 3.5 5666.1
 Czech Republic Steady 2374.8Increase 1.1 Increase 2373.7Decrease -0.5 Increase 2474.2Increase 0.9 Decrease 2873.3Increase 0.1 Increase 2173.2Increase 0.7 Increase 2472.5Increase 0.3 Increase 2672.2Increase 1.3 2970.9
 Qatar Decrease 3172.3Decrease -0.3 Increase 2872.6Steady 0.0 Steady 2972.6Decrease -0.5 Increase 2973.1Increase 2.4 Decrease 3470.7Decrease -0.1 Decrease 3270.8Decrease -0.4 Decrease 3071.2Decrease -0.1 2771.3
 Austria Increase 2973.3Increase 1.3 Increase 3172.0Increase 0.2 Decrease 3271.8Decrease -0.5 Decrease 3072.3Increase 0.6 Increase 2871.7Increase 0.5 Decrease 3071.2Decrease -1.2 Increase 2472.4Increase 0.6 2571.8
 North Macedonia Decrease 4169.5Decrease -1.6 Steady 3371.1Decrease -0.2 Decrease 3371.3Increase 0.6 Increase 3170.7Increase 3.2 Increase 4767.5Increase 0.4 Decrease 5367.1Decrease -1.5 Steady 4368.6Increase 0.4 4368.2
 Armenia Increase 3470.6Increase 2.9 Decrease 4767.7Decrease -1.0 Decrease 4468.7Decrease -1.6 Increase 3370.3Increase 3.3 Decrease 5467.0Decrease -0.1 Decrease 5267.1Decrease -1.8 Decrease 4168.9Decrease -0.5 3869.4
 Botswana Decrease 4069.6Increase 0.1 Decrease 3669.5Decrease -0.4 Decrease 3569.9Decrease -0.2 Decrease 3471.1Decrease -1.0 Increase 3071.1Increase 1.3 Decrease 3669.8Decrease -2.2 Increase 2772Increase 1.4 3070.6
 Brunei Increase 6166.6Increase 1.5 Increase 6365.1Increase 0.9 Decrease 7064.2Decrease -5.6 Increase 3569.8Increase 2.5 Decrease 5167.3Decrease -1.6 Increase 3968.9Decrease -0.1 4069.0- --
 Israel Increase 2674.0Increase 1.2 Increase 2772.8Increase 0.6 Increase 3172.2Increase 2.5 Decrease 3669.7Decrease -1.0 Decrease 3570.7Increase 0.2 Increase 3370.5Increase 2.1 Increase 4468.4Increase 1.5 5166.9
 Colombia Increase 4569.2Increase 1.9 Decrease 4967.3Decrease -1.6 Decrease 4268.9Decrease -0.8 Decrease 3769.7Decrease -1.1 Decrease 3370.8Decrease -0.9 Increase 2871.7Increase 1.0 Increase 3470.7Increase 1.1 3769.6
 Uruguay Decrease 4769.1Increase 0.5 Decrease 4068.6Decrease -0.6 Steady 3869.2Decrease -0.5 Increase 3869.7Increase 0.9 Increase 4168.8Increase 0.2 Decrease 4368.6Decrease -0.7 Decrease 3869.3Decrease -0.4 3669.7
 Romania Increase 3869.7Increase 1.1 Decrease 4268.6Decrease -0.8 Increase 3769.4Decrease -0.3 Increase 3969.7Increase 4.1 Decrease 6165.6Decrease -1.0 Increase 5766.6Increase 1.1 Decrease 6265.5Increase 0.4 5965.1
 Japan Steady 3073.3Increase 1.2 Steady 3072.1Decrease -0.2 Increase 3072.3Increase 2.7 Decrease 4069.6Decrease -3.5 Decrease 2273.1Decrease -0.2 Increase 2073.3Increase 0.9 Decrease 2572.4Increase 0.6 2471.8
 Jamaica Decrease 4968.5Decrease -0.1 Increase 3968.6Decrease -0.5 Increase 4069.1Decrease -0.4 Increase 4169.5Increase 2.0 Steady 4867.5Decrease -0.2 Increase 4867.7Increase 1.0 Decrease 5666.7Decrease -0.1 5266.8
 Kazakhstan Increase 3969.6Increase 4.2 Decrease 5965.4Decrease -3.7 Increase 4169.1Increase 0.1 Increase 4269.0Increase 5.4 Increase 6863.6Increase 0.3 Decrease 6963.3Decrease -0.4 Increase 6763.7Increase 0.7 6863.0
 Peru Decrease 5167.9Increase 0.1 Decrease 4567.8Decrease -0.9 Steady 4368.7Decrease -0.2 Increase 4368.9Increase 1.5 Decrease 4967.4Decrease -0.3 Steady 4767.7Increase 0.3 Decrease 4767.4Decrease -0.8 4468.2
 Bahrain Decrease 6366.3Decrease -0.1 Decrease 5466.4Decrease -1.3 Decrease 5067.7Decrease -0.8 Decrease 4468.5Decrease -5.8 Steady 1874.3Increase 0.9 Decrease 1873.4Decrease -1.7 Decrease 1375.1Decrease -0.4 1275.5
 Poland Steady 4669.1Increase 1.3 Decrease 4667.8Decrease -0.7 Steady 4568.5Increase 0.2 Decrease 4568.3Decrease -1.0 Increase 3969.3Increase 0.7 Increase 4268.6Increase 1.6 Increase 5067.0Increase 1.0 5766.0
 Kosovo Decrease 5367.4Increase 0.4 Increase 5167.0Increase 0.4 Decrease 5666.6Decrease -1.3 Increase 4667.9Increase 6.5 8461.4- --- --- --
 Bulgaria Increase 3670.2Increase 1.2 Increase 3769.0Increase 0.7 Steady 4768.3Increase 0.4 Increase 4767.9Increase2.0 Decrease 6065.9Decrease -0.9 Increase 5566.8Increase1.1 Decrease 6165.7Increase0.7 6065.0
 Cyprus Increase 3770.1Increase 2.0 Increase 4468.1Increase 0.3 Steady 4867.8Decrease -0.1 Decrease 4867.9Decrease -0.8 Increase 4268.7Increase 0.8 Increase 4567.9Increase 0.3 Decrease 4667.6Decrease -1.4 4169.0
 Belgium Steady 4868.9Increase 1.6 Increase 4867.3Decrease -0.2 Decrease 5267.5Decrease -0.3 Decrease 4967.8Decrease -0.6 Decrease 4468.4Decrease -0.4 Decrease 4068.8Decrease -1.1 Increase 3569.9Increase 0.7 4069.2
 Malta Decrease 4269.5Increase 0.9 Increase 4168.6Increase 0.1 Increase 4668.5Increase 0.8 Increase 5067.7Increase 1.0 Increase 5566.7Increase 0.2 Steady 5866.5Increase 0.1 Decrease 5866.4Decrease -1.1 4767.5
 Rwanda Decrease 3370.9Decrease -0.2 Increase 3271.1Increase 2.0 Increase 3969.1Increase 1.5 Increase 5167.6Increase 4.5 Decrease 7163.1Decrease -1.7 Steady 6564.8Increase 0.1 Decrease 6564.7Increase 0.6 6364.1
 Vanuatu Increase 9860.7Increase 4.3 Decrease 11656.4Decrease -13.1 Increase 3669.5Increase 2.1 Increase 5267.4Increase 6.6 Decrease 8960.8Decrease -0.3 Increase 8461.1Increase 1.6 Increase 9359.5Increase 2.9 10956.6
 Jordan Decrease 6666.0Decrease -0.5 Increase 5366.5Increase 1.6 Decrease 6264.9Decrease -1.8 Decrease 5366.7Decrease -1.6 Decrease 4668.3Decrease -1.0 Increase 3869.3Increase 0.1 Decrease 3969.2Decrease -1.2 3370.4
 Panama Decrease 5567.2Steady 0.0 Increase 5067.2Increase 0.2 Steady 5467.0Increase 0.7 Increase 5466.3Increase 1.5 Increase 6664.8Increase 0.7 Increase 6864.1Increase 0.7 Steady 7163.4Increase 0.9 7162.5
 Thailand Steady 4369.4Increase 1.1 Increase 4368.3Increase 1.2 Increase 5367.1Increase 0.9 Increase 5566.2Increase 2.3 Increase 6763.9Increase 1.5 Decrease 7562.4Decrease -0.9 Decrease 7263.3Decrease -0.8 6164.1
 Hungary Increase 6266.4Increase 1.4 Decrease 6465.0Decrease -1.7 Increase 5566.7Increase 0.9 Increase 5665.8Decrease -0.2 Decrease 5866.0Decrease -0.8 Decrease 5466.8Decrease -0.2 Decrease 5167.0Decrease -0.3 4867.3
 Slovakia Increase 6066.8Increase 1.8 Decrease 6565.0Decrease -0.3 Decrease 5965.3Decrease -0.4 Decrease 5765.7Decrease -0.9 Decrease 5666.6Decrease -0.6 Increase 5067.2Increase 0.8 Decrease 5766.4Decrease -2.3 4268.7
