Title page of Ich habe mich rasieren lassen (1862)

Körner's Morning (Körners Vormittag) is a verse play by Friedrich Schiller. His only comedy, it was written for his friend Christian Gottfried Körner's birthday, probably between 5 June and 2 July 1787. Intended to be privately produced, it parodies the Dresden circle around Körner and his tendency not to finish works or only to finish them with great difficulty.[1]

It was first published by Carl Künzel in 1862 (over 55 years after Schiller's death) as Ich habe mich rasieren lassen (I let myself shave).[2] It shows a domestic phase in Schiller's life and simultaneously documents a piece of 18th century everyday life.[3]


Writing and publication

Christian Gottfried Körner by Anton Graff


Features and reception


  • (in German) Friedrich von Schiller: Ich habe mich rasieren lassen: Ein dramatischer Scherz von Friedrich von Schiller. Verlag der Englischen Kunst-Anstalt A. H. Payne 1862


  • (in German) Peter-André Alt: Körners Vormittag. In: Schiller, Leben – Werk – Zeit, Erster Band, München 2000, S. 424–425
  • (in German) Grit Dommes: Körners Vormittag. In: Schiller-Handbuch, Leben – Werk – Wirkung, Hrsg. Matthias Luserke-Jaqui, Metzler, Stuttgart 2005, S. 88–92


  1. (in German) Helmut Koopmann, Anmerkungen zu Körners Vormittag. In: Friedrich Schiller, Sämtliche Werke, Band I, Dramen I, Deutscher Bücherbund, Stuttgart, S. 931
  2. (in German) Hinweis: Die Jahresangaben differieren hier, während Gritt Dommes 1863 angibt, spricht Peter-André Alt von 1862
  3. (in German) Grit Dommes: Körners Vormittag. In: Schiller-Handbuch, Leben – Werk – Wirkung, Hrsg. Matthias Luserke-Jaqui, Metzler, Stuttgart 2005, S. 88
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