The Japanese Pharmacopoeia (日本薬局方) is the official pharmacopoeia of Japan. It is published by the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (独立行政法人 医薬品医療機器総合機構, Dokuritsu-gyōsei hōjin iyakuhin-iryō-kiki-sōgō-kikō).[1][2] The first edition was published on 25 June 1886, with revisions being issued from time to time. The current revision is number 18, issued electronically on 7 June 2021. An official English translation is in preparation (status: 06 Aug 2021).[3]

See also


  1. "業務のご案内 2012-2013" (PDF). Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency. Archived from the original (PDF) on 29 October 2012. Retrieved 11 September 2012.
  2. "History&Legal Status" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 December 2013. Retrieved 11 September 2012.
  3. "Japanese Pharmacopoeia 18". Retrieved 6 August 2021.

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