 Philippines Steady 7064.5Increase 0.7 Decrease 7063.8Decrease -1.2 Decrease 6165.0Decrease -0.6 Increase 5865.6Increase 2.5 Increase 7063.1Increase 0.9 Increase 7662.2Increase 2.1 Increase 8960.1Increase 1.9 9758.2
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Decrease 5966.8Increase 1.0 Decrease 5565.8Decrease -1.9 Increase 4967.7Increase 2.5 Decrease 5965.2Decrease -3.6 Increase 4068.8Increase 0.8 Increase 4468.0Increase 1.0 Increase 5267.0Increase 0.3 5466.7
 Turkey Decrease 7164.4Decrease -0.2 Decrease 6864.6Decrease -0.8 Increase 5865.4Increase 0.2 Increase 6065.2Increase 3.1 Decrease 7962.1Decrease -1.1 Decrease 7063.2Decrease -1.7 Increase 6464.9Increase 2.0 6962.9
 Kuwait Increase 7963.2Increase 2.4 Decrease 9060.8Decrease -1.4 Decrease 8162.2Decrease -2.9 Increase 6165.1Increase 2.4 Steady 7462.7Increase 0.2 Increase 7462.5Increase 0.2 Decrease 7662.3Decrease -0.8 6663.1
 Saint Lucia Decrease 5068.2Decrease -0.5 Increase 3868.7Increase 1.1 Increase 5167.6Increase 2.6 Decrease 6265.0Decrease -5.0 Decrease 3870.0Decrease -0.2 Decrease 3570.2Decrease -0.5 Decrease 3370.7Increase 0.3 3270.4
 Costa Rica Decrease 6865.8Increase 0.5 Decrease 6165.3Decrease -0.3 Increase 5765.6Increase 0.6 Decrease 6365.0Decrease -2.4 Increase 5067.4Increase 0.2 Increase 5167.2Increase 0.3 Decrease 5366.9Decrease -0.1 4967.0
 Saudi Arabia Increase 8362.4Increase 1.7 Increase 9160.7Increase 1.1 Decrease 9859.6Decrease -4.8 Increase 6464.4Increase 2.3 Decrease 7862.1Steady 0.0 Steady 7762.1Decrease -0.1 Increase 7762.2Increase 1.6 8260.6
 Albania Decrease 5766.9Increase 0.4 Increase 5266.5Increase 2.0 Steady 6564.5Increase 0.1 Decrease 6564.4Decrease -1.5 Increase 5965.9Increase 0.2 Decrease 6365.7Decrease -1.2 Increase 5466.9Increase 1.7 5865.2
 El Salvador Decrease 9061.6Decrease -0.2 Decrease 8461.8Decrease -1.4 Decrease 7563.2Decrease -0.9 Decrease 6664.1Decrease -1.0 Decrease 6365.1Decrease -0.6 Decrease 6265.7Decrease -0.5 Decrease 5966.2Decrease -0.5 5366.7
 Dominica Decrease 9760.8Decrease -2.8 Decrease 7263.6Decrease -0.9 Increase 6664.5Increase 0.8 Decrease 6763.7Decrease -3.3 Increase 5367.0Increase 0.9 Increase 6166.1Increase 0.9 Increase 6365.2Increase 1.3 6463.9
 Azerbaijan Increase 4469.3Increase 3.9 Increase 6065.4Increase 1.1 Increase 6764.3Increase 0.7 Increase 6863.6Increase 3.4 Decrease 9160.2Decrease -0.8 Decrease 8561.0Decrease -0.3 Increase 8161.3Increase 1.6 8859.7-
 Spain Decrease 5866.9Increase 1.2 Increase 5765.7Increase 0.6 Increase 6065.1Increase 1.5 Decrease 6963.6Decrease -4.9 Increase 4368.5Increase 0.9 Steady 4967.6Increase 0.4 Decrease 4967.2Decrease -0.8 4668.0 |
 Mexico Decrease 6766.0Increase 1.3 Decrease 6664.7Decrease -0.1 Increase 6364.8Increase 1.2 Decrease 7063.6Decrease -1.6 Decrease 6265.2Decrease -1.2 Decrease 5966.4Decrease -0.4 Decrease 5566.8Decrease -0.2 5067.0-
 Fiji Increase 7763.4Increase 1.2 Increase 8162.2Increase 0.2 Decrease 8462.0Decrease -1.4 Increase 7163.4Increase 4.6 Decrease 10758.8Decrease -0.2 Increase 9859.0Increase 0.3 Increase 9958.7Increase 1.5 10557.2-
 France Increase 6466.0Increase 2.2 Steady 7163.8Decrease -0.1 Increase 7163.9Increase 0.6 Increase 7263.3Increase 1.0 Decrease 7562.3Decrease -0.2 Decrease 7362.5Decrease -1.0 Decrease 7063.5Decrease -0.6 6264.1-
 Tonga Increase 10758.8Increase 1.1 Decrease 10857.7Decrease -5.4 Decrease 7663.1Increase 0.1 Increase 7363.0Increase 3.4 Steady 9559.6Increase 0.3 Increase 9559.3Increase 1.1 Increase 10458.2Increase 2.2 11256.0-
 Guatemala Increase 7364.0Increase 1.4 Decrease 7762.6Decrease -0.8 Increase 7363.4Increase 0.4 Increase 7463.0Increase 1.2 Increase 8261.8Increase 1.4 Decrease 8760.4Decrease -0.8 Increase 8361.2Increase 1.2 8560.0-
 Ivory Coast Decrease 10159.7Decrease -2.7 Increase 7862.4Increase 0.4 Decrease 8562.0Decrease -1.0 Increase 7563.0Increase 3.0 Increase 9260.0Increase 1.5 Increase 10358.5Increase 0.8 Increase 10757.7Increase 3.6 12654.1-
 Dominican Republic Decrease 9560.9Decrease -0.1 Steady 8961.0Decrease -0.6 Decrease 8961.6Decrease -1.3 Increase 7662.9Increase 1.9 Decrease 8861.0Steady 0.0 Decrease 8661.0Decrease -0.3 Increase 8061.3Increase 1.6 8759.7-
 Portugal Increase 5667.0Increase 1.7 Increase 6265.3Increase 1.9 Increase 7263.4Increase 0.8 Decrease 7762.6Decrease -2.5 Steady 6465.1Decrease -0.2 Increase 6465.3Increase 1.8 Decrease 6963.5Increase 0.4 6763.1-
 Namibia Increase 9660.9Increase 2.2 Increase 9958.7Increase 0.2 Decrease 10358.5Decrease -4.0 Increase 7862.5Increase 0.6 Increase 8161.9Increase 2.3 Increase 9359.6Increase 0.2 Decrease 9459.4Decrease -0.9 8460.3-
 Italy Increase 7463.8Increase 1.6 Decrease 8062.2Decrease -0.3 Steady 7962.5Steady 0.0 Increase 7962.5Increase 1.3 Decrease 8661.2Decrease -0.5 Increase 8061.7Increase 0.8 Decrease 8660.9Increase 0.3 8360.6-
 Paraguay Increase 8063.0Increase 1.2 Decrease 8561.8Decrease -0.3 Decrease 8262.1Decrease -0.3 Increase 8062.4Increase 0.9 Steady 8361.5Increase 0.4 Decrease 8361.1Decrease -0.9 Increase 7862.0Increase 0.9 8061.1-
 South Africa Decrease 10658.8Increase 0.5 Decrease 10258.3Decrease -4.7 Increase 7763.0Increase 0.7 Decrease 8162.3Increase 0.4 Decrease 8061.9Decrease -0.7 Increase 7262.6Increase 0.1 Decrease 7562.5Increase 0.7 7461.8-
 Oman Increase 7563.6Increase 2.6 Increase 8861.0Steady 0.0 Decrease 9361.0Decrease -1.1 Decrease 8262.1Decrease -5.0 Increase 5267.1Increase 0.4 Decrease 5666.7Decrease -0.7 Decrease 4867.4Decrease -0.7 4568.1-
 Montenegro Increase 9161.5Increase 1.0 Decrease 9260.5Decrease -3.8 Increase 6864.3Increase 2.3 Decrease 8362.0Decrease -2.9 Increase 6564.9Increase 0.2 Increase 6664.7Increase 1.1 Increase 6863.6Increase 1.0 7062.6-
 Indonesia Increase 5467.2Increase 1.4 Increase 5665.8Increase 1.6 Increase 6964.2Increase 2.3 Increase 8461.9Increase 2.5 Increase 9959.4Increase 1.3 Decrease 10558.1Decrease -0.4 Increase 10058.5Increase 1.6 10856.9-
 Seychelles Increase 7264.3Increase 2.9 Increase 8761.4Decrease -0.2 Decrease 8861.6Decrease -0.2 Decrease 8561.8Decrease -0.4 Increase 7662.2Increase 4.7 Increase 11457.5Increase 1.3 Increase 11756.2Increase 1.3 12454.9-
 Morocco Decrease 7863.3Increase 0.4 Increase 7562.9Increase 1.0 Steady 8661.9Increase 0.4 Decrease 8661.5Increase 0.2 Increase 8561.3Increase 1.2 Increase 8960.1Increase 1.8 Decrease 10358.3Decrease -1.3 9059.6-
