Kol BaRama headquarters in Bnei Brak

Kol BaRama is a Haredi Israeli radio station established in 2009. The station, based in Bnei Brak, broadcasts seven days a week, but not on Shabbat (from nightfall Saturday night until sunset Friday afternoon)


Frequency Region
92.1 FM Central area
105.7 FM Jerusalem
104.3 FM South

Political Identification

The station is now closely identified with Aryeh Deri's Shas party. But from 2005 until 2010 the party supported Shas rival Eli Yishay.

COVID-19 Broadcasts

During the 2020 COVID-19 virus pandemic, when all synagogues in Israel were shut the station received permission to broadcast daily prayers with a minyan 3 times a day.

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