 Trinidad and Tobago Increase 10958.3Increase 1.3 Steady 11257.0Decrease -0.7 Decrease 11257.7Decrease -3.5 Decrease 8761.2Decrease -1.7 Decrease 7362.9Decrease -1.2 Increase 6764.1Increase 1.4 Decrease 7362.7Increase 0.4 7262.3-
 Eswatini Increase 13155.3Increase 0.6 Decrease 13254.7Decrease -1.2 Decrease 12355.9Decrease -5.2 Increase 8861.1Increase 1.4 Decrease 9459.7Decrease -0.2 Decrease 9159.9Decrease -1.3 Increase 8261.2Increase 4.0 10457.2-
 Kyrgyzstan Decrease 8162.9Increase 0.6 Decrease 7962.3Decrease -0.5 Increase 7862.8Increase 1.7 Increase 8961.1Increase 1.5 Decrease 9659.6Decrease -1.7 Increase 8261.3Increase 0.2 Increase 8561.1Increase 1.5 8959.6-
 Bahamas Increase 6964.5Increase 1.6 Decrease 7662.9Decrease -0.4 Increase 7463.3Increase 2.2 Decrease 9061.1Decrease -9.8 Increase 3170.9Increase 2.2 Decrease 4168.7Decrease -1.1 Decrease 3669.8Decrease -0.3 3570.1-
 Uganda Decrease 10259.5Decrease -0.2 Decrease 9559.7Decrease -2.3 Increase 8362.0Increase 1.1 Increase 9160.9Increase 1.6 Decrease 10259.3Decrease -0.4 Decrease 9259.7Decrease -0.2 Decrease 9159.9Decrease -1.2 7961.1-
 Bosnia and Herzegovina Increase 8262.6Increase 0.7 Increase 8361.9Increase 0.5 Increase 9161.4Increase 1.2 Increase 9260.2Increase 1.6 Decrease 10858.6Decrease -0.4 Increase 9759.0Increase 0.6 Increase 10158.4Increase 1.1 10357.3-
 Burkina Faso Decrease 11756.7Decrease -2.7 Decrease 9659.4Decrease -0.6 Decrease 9560.0Increase 0.4 Increase 9359.6Increase 0.5 Decrease 10459.1Increase 0.5 Decrease 10258.6Decrease -0.3 Decrease 9858.9Decrease -1.0 8659.9-
 Cambodia Decrease 11357.3Decrease -0.5 Decrease 10557.8Decrease -0.9 Decrease 10158.7Decrease -0.8 Increase 9459.5Increase 1.6 Decrease 11257.9Increase 0.4 Decrease 11057.5Increase 0.1 Decrease 10857.4Decrease -1.1 9558.5-
 Croatia Increase 8462.2Increase 0.8 Increase 8661.4Increase 0.4 Increase 9261.0Increase 1.6 Increase 9559.4Increase 0.3 Decrease 10359.1Decrease -2.4 Increase 8161.5Increase 1.1 Decrease 8760.4Decrease -0.9 7861.3-
 Benin Decrease 13355.2Decrease -0.1 Decrease 12755.3Decrease -1.4 Decrease 12056.7Decrease -2.5 Increase 9659.2Decrease -0.1 Decrease 10159.3Increase 0.5 Increase 9958.8Increase 1.7 Decrease 11357.1Decrease -0.5 10157.6-
 Slovenia Increase 5267.8Increase 2.3 Increase 5865.5Increase 0.7 Increase 6464.8Increase 5.6 Decrease 9759.2Decrease -1.4 Decrease 9060.6Increase 0.3 Decrease 8860.3Decrease -2.4 Increase 7462.7Increase 1.0 7661.7-
 Nicaragua Decrease 11557.2Decrease -0.5 Decrease 10757.7Decrease -1.2 Decrease 10058.9Decrease -0.3 Increase 9859.2Increase 0.6 Decrease 10958.6Increase 1.0 Decrease 10857.6Decrease -0.8 Increase 10258.4Increase 1.8 11056.6-
 Serbia Increase 6566.0Increase 2.1 Increase 6963.9Increase 1.4 Increase 8062.5Increase 3.6 Decrease 9958.9Decrease -3.2 Increase 7762.1Increase 2.1 Increase 9060.0Increase 0.6 Decrease 9559.4Increase 0.8 9458.6-
 Honduras Steady 9361.1Increase 0.9 Increase 9360.2Decrease -0.4 Increase 9460.6Increase 1.8 Increase 10058.8Increase 1.1 Increase 11357.7Increase 0.3 Decrease 11657.4Increase 0.3 Decrease 11257.1Decrease -1.3 9658.4-
 Belize Increase 11157.4Increase 2.0 Decrease 12355.4Decrease -1.7 Decrease 11657.1Decrease -1.5 Increase 10158.6Increase 1.2 Decrease 11857.4Increase 0.6 Decrease 11756.8Increase 0.1 Decrease 11556.7Decrease -0.6 10257.3-
 Mali Decrease 12655.9Decrease -2.2 Increase 10358.1Increase 0.5 Decrease 11357.6Decrease -1.0 Increase 10258.6Increase 2.1 Decrease 12156.5Increase 0.1 Increase 11956.4Increase 0.9 Decrease 12255.5Decrease -0.9 11156.4-
 Gabon Steady 11856.7Increase 0.4 Decrease 11856.3Decrease -1.7 Decrease 10958.0Decrease -0.6 Increase 10358.6Decrease -0.4 Decrease 10559.0Increase 0.7 Increase 10458.3Increase 0.5 Decrease 10557.8Steady 0.0 9957.8-
 Belarus Increase 8861.7Increase 3.8 Increase 10457.9Decrease -0.2 Decrease 10858.1Decrease -0.5 Increase 10458.6Increase 9.8 Decrease 15748.8Decrease -1.0 Decrease 15349.8Decrease -0.3 Increase 15050.1Increase 2.1 15448.0-
 Tanzania Increase 8961.7Increase 1.5 Increase 9460.2Increase 0.3 Increase 9759.9Increase 1.3 Increase 10558.6Increase 0.1 Decrease 11058.5Increase 1.0 Decrease 10957.5Decrease -0.3 Decrease 10657.8Decrease -0.1 9857.9-
 Guyana Decrease 12456.2Decrease -0.6 Decrease 11356.8Decrease -1.9 Increase 10258.7Increase 0.2 Increase 10658.5Increase 3.1 Decrease 12755.4Decrease -0.1 Decrease 12355.5Decrease -0.2 Increase 12155.7Increase 1.9 12953.8-
 Bhutan Decrease 8562.1Decrease -0.8 Increase 7462.9Increase 1.1 Increase 8761.8Increase 3.4 Decrease 10758.4Decrease -1.1 Increase 9759.5Increase 2.1 Increase 11557.4Increase 0.7 Increase 11656.7Increase 1.7 12255.0-
 Samoa Decrease 8662.1Decrease -0.1 Increase 8262.2Increase 0.7 Increase 9061.5Increase 3.1 Decrease 10858.4Decrease -5.1 Increase 6963.5Increase 1.6 Increase 7861.9Increase 0.8 Increase 8461.1Increase 4.0 10657.1-
 Tajikistan Decrease 15552.2Decrease -3.4 Decrease 12255.6Decrease -2.7 Increase 10658.3Increase 0.1 Increase 10958.2Increase 6.9 Decrease 14951.3Decrease -1.4 Decrease 14052.7Increase 0.7 Decrease 13952.0Decrease -1.4 13153.4-
 Moldova Increase 8762.0Increase 2.9 Increase 9759.1Increase 0.7 Increase 10558.4Increase 0.4 Increase 11058.0Increase 0.6 Decrease 11757.4Decrease -0.1 Decrease 11157.5Increase 0.2 Increase 11057.3Increase 1.8 11555.5-
 China Decrease 10359.5Increase 1.1 Increase 10058.4Increase 0.6 Increase 11057.8Increase 0.4 Increase 11157.4Increase 5.4 Decrease 14452.0Decrease -0.7 Decrease 13952.7Increase 0.2 Decrease 13752.5Increase 0.6 13651.9-
 Sri Lanka Increase 11257.4Increase 1.0 Decrease 11556.4Decrease -1.4 Increase 11157.8Increase 0.4 Decrease 11257.4Decrease -2.5 Increase 9359.9Increase 1.3 Decrease 10158.6Decrease -1.4 Decrease 9060.0Decrease -0.7 8160.7-
 Madagascar Increase 9960.5Increase 3.9 Increase 11456.6Decrease -0.2 Decrease 11956.8Decrease -0.6 Decrease 11357.4Decrease -3.7 Decrease 8761.1Decrease -0.6 Steady 7961.7Steady 0.0 Decrease 7961.7Decrease -0.3 7362.0-
 Russia Increase 9461.0Increase 2.1 Increase 9858.9Increase 0.7 Increase 10758.2Increase 1.1 Increase 11457.1Increase 6.5 Decrease 15350.6Decrease -1.5 Decrease 14352.1Increase 0.2 Decrease 14051.9Increase 0.8 13951.1-
 Nigeria Decrease 11657.2Decrease -0.1 Decrease 11157.3Decrease -1.2 Increase 10458.5Increase 1.4 Increase 11557.1Decrease -0.4 Increase 11657.5Increase 1.9 Increase 12055.6Increase 1.3 Decrease 12954.3Decrease -0.8 12055.1-
 Cape Verde Decrease 7663.6Increase 0.5 Increase 7363.1Increase 3.1 Increase 9660.0Increase 3.1 Decrease 11656.9Decrease -9.6 Increase 5766.5Increase 0.1 Steady 6066.4Increase 0.3 Increase 6066.1Increase 2.4 6563.7-
 Democratic Republic of the Congo Decrease 16249.5Decrease -0.8 Decrease 15750.3Decrease -1.8 Decrease 14752.1Decrease -4.3 Increase 11756.4Increase 10.0 Increase 16346.4Increase 1.4 Increase 16845.0Increase 4.4 Decrease 17240.6Increase 1.0 17139.6-
 Ghana Increase 10459.4Increase 1.9 Increase 10957.5Increase 1.5 Decrease 12256.0Decrease -0.2 Decrease 11856.2Decrease -6.8 Decrease 7263.0Steady 0.0 Decrease 7163.0Decrease -1.2 Increase 6664.2Increase 2.9 7761.3-
 Guinea-Bissau Decrease 14853.3Decrease -0.7 Decrease 13554.0Decrease -2.9 Increase 11856.9Increase 0.8 Increase 11956.1Increase 4.3 Steady 14551.8Decrease -0.2 Decrease 14552.0Increase 0.7 Decrease 14351.3Increase 0.2 13851.1-
 Senegal Increase 11058.0Increase 1.7 Increase 11756.3Increase 0.6 Decrease 12655.7Decrease -0.2 Decrease 12055.9Decrease -2.2 Decrease 11158.1Increase 0.3 Increase 10657.8Increase 2.4 Decrease 12555.4Decrease -0.1 11655.5-
 Comoros Decrease 14353.7Decrease -1.7 Decrease 12455.4Decrease -0.8 Steady 12156.2Increase 0.4 Increase 12155.8Increase 3.4 Increase 14152.4Increase 0.3 Steady 14252.1Increase 0.7 Increase 14251.4Increase 3.9 15747.5-
 Zambia Decrease 14753.5Decrease -0.1 Decrease 13853.6Decrease -0.7 Decrease 13254.3Decrease -1.5 Decrease 12255.8Decrease -3.0 Decrease 10658.8Increase 0.1 Decrease 10058.7Decrease -1.7 Increase 8860.4Increase 1.7 9358.7-
 Tunisia Decrease 12855.8Increase 0.4 Decrease 12555.4Decrease -3.5 Increase 9958.9Increase 3.2 Decrease 12355.7Decrease -1.9 Decrease 11457.6Decrease -0.1 Increase 10757.7Increase 0.4 Decrease 10957.3Increase 0.3 10757.0-
 São Tomé and Príncipe Increase 12556.2Increase 2.2 Increase 13454.0Increase 0.4 Decrease 13753.6Decrease -1.8 Decrease 12455.4Decrease -1.3 Increase 12056.7Increase 3.4 Increase 13653.3Increase 4.5 Decrease 15748.8Increase 0.8 15348.0-
   Nepal Decrease 13954.2Increase 0.4 Decrease 13653.8Decrease -0.3 Decrease 13354.1Decrease -1.0 Increase 12555.1Increase 4.2 Increase 15150.9Decrease -0.4 Decrease 15251.3Increase 1.2 Decrease 14950.1Decrease -0.3 14150.4-
 Solomon Islands Decrease 15052.9Decrease -1.7 Decrease 13354.6Decrease -2.9 Increase 11457.5Increase 2.5 Increase 12655.0Increase 8.0 Decrease 16147.0Steady 0.0 Increase 15947.0Increase 0.8 Steady 16546.2Increase 1.2 16545.0-
 Greece Increase 10059.9Increase 2.2 Increase 10657.7Increase 0.4 Increase 11557.3Increase 2.3 Increase 12755.0Increase 1.8 Decrease 13853.2Decrease -0.8 Decrease 13054.0Decrease -1.7 Decrease 11955.7Increase 0.3 11755.4-
 Bangladesh Decrease 12256.4Increase 0.8 Increase 12155.6Increase 0.5 Steady 12855.1Increase 0.1 Increase 12855.0Increase 1.7 Decrease 13753.3Decrease -0.6 Steady 13153.9Decrease -0.2 Increase 13154.1Increase 1.5 13252.6-
 Mongolia Decrease 12755.9Increase 0.5 Decrease 12655.4Decrease -0.3 Increase 12555.7Increase 0.9 Decrease 12954.8Decrease -4.6 Decrease 10059.4Increase 0.2 Increase 9659.2Increase 0.3 Decrease 9758.9Decrease -2.8 7561.7-
 Barbados Decrease 9261.4Decrease -3.3 Increase 6764.7Increase 7.7 Increase 11757.0Increase 2.5 Decrease 13054.5Decrease -13.8 Increase 4568.3Increase 0.4 Decrease 4667.9Decrease -0.4 Decrease 4568.3Decrease -1.0 3969.3-
 Mauritania Decrease 13055.3Decrease -0.4 Increase 11955.7Increase 1.7 Decrease 13454.0Decrease -0.4 Decrease 13154.4Decrease -0.4 Increase 12854.8Increase 1.5 Decrease 13553.3Increase 0.1 Steady 13453.2Increase 0.9 13452.3-
 Federated States of Micronesia Decrease 15652.0Increase 0.1 Decrease 14951.9Decrease -0.4 Decrease 14352.3Decrease -1.8 Increase 13254.1Increase 2.3 Increase 14751.8Increase 2.2 Decrease 15449.6Decrease -0.2 Decrease 15349.8Decrease -0.3 14350.1-
 Laos Decrease 12955.5Decrease -1.9 Increase 11057.4Increase 3.8 Decrease 13853.6Decrease -0.4 Increase 13354.0Increase 4.2 Decrease 15549.8Decrease -1.6 Decrease 15051.4Increase 0.2 Steady 14451.2Increase 1.1 14450.1-
 Lesotho Increase 13854.5Increase 1.4 Decrease 14253.1Decrease -0.8 Decrease 13653.9Steady 0.0 Increase 13453.9Increase 3.3 Increase 15250.6Increase 1.0 Decrease 15549.6Increase 0.1 Increase 15449.5Increase 1.6 15547.9-
 Kenya Decrease 13255.3Increase 0.2 Decrease 13055.1Increase 0.4 Increase 12954.7Increase 1.2 Decrease 13553.5Decrease -4.0 Increase 11557.5Increase 1.9 Decrease 12255.6Decrease -1.5 Increase 11157.1Increase 1.2 11455.9-
 Gambia Increase 12356.3Increase 3.9 Decrease 14652.4Increase 0.1 Decrease 14552.3Decrease -1.1 Decrease 13653.4Decrease -3.7 Decrease 11957.1Decrease -0.4 Decrease 11357.5Decrease -2.0 Steady 9259.5Increase 0.7 9258.8-
 Lebanon Decrease 15751.7Increase 0.6 Decrease 15451.1Decrease -2.1 Decrease 14053.2Decrease -0.1 Decrease 13753.3Decrease -6.2 Decrease 9859.5Increase 0.2 Increase 9459.3Decrease -0.1 Decrease 9659.4Decrease -0.1 9159.5-
 Togo Increase 14054.1Increase 3.8 Increase 15850.3Increase 2.5 Decrease 16847.8Decrease -5.4 Decrease 13853.2Decrease -0.4 Increase 13553.6Increase 0.1 Increase 13853.0Increase 3.1 Decrease 15249.9Increase 1.1 15048.8-
 Burundi Decrease 16649.0Increase 0.1 Decrease 16248.9Decrease -2.0 Decrease 15750.9Decrease -2.3 Decrease 13953.2Decrease -0.7 Decrease 13353.9Increase 0.2 Increase 13253.7Increase 2.3 Increase 14151.4Increase 2.4 14849.0-
 Brazil Increase 14453.7Increase 1.8 Increase 15051.9Increase 0.5 Decrease 15351.4Decrease -1.5 Decrease 14052.9Decrease -3.6 Decrease 12256.5Decrease -0.1 Decrease 11856.6Decrease -0.3 Decrease 11456.9Decrease -0.8 10057.7-
 Pakistan Decrease 13554.8Decrease -0.2 Steady 13155.0Increase 0.6 Increase 13154.4Increase 1.6 Decrease 14152.8Decrease -3.1 Decrease 12655.9Increase 0.3 Increase 12155.6Increase 0.4 Decrease 12655.2Increase 0.1 12155.1-
 Ethiopia Decrease 14653.6Steady 0.0 Increase 13753.6Increase 0.8 Steady 14252.8Increase 0.1 Increase 14252.7Increase 1.2 Increase 14851.5Steady 0.0 Increase 14951.5Increase 1.5 Decrease 15150.0Increase 0.6 14649.4-
 India Increase 12056.5Increase 1.3 Increase 12955.2Increase 0.7 Increase 13054.5Increase 1.9 Decrease 14352.6Decrease -3.6 Increase 12356.2Increase 1.6 Decrease 12854.6Decrease -1.1 Decrease 12055.7Increase 0.5 11955.2-
 Egypt Increase 14254.0Increase 1.5 Decrease 14452.5Decrease -0.9 Increase 13953.4Increase 0.8 Decrease 14452.6Decrease -3.4 Decrease 12556.0Increase 0.8 Increase 12455.2Increase 2.3 Decrease 13552.9Decrease -1.9 12554.8-
 Sierra Leone Decrease 16848.0Increase 0.5 Decrease 16747.5Decrease -4.3 Decrease 15151.8Decrease -0.8 Decrease 14552.6Increase 0.3 Increase 14252.3Increase 0.6 Increase 14751.7Increase 1.2 Increase 14850.5Increase 2.2 15148.3-
 Myanmar Decrease 14154.0Increase 0.4 Decrease 13953.6Decrease -0.3 Increase 13553.9Increase 1.4 Increase 14652.5Increase 3.8 Increase 15848.7Increase 1.8 Increase 16146.9Increase 0.4 Increase 16246.5Increase 7.3 17239.2-
 Vietnam Increase 10558.8Increase 3.5 Increase 12855.3Increase 2.2 Increase 14153.1Increase 0.7 Decrease 14752.4Decrease -1.6 Increase 13154.0Increase 2.3 Decrease 14851.7Increase 0.9 Decrease 14750.8Decrease -0.2 14051.0-
 Uzbekistan Increase 11457.2Increase 3.9 Increase 14053.3Increase 1.8 Decrease 15251.5Decrease -0.8 Increase 14852.3Increase 6.3 Decrease 16646.0Decrease -1.0 Increase 16047.0Increase 0.5 Decrease 16346.5Increase 0.5 16246.0-
 Malawi Increase 15252.8Increase 1.4 Decrease 15351.4Decrease -0.6 Increase 14852.0Decrease -0.2 Decrease 14952.2Increase 0.4 Decrease 14651.8Decrease -3.0 Decrease 12654.8Decrease -0.6 Decrease 12455.4Increase 0.1 11855.3-
 Cameroon Steady 14553.6Increase 1.2 Increase 14552.4Increase 0.5 Increase 14951.9Increase 0.1 Decrease 15051.8Decrease -2.4 Increase 13054.2Increase 2.3 Decrease 14651.9Decrease -0.7 Decrease 13652.6Increase 0.3 13352.3-
 Central African Republic Increase 15950.7Increase 1.6 Increase 16149.1Decrease -0.1 Decrease 16349.2Decrease -2.6 Increase 15151.8Increase 6.6 Decrease 16845.2Decrease -0.7 Decrease 16645.9Decrease -0.8 Decrease 16146.7Decrease -3.7 14250.4-
 Papua New Guinea Decrease 10858.4Steady 0.0 Increase 10158.4Increase 2.7 Increase 12755.7Increase 4.8 Decrease 15250.9Decrease -2.3 Decrease 14053.2Increase 0.1 Decrease 13753.1Decrease -0.8 Decrease 13253.9Increase 0.3 13053.6-
 Kiribati Decrease 17245.2Decrease -2.1 Decrease 16847.3Decrease -3.5 Decrease 15950.8Decrease -0.1 Increase 15350.9Increase 4.7 Decrease 16546.2Decrease -0.2 Steady 16446.4Increase 0.1 Decrease 16446.3Increase 0.4 16345.9-
 Niger Increase 13754.7Increase 3.1 Increase 15151.6Increase 2.1 Decrease 16049.5Decrease -1.3 Decrease 15450.8Decrease -3.5 Decrease 12954.3Decrease -0.3 Steady 12754.6Decrease -0.5 Increase 12755.1Increase 1.2 12853.9-
 Iran Decrease 16449.2Decrease -1.9 Increase 15551.1Increase 0.2 Decrease 15650.9Increase 0.4 Increase 15550.5Increase 7.0 Steady 17143.5Increase 1.7 Increase 17141.8Increase 1.5 Decrease 17340.3Decrease -2.9 16843.2-
 Argentina Decrease 14953.1Increase 0.9 Decrease 14852.2Decrease -0.1 Increase 14452.3Increase 1.9 Increase 15650.4Increase 6.6 Steady 16943.8Decrease -0.3 Decrease 16944.1Decrease -0.5 Decrease 16644.6Decrease -2.1 16046.7-
 Maldives Increase 11956.5Increase 3.3 Increase 14153.2Increase 2.1 Increase 15551.1Increase 0.8 Decrease 15750.3Decrease -3.6 Increase 13253.9Increase 0.5 Increase 13453.4Increase 2.4 Increase 14551.0Increase 2.0 14949.0-
 Mozambique Increase 16050.5Increase 1.9 Increase 16348.6Increase 2.3 Decrease 17046.3Decrease -3.6 Decrease 15849.9Decrease -3.3 Decrease 13953.2Decrease -1.6 Increase 12554.8Decrease -0.2 Decrease 12855.0Steady 0 12355.0-
 Haiti Decrease 15352.3Decrease -0.4 Decrease 14352.7Decrease -3.1 Increase 12455.8Increase 6.2 Decrease 15949.6Decrease -1.7 Increase 15051.3Steady 0.0 Increase 15151.3Increase 2.4 Decrease 15648.9Increase 0.8 15248.1-
 Ecuador Increase 15851.3Increase 4.4 Decrease 17046.9Decrease -1.6 Decrease 16548.5Decrease -0.8 Decrease 16049.3Increase 0.7 Decrease 15948.6Decrease -0.6 Increase 15649.2Increase 1.2 Steady 15948.0Increase 1.1 15946.9-
 Liberia Decrease 16549.0Decrease -0.7 Decrease 16049.7Decrease -1.2 Increase 15850.9Increase 1.8 Decrease 16149.1Decrease -3.1 Decrease 14352.2Decrease -0.5 Decrease 14152.7Increase 0.3 Increase 13852.4Increase 3.1 14749.3-
 Chad Decrease 16150.2Increase 0.3 Increase 15949.9Increase 0.6 Steady 16249.3Increase 0.3 Increase 16249.0Increase 2.7 Increase 16446.3Increase 0.4 Increase 16545.9Increase 1.4 Decrease 16744.5Decrease -0.7 16445.2-
 Sudan Decrease 17345.0Decrease -2.7 Decrease 16647.7Decrease -1.7 Increase 16149.4Increase 0.6 16448.8- --- --- --- ---
 Angola Increase 15452.2Increase 1.6 Increase 15650.6Increase 2.0 Increase 16448.6Increase 0.1 Decrease 16548.5Decrease -0.4 Increase 15648.9Increase 1.0 Increase 15847.9Increase 0.2 Decrease 16047.7Increase 0.4 15847.3-
 Ukraine Increase 13454.9Increase 2.6 Increase 14752.3Increase 0.4 Increase 15051.9Increase 3.8 Decrease 16648.1Increase 1.3 Steady 16246.8Decrease -0.1 Decrease 16246.9Decrease -2.4 Increase 15549.3Increase 3.0 16146.3-
 Suriname Increase 16349.5Increase 1.4 Increase 16548.1Steady 0.0 Increase 16648.1Increase 0.1 Decrease 16748.0Decrease -5.8 Decrease 13453.8Decrease -0.4 Increase 12954.2Steady 0.0 Increase 13054.2Increase 2.2 13552.0-
 Bolivia Decrease 17542.8Increase 0.5 Steady 17342.3Decrease -1.8 Decrease 17344.1Decrease -3.6 Decrease 16847.7Increase 0.3 Increase 16047.4Increase 0.6 Decrease 16346.8Decrease -1.6 Decrease 15848.4Increase 0.5 15647.9-
 Guinea Decrease 12156.5Increase 0.8 Increase 12055.7Increase 3.5 Increase 14652.2Increase 4.6 Decrease 16947.6Decrease -5.7 Increase 13653.3Increase 1.2 Decrease 14452.1Decrease -1.4 Increase 13353.5Increase 2.3 13751.2-
 Turkmenistan Decrease 17046.5Decrease -1.9 Increase 16448.4Increase 1.3 Increase 16947.1Decrease -0.3 Increase 17047.4Increase 5.5 Decrease 17441.9Increase 0.5 Decrease 17241.4Decrease -0.8 Decrease 17142.2Decrease -0.4 16942.6-
 Djibouti Increase 15152.9Increase 5.8 Increase 16947.1Increase 2.0 Steady 17145.1Decrease -1.6 Decrease 17146.7Decrease -9.3 Decrease 12456.0Decrease -1.5 Increase 11257.5Increase 1.6 Increase 11855.9Increase 2.0 12753.9-
 Algeria Increase 16946.9Increase 0.7 Increase 17146.2Increase 1.5 Steady 17244.7Decrease -1.8 Decrease 17246.5Decrease -3.6 Increase 15450.1Increase 1.2 Decrease 15748.9Decrease -1.9 Decrease 14650.8Increase 1.2 14549.6-
 Timor-Leste Increase 17145.9Increase 1.7 Decrease 17244.2Decrease -3.9 Increase 16748.1Increase 1.8 Decrease 17346.3Increase 0.5 Steady 16745.8Increase 0.3 Increase 16745.5Increase 2.3 Decrease 17043.2Decrease -0.5 16643.7-
 Equatorial Guinea Increase 16748.3Increase 7.3 Increase 17441.0Decrease -1.0 Decrease 17542.0Decrease -3.0 Decrease 17445.0Increase 1.3 Increase 17043.7Increase 3.3 Decrease 17340.4Decrease -4.0 Increase 16844.4Increase 2.1 17042.3-
 Zimbabwe Increase 17443.1Increase 2.7 Decrease 17540.4Decrease -3.6 Increase 17444.0Steady 0.0 Steady 17544.0Increase 5.8 Steady 17538.2Increase 0.6 Increase 17537.6Increase 2.1 Decrease 17635.5Increase 6.9 17528.6-
 Eritrea Steady 17738.5Decrease -0.4 Decrease 17738.9Decrease -2.8 Steady 17641.7Decrease -0.5 Decrease 17642.2Decrease -0.5 Increase 17342.7Increase 3.8 Steady 17438.9Increase 0.4 Decrease 17438.5Increase 2.2 17336.3-
 Republic of the Congo Steady 17641.8Increase 2.1 Increase 17639.7Increase 0.8 Steady 17738.9Decrease -1.1 Decrease 17740.0Decrease -2.8 Decrease 17242.8Increase 0.1 Decrease 17042.7Decrease -1.0 Decrease 16943.7Increase 0.2 16743.5-
 Cuba Steady 17826.9Decrease -0.9 Steady 17827.8Decrease -4.1 Steady 17831.9Decrease -2.0 Decrease 17833.9Increase 4.1 Steady 17729.8Increase 0.2 Steady 17729.6Increase 0.9 Decrease 17728.7Increase 0.2 17628.5-
 Venezuela Steady 17925.2Decrease -0.7 Steady 17925.9Increase 0.7 Steady 17925.2Decrease -1.8 Decrease 17927.0Decrease -6.7 Steady 17633.7Decrease -0.6 Decrease 17634.3Decrease -2.0 Decrease 17536.3Increase 0.2 17436.1-
 North Korea Steady 1804.2Decrease -1.7 Steady 1805.9Increase 0.1 Steady 1805.8Increase 0.9 Decrease 1804.9Increase 2.6 Steady 1782.3Increase 1.0 Steady 1781.3Increase 0.3 Decrease 1781.0Decrease -0.5 1771.5-
 Yemen --- --- --- --- --- Decrease 13353.7Decrease -1.8 12355.5Decrease -0.4 11355.9

2020 scores by aspects of economic freedom

Key: ██ Free (80–100) ██ Mostly Free (70.0–79.9) ██ Moderately Free (60.0–69.9) ██ Mostly Unfree (50.0–59.9) ██ Repressed (0–49.9)

Country Name 2020 Score Property Rights Judicial Effectiveness Government Integrity Tax Burden Gov't Spending Fiscal Health Business Freedom Labor Freedom Monetary Freedom Trade Freedom Investment Freedom Financial Freedom
Afghanistan 54.7 48.3 30.0 24.8 91.4 79.2 99.9 54.7 61.6 81 66.0 10 10
Albania 66.9 57.1 33.0 38.8 85.9 74.6 86.3 65.7 52.1 81.2 88.4 70 70
Algeria 46.9 37.9 35.0 28.3 75.4 52.6 17.3 63.0 50.5 76.2 66.2 30 30
Angola 52.2 36.9 14.3 15.1 87.3 85.7 71.9 57.7 61.1 59.6 66.2 30 40
Argentina 53.1 50.5 47.0 49.7 69.6 50.7 24.7 60.2 46.5 53.7 69.2 55 60
Armenia 70.6 60.7 54.1 43.4 84.9 80.6 68.8 81.0 72.5 76.0 80.6 75 70
Australia 82.6 82.8 86.1 89.3 63.0 61.6 91.8 87.8 84.0 86.2 88.2 80 90
Austria 73.3 87.3 73.2 84.0 51.3 27.2 87.9 73.0 68.3 81.0 86.4 90 70
Azerbaijan 69.3 67.1 53.9 38.7 88.0 63.0 99.2 80.8 66.2 69.8 74.6 70 60
Bahamas 64.5 54.9 46.4 46.0 96.8 87.4 69.2 69.0 70.0 76.3 47.8 50 60
Bahrain 66.3 70.6 48.4 51.0 99.4 66.1 2.6 70.5 71.1 81.1 79.4 75 80
Bangladesh 56.4 41.0 36.1 26.6 72.7 94.3 76.8 52.3 68.4 70.0 63.6 45 30
Barbados 61.4 56.6 36.1 44.0 73.6 69.2 63.1 69.4 60.0 77.9 56.6 70 60
Belarus 61.7 63.2 48.4 37.4 88.8 54.1 95.4 76.4 74.8 69.8 82.0 30 20
Belgium 68.9 84.5 62.5 80.2 46.7 17.2 77.0 75.2 61.1 80.5 86.4 85 70
Belize 57.4 44.4 46.4 33.5 79.5 66.3 53.9 60.9 54.3 80.4 64.2 55 50
Benin 55.2 41.3 36.4 29.6 69.0 84.2 46.6 58.0 53.7 84.3 49.4 60 50
Bhutan 62.1 69.9 46.4 51.2 82.9 71.1 74.8 68.2 79.4 71.6 79.4 20 30
Bolivia 42.8 20.1 11.2 23.1 86.3 54.2 14.2 58.3 52.9 69.9 67.8 15 40
Bosnia and Herzegovina 62.6 44.4 33.9 41.8 83.6 49.3 97.3 45.7 67.4 82.7 80.0 65 60
Botswana 69.6 60.9 45.2 46.4 87.0 69.1 97.5 69.3 68.2 73.6 82.8 65 70
Brazil 53.7 57.3 46.7 45.6 70.4 54.6 4.6 60.5 49.5 77.2 67.8 60 50
Brunei Darussalam 66.6 69.8 56.8 49.6 89.8 61.5 20.0 84.1 90.5 77.1 85.0 65 50
Bulgaria 70.2 64.2 45.4 44.2 90.3 66.1 99.2 62.6 68.1 85.7 86.4 70 60
Burkina Faso 56.7 46.9 42.6 34.1 81.3 77.0 49.2 47.6 52.1 82.4 61.8 65 40
Burma 54.0 32.5 14.3 31.5 86.6 87.5 84.6 53.1 59.9 77.5 70.8 30 20
Burundi 49.0 24.9 26.9 22.3 73.7 85.8 13.2 55.1 67.4 70.3 68.2 50 30
Cambodia 57.3 43.1 28.1 14.8 89.4 83.9 94.8 31.2 62.5 74.8 65.4 50 50
Cameroon 53.6 45.3 30.8 20.8 74.8 88.3 63.7 46.0 50.1 84.1 59.6 30 50
Canada 78.2 87.7 72.7 90.3 76.5 50.9 83.3 81.7 72.0 76.0 87.0 80 80
Cabo Verde 63.6 47.5 48.0 46.1 77.7 71.7 66.2 58.5 55.6 83.1 68.2 80 60
Central African Republic 50.7 38.1 31.7 24.3 65.5 93.5 95.3 24.3 40.4 73.3 47.2 45 30
Chad 50.2 32.4 27.4 15.1 45.8 93.5 95.6 26.8 43.0 76.1 47.2 60 40
Chile 76.8 69.9 61.1 73.4 76.4 80.8 90.5 75.0 64.7 85.2 89.0 85 70
China 59.5 60.9 76.3 46.0 70.4 67.9 67.5 76.8 64.4 71.1 72.4 20 20
Colombia 69.2 61.1 32.8 46.1 70.4 77.0 85.5 71.3 78.0 77.5 81.2 80 70
Comoros 53.7 43.1 31.7 23.8 63.6 73.6 85.0 47.8 60.3 81.7 59.2 45 30
Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo 49.5 30.1 26.5 13.1 74.4 95.4 98.0 51.2 41.6 49.6 64.6 30 20
Congo, Republic of 41.8 40.7 30.0 23.1 63.3 56.2 0.6 37.5 35.3 83.2 56.8 45 30
Costa Rica 65.8 66.7 54.4 57.2 78.9 88.4 39.7 66.5 55.0 81.2 81.4 70 50
Côte d'Ivoire 59.7 48.5 33.0 25.5 77.8 82.5 66.9 62.3 49.2 75.7 69.4 75 50
Croatia 62.2 69.9 39.6 51.0 65.9 34.7 89.1 53.6 44.0 77.6 86.4 75 60
Cuba 26.9 20.1 10.0 38.7 49.5 0.0 14.8 20.0 20.0 64.1 65.6 10 10
Cyprus 70.1 77.4 50.5 57.6 74.8 58.6 80.0 76.6 59.7 84.3 86.4 75 60
Czech Republic 74.8 76.8 49.9 64.2 82.0 52.7 97.8 69.7 77.6 80.8 86.4 80 80
Denmark 78.3 86.3 84.6 93.0 42.0 19.7 97.7 88.7 86.2 84.6 86.4 90 80
Djibouti 52.9 58.8 31.7 25.5 75.3 53.6 10.9 62.3 60.6 76.5 49.8 80 50
Dominica 60.8 59.8 62.6 51.2 70.5 16.0 86.2 70.4 60.7 83.5 68.4 70 30
Dominican Republic 60.9 55.8 18.2 31.2 84.5 90.5 82.4 50.3 57.5 73.5 76.6 70 40
Ecuador 51.3 40.4 20.7 33.4 77.5 57.9 62.3 53.8 48.0 81.0 66.0 35 40
Egypt 54.0 48.5 51.2 34.0 86.1 69.9 2.8 62.0 51.5 61.3 70.2 60 50
El Salvador 61.6 41.6 30.1 31.6 77.8 82.8 80.0 53.6 52.3 78.6 80.8 70 60
Equatorial Guinea 48.3 38.1 19.5 15.1 75.1 86.4 77.2 37.5 34.2 78.1 48.8 40 30
Eritrea 38.5 32.5 14.3 21.4 81.4 74.7 0.0 18.2 69.7 61.0 69.2 0 20
Estonia 77.7 83.2 73.7 85.9 81.1 53.3 99.9 73.5 57.3 78.6 86.4 90 70
Eswatini 55.3 49.8 42.4 37.2 72.8 62.8 17.6 58.9 67.9 75.2 88.6 50 40
Ethiopia 53.6 36.5 45.1 29.4 77.4 90.8 79.2 48.6 57.6 62.7 60.8 35 20
Fiji 63.4 69.9 42.6 45.6 80.5 68.9 84.2 62.6 76.2 72.5 52.8 55 50
Finland 75.7 92.3 80.5 96.1 67.5 11.2 90.7 84.8 50.3 83.6 86.4 85 80
France 66.0 85.9 71.2 83.3 48.8 4.5 67.1 82.5 46.1 76.7 81.4 75 70
Gabon 56.7 36.9 20.8 36.7 74.3 89.3 88.9 52.1 52.3 77.3 51.2 60 40
Gambia 56.3 43.9 43.4 39.2 74.6 85.6 25.3 53.5 67.4 63.3 64.6 65 50
Georgia 77.1 68.6 57.9 64.8 87.1 73.6 94.4 85.3 76.3 78.3 88.6 80 70
Germany 73.5 80.5 74.3 82.8 60.9 42.2 92.9 82.8 53.0 76.7 86.4 80 70
Ghana 59.4 52.5 46.1 32.2 78.4 88.1 35.6 58.4 59.3 68.9 63.8 70 60
Greece 59.9 57.0 48.6 51.2 59.0 31.5 80.0 73.7 52.0 79.4 81.4 55 50
Guatemala 64.0 45.5 32.2 29.6 79.2 95.6 95.7 62.6 48.4 77.4 82.2 70 50
Guinea 56.5 38.7 33.3 16.1 70.0 91.4 93.8 55.4 58.0 70.6 60.4 50 40
Guinea-Bissau 53.3 41.3 48.4 14.8 88.7 86.7 67.3 39.1 61.2 82.7 49.0 30 30
Guyana 56.2 53.6 42.6 34.1 66.0 64.4 58.6 58.9 62.1 82.5 66.8 55 30
Haiti 52.3 16.4 23.3 22.3 80.2 89.4 96.3 33.6 62.3 61.5 67.0 45 30
Honduras 61.1 48.6 34.2 28.6 82.3 78.2 96.7 56.7 31.5 72.2 79.4 65 60
Hong Kong 89.1 93.6 76.8 84.7 93.0 90.3 99.9 96.2 89.1 80.7 95.0 80 90
Hungary 66.4 64.8 45.7 47.5 79.9 34.5 83.6 60.2 64.6 79.9 86.4 80 70
Iceland 77.1 87.6 63.2 90.3 71.7 44.1 97.5 84.7 63.5 80.3 86.8 85 70
India 56.5 63.0 64.1 47.2 79.4 77.9 13.1 65.6 41.2 73.0 73.4 40 40
Indonesia 67.2 59.8 56.2 37.2 83.4 91.7 90.2 70.0 49.2 78.4 80.8 50 60
Iran 49.2 36.9 37.1 33.5 81.0 89.2 86.5 57.3 50.7 49.0 54.6 5 10
Iraq N/A 43.9 11.2 20.8 N/A 59.5 76.6 52.6 44.8 76.4 N/A N/A N/A
Ireland 80.9 86.6 64.4 82.8 76.4 78.8 91.4 82.7 75.9 85.3 86.4 90 70
Israel 74.0 82.3 71.8 77.2 61.0 53.5 89.2 72.2 64.4 84.9 86.2 75 70
Italy 63.8 75.4 51.3 62.2 56.0 28.5 71.1 70.4 50.9 83.2 86.4 80 50
Jamaica 68.5 62.1 50.5 46.8 80.0 74.8 80.2 77.7 74.0 77.7 68.4 80 50
Japan 73.3 86.6 71.4 80.5 68.3 55.8 62.0 81.4 78.7 84.4 80.0 70 60
Jordan 66.0 64.8 54.6 49.6 91.8 73.5 55.9 60.1 52.5 77.6 81.2 70 60
Kazakhstan 69.6 61.3 62.1 40.9 92.3 85.5 84.1 74.6 86.0 68.1 80.2 50 50
Kenya 55.3 63.2 48.6 28.2 78.7 79.6 13.5 55.0 55.8 75.0 60.4 55 50
Kiribati 45.2 47.5 34.2 24.3 72.4 0.0 99.0 40.6 62.9 82.2 23.8 25 30
Korea, North 4.2 20.1 5.0 15.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0 0
Korea, South 74.0 82.5 61.0 67.5 63.9 67.7 96.7 90.5 56.2 82.1 80.0 70 70
Kosovo 67.4 66.3 54.1 39.2 92.6 76.5 94.0 75.0 61.0 78.4 76.2 65 30
Kuwait 63.2 57.1 47.0 46.0 97.7 22.4 99.6 61.3 62.2 73.2 76.4 55 60
Kyrgyz Republic 62.9 53.6 31.3 32.0 94.1 58.5 66.7 73.6 79.6 76.4 79.2 60 50
Laos 55.5 42.5 37.3 32.0 87.0 86.6 53.3 54.3 58.6 76.8 82.0 35 20
Latvia 71.9 72.3 51.1 46.4 76.9 58.3 96.5 77.0 72.4 80.2 86.4 85 60
Lebanon 51.7 44.6 30.8 25.0 90.8 72.5 0.0 45.6 47.8 75.6 77.4 60 50
Lesotho 54.5 45.2 47.0 29.6 73.0 34.4 60.3 52.8 58.8 75.7 82.2 55 40
Liberia 49.0 31.1 37.9 23.8 86.1 65.5 59.7 48.2 38.2 62.1 60.6 55 20
Libya N/A 30.1 20.8 18.9 N/A 0 N/A 40.7 53.9 53.6 N/A 5 N/A
Liechtenstein N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 85 80
Lithuania 76.7 77.9 62.1 67.4 84.9 66 97.4 71.9 76.5 79.7 86.4 80 70
Luxembourg 75.8 86.4 74.4 90.3 64.1 45.4 99.0 66.8 45.3 76.4 86.4 95 80
Macau 70.3 60.0 60.0 33.5 75.0 89.8 99.9 60.0 50.0 70.0 90.0 85 70
North Macedonia 69.5 62.5 42.7 42.2 91.5 71.0 87.7 80.6 67.0 77.7 86.2 65 60
Madagascar 60.5 45.6 39.6 25.0 90.7 91.5 90.6 47.3 44.6 72.7 73.6 55 50
Malawi 52.8 43.1 42.1 24.8 79.0 71.7 23.6 41.9 62.8 69.1 75.4 50 50
Malaysia 74.7 86.5 74.6 49.4 85.7 84.6 80.2 87.8 74.5 81.6 82.0 60 50
Maldives 56.5 48.5 31.7 39.2 95.8 67.9 42.9 78.7 70.6 77.0 61.0 35 30
Mali 55.9 36.1 32.7 20.7 69.2 85.8 73.6 49.2 52.2 81.6 65.0 65 40
Malta 69.5 70.5 49.6 55.1 64.8 60.0 95.9 68.0 61.1 77.1 86.4 85 60
Mauritania 55.3 32.5 20.8 21.9 80.9 76.4 85.9 61.7 51.3 79.6 62.6 50 40
Mauritius 74.9 75.8 62.6 53.3 91.5 82.1 79.3 82.5 60.2 73.8 88.2 80 70
Mexico 66.0 58.3 34.7 36.7 76.1 79.3 87.5 67.0 58.4 70.9 87.6 75 60
Micronesia 52.0 30.1 26.5 22.3 92.9 0.0 99.2 56.9 78.2 82.2 70.8 35 30
Moldova 62.0 60.5 31.7 37.2 86.1 71.6 96.2 68.1 37.0 72.0 78.0 55 50
Mongolia 55.9 50.3 23.0 36.9 87.4 66.6 9.3 63.6 75.7 74.2 74.0 50 60
Montenegro 61.5 59.1 55.3 47.5 85.4 32.1 23.4 70.8 74.8 80.3 83.8 75 50
Morocco 63.3 66.3 48.0 39.2 71.8 72.8 67.2 70.4 33.0 77.0 78.6 65 70
Mozambique 50.5 34.9 31.7 23.2 74.1 69.6 40.3 55.3 41.7 72.0 78.0 35 50
Namibia 60.9 58.9 58.5 46.0 65.7 58.1 28.7 65.6 84.9 75.9 83.2 65 40
Nepal 54.2 40.7 32.0 31.5 83.4 77.9 98.1 61.6 53.7 71.2 60.4 10 30
Netherlands 77.0 90.0 73.9 90.1 51.7 45.2 94.1 80.4 60.2 82.5 86.4 90 80
New Zealand 84.1 93.3 79.1 93.9 71.0 57.8 98.3 90.4 86.7 87.0 92.2 80 80
Nicaragua 57.2 33.5 19.5 24.3 76.3 77.5 87.2 55.1 55.5 71.5 75.4 60 50
Niger 54.7 45.6 42.6 33.4 76.7 79.0 44.7 55.4 47.9 74.8 61.2 55 40
Nigeria 57.2 38.1 32.2 22.3 85.1 96.2 64.1 54.7 84.0 61.7 62.4 45 40
Norway 73.4 84.3 82.8 95.6 57.7 25.6 97.3 86.1 57.4 74.8 83.8 75 60
Oman 63.6 66.4 66.2 64.6 98.4 36.2 14.8 74.6 56.9 78.4 81.6 65 60
Pakistan 54.8 48.3 43.2 29.7 80.4 86.8 40.4 54.9 41.3 72.5 64.8 55 40
Panama 67.2 58.8 30.0 37.2 85.3 85.7 91.2 70.8 43.3 79.4 79.2 75 70
Papua New Guinea 58.4 54.9 48.4 29.7 71.5 86.4 76.4 58.4 69.6 70.7 79.8 25 30
Paraguay 63.0 44.7 26.4 29.6 96.1 88.6 98.0 60.9 29.0 72.5 75.4 75 60
Peru 67.9 54.9 30.6 33.5 80.8 86.4 89.0 67.1 62.9 86.3 88.4 75 60
Philippines 64.5 54.6 34.2 38.7 76.7 87.9 96.3 59.5 57.4 66.9 81.6 60 60
Poland 69.1 63.1 42.8 64.6 74.7 48.8 92.2 62.6 62.0 82.0 86.4 80 70
Portugal 67.0 75.4 65.6 68.9 59.6 39.8 74.4 76.5 44.1 83.0 86.4 70 60
Qatar 72.3 66.9 58.7 64.6 99.8 64.6 93.7 71.1 65.9 80.6 81.6 60 60
Romania 69.7 72.5 56.1 55.1 90.3 70.4 85.6 58.6 63.0 78.1 86.4 70 50
Russia 61.0 56.8 44.4 41.3 88.5 63.8 98.7 80.2 52.1 68.2 77.8 30 30
Rwanda 70.9 76.5 78.3 57.6 79.2 79.8 86.7 60.3 81.8 79.8 70.4 60 40
Saint Lucia 68.2 69.8 62.6 41.8 76.9 80.6 83.8 76.7 66.4 82.0 73.2 65 40
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 66.8 50.5 62.6 46.1 72.4 73.7 89.0 75.8 73.3 80.8 67.2 70 40
Samoa 62.1 60.5 31.7 31.5 79.6 62.5 94.6 76.6 78.8 79.5 64.6 55 30
São Tomé and Príncipe 56.2 41.0 26.5 37.4 88.3 77.1 73.0 64.8 43.4 68.1 64.2 60 30
Saudi Arabia 62.4 64.6 72.3 49.6 99.8 61.8 19.3 66.6 63.3 81.0 75.4 45 50
Senegal 58.0 52.4 39.8 40.6 70.2 84.4 75.2 50.4 38.1 79.7 65.4 60 40
Serbia 66.0 55.4 46.8 44.0 83.7 49.7 94.1 72.6 66.9 80.7 78.0 70 50
Seychelles 64.3 68.3 46.4 53.3 76.8 58.9 93.2 65.3 62.8 78.6 82.6 55 30
Sierra Leone 48.0 40.7 39.4 21.8 87.5 83.5 9.8 50.1 29.7 64.2 69.4 60 20
Singapore 89.4 96.8 92.9 92.4 90.3 91.1 80.0 92.8 90.9 85.6 94.8 85 80
Slovakia 66.8 73.1 41.7 49.7 78.5 50.2 92.6 55.3 52.6 75.9 86.4 75 70
Slovenia 67.8 76.5 48.6 67.4 59.2 42.9 90.3 78.4 61.4 82.2 86.4 70 50
Solomon Islands 52.9 54.6 53.7 33.5 65.6 34.2 76.6 67.7 72.0 84.3 48.0 15 30
Somalia N/A 20.1 26.5 13.1 N/A N/A N/A 31.6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
South Africa 58.8 58.4 38.0 46.6 63.7 67.4 64.0 62.0 58.8 75.9 75.8 45 50
Spain 66.9 74.9 51.8 55.1 62.1 48.3 62.6 66.8 57.7 82.0 86.4 85 70
Sri Lanka 57.4 47.7 39.2 34.7 84.8 88.9 39.3 76.5 58.6 71.1 67.6 40 40
Sudan 45.0 33.7 20.8 25.5 86.1 94.5 12.4 53.5 60.0 77.0 52.0 5 20
Suriname 49.5 45.6 19.5 36.9 70.5 74.8 10.3 48.2 71.9 76.1 69.8 40 30
Sweden 74.9 88.8 79.9 91.4 43.6 25.8 97.0 85.3 53.8 81.2 86.4 85 80
Switzerland 82.0 87.4 81.5 90.1 70.1 65.3 96.7 74.2 72.4 84.4 86.6 85 90
Syria N/A 45.6 20.8 21.9 N/A N/A N/A 48.9 59.3 58.8 51.6 0 N/A
Taiwan 77.1 86.9 70.1 68.9 75.0 90.5 91.0 93.9 60.3 82.7 86.0 60 60
Tajikistan 52.2 49.1 50.0 32.0 91.8 62.3 26.0 65.9 47.7 71.0 75.0 25 30
Tanzania 61.7 41.9 43.4 32.5 80.6 91.6 92.9 45.9 66.4 72.2 67.8 55 50
Thailand 69.4 59.5 48.0 43.4 80.7 85.9 96.4 83.0 63.7 74.0 83.0 55 60
Timor-Leste 45.9 45.2 12.6 32.5 96.3 5.3 19.9 64.0 58.9 76.5 75.0 45 20
Togo 54.1 41.6 31.7 31.2 67.5 78.6 59.4 55.0 46.9 79.5 63.2 65 30
Tonga 58.8 60.9 26.5 44.2 85.2 42.8 95.2 75.0 69.8 71.4 74.0 40 20
Trinidad and Tobago 58.3 56.6 42.1 37.4 82.6 66.5 15.9 67.3 76.0 77.4 67.8 60 50
Tunisia 55.8 56.4 43.6 39.7 74.2 73.1 38.8 78.1 49.8 73.9 66.4 45 30
Turkey 64.4 57.4 53.7 44.6 76.7 64.1 86.1 67.0 49.2 66.1 78.0 70 60
Turkmenistan 46.5 20.1 20.0 21.4 95.9 93.1 94.5 30.0 20.0 68.7 74.2 10 10
Uganda 59.5 45.6 36.9 21.4 80.3 88.4 64.3 46.0 83.1 78.0 75.4 55 40
Ukraine 54.9 47.5 42.2 37.9 81.1 47.2 83.9 61.3 48.3 63.0 81.2 35 30
United Arab Emirates 76.2 80.3 84.6 64.6 99.2 72.1 94.1 78.6 81.3 79.6 80.4 40 60
United Kingdom 79.3 92.2 82.7 89.9 64.7 49.5 78.1 94.7 73.1 80.3 86.4 80 80
United States 76.6 81.8 83.7 77.2 74.6 56.5 54.3 83.3 87.9 75.5 79.8 85 80
Uruguay 69.1 72.0 59.8 73.5 75.2 66.5 72.3 73.6 71.0 72.7 77.4 85 30
Uzbekistan 57.2 59.1 34.2 28.2 91.6 74.7 98.9 72.6 59.9 59.9 67.6 20 20
Vanuatu 60.7 68.3 36.1 37.4 97.1 61.1 78.4 51.8 54.6 74.6 63.4 65 40
Venezuela 25.2 10.1 12.6 14.6 72.8 66.3 0.0 30.8 27.7 0.0 58.0 0 10
Vietnam 58.8 52.6 40.1 33.8 79.5 75.9 58.0 65.6 62.5 68.2 79.6 40 50
Yemen N/A 22.5 20.1 21.9 N/A 96.5 60.1 43.9 43.8 42.6 70 50 N/A
Zambia 53.5 45.2 31.3 28.4 73.2 81.7 18.4 66.4 47.0 72.2 72.6 55 50
Zimbabwe 43.1 33.7 28.3 18.9 62.3 88.0 36.2 39.1 43.1 62.8 70.0 25 10

1995–2008 rankings

Country/Region 20082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995
 Hong Kong[lower-alpha 1]11111111111111
 United States56557786878854
 New Zealand6543333433333
 United Kingdom107679977465573
 The Bahamas2419191520171514161010101111
 Trinidad and Tobago29232617212926191316171624
 El Salvador33292816222221179922182119
 Czech Republic3739404735364026302328542923

See also


  1. "Executive Summary" (PDF). Index of Economic Freedom. January 15, 2008. Archived from the original (PDF) on February 27, 2008. Retrieved February 4, 2008.
  2. 1 2 William Beach, Time Kane (January 15, 2008). "Methodology; Measuring the 10 Economic Freedoms" (PDF). Index of Economic Freedom. Archived from the original (PDF) on February 27, 2008. Retrieved February 4, 2008.
  3. "2021 Index of Economic Freedom | The Heritage Foundation".
  4. Mary Anastasia O'Grady (January 15, 2008). "The Real Key to Development". Wall Street Journal. Retrieved February 4, 2008.
  5. Carl J. Schramm (15 January 2008). "Chapter 1 Economic Fluidity: A Crucial Dimension of Economic Freedom" (PDF). The Heritage Foundation. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 February 2008. Retrieved 4 February 2008.
  6. "In Pursuit of Happiness Research: Is It Reliable? What Does It Imply for Policy?", Will Wilkinson, The Cato institute, Policy Analysis No. 590, 11 April 2007
  7. Ovaska Tomi, Takashima Ryo (2006). "Economic policy and the level of self-perceived well-being: An international comparison". The Journal of Socio-Economics. 35 (2): 308–325. doi:10.1016/j.socec.2005.11.054.
  8. More Freedom = More Happiness Archived 29 October 2008 at the Wayback Machine, Public Issues, Libertad Desarrollo, No. 750, 23 January 2006, ISSN 0717-1528
  9. "Chapter2: Economic Freedom and Peace" Archived 16 October 2008 at the Wayback Machine, Erik Gartzke, in Economic Freedom of the World: 2005 Annual Report, James Gwartney and Robert Lawson, Fraser Institute, 30 August 2005
  10. Barry Wood (January 15, 2008). "Economic Freedom Holding Steady, 14th Index of Economic Freedom Shows". PR Newswire. Archived from the original on January 18, 2008. Retrieved February 4, 2008.
  11. 1 2 3 4 "Executive Highlights" (PDF). The Heritage Foundation. 2011. Retrieved February 20, 2011.
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  34. "2017 IEF (XLS) table download". The Heritage Foundation. Retrieved February 1, 2017.
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  37. "2014 IEF (XLS) table download". The Heritage Foundation. Retrieved February 2, 2014.
  38. "2017 IEF (XLS) table download". The Heritage Foundation. Retrieved July 4, 2021.
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