Nations with which Sweden has diplomatic relations.

The foreign policy of Sweden is based on the premise that national security is best served by staying free of alliances in peacetime in order to remain a neutral country in the event of war. In 2002, Sweden revised its security doctrine. The security doctrine still states that "Sweden pursues a policy of non-participation in military alliances," but permits cooperation in response to threats against peace and security. The government also seeks to maintain Sweden's high standard of living. These two objectives require heavy expenditures for social welfare, defense spending at rates considered low by Western European standards (currently around 1.2% of GNP),[1] and close attention to foreign trade opportunities and world economic cooperation.

Foreign policy

The foreign policy of Sweden encompasses a range of themes over the centuries. Some of the main issues include:[2][3][4][5]

  • Sweden has historically pursued a policy of neutrality, aiming to avoid involvement in conflicts between major powers. This neutrality allowed Sweden to navigate the tumultuous European political landscape and maintain its sovereignty. It dropped the neutrality policy in 2022-2023 in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and is trying to join NATO.
  • Sweden has sought to maintain a balance of power in Northern Europe, acting as a counterweight to dominant regional powers. This approach aimed to prevent any single power from gaining excessive influence and threatening Swedish interests.
  • Sweden's historical dominance in the Baltic Sea region played a crucial role in shaping its diplomatic history. Through territorial expansion, Sweden established control over strategic territories, such as present-day Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and parts of Russia, impacting its relations with neighboring states.
  • During the 17th and 18th centuries, Sweden emerged as a major European power, participating in conflicts such as the Thirty Years' War and the Great Northern War. Its diplomatic efforts were often influenced by power struggles with other European great powers, such as Russia and Poland.
  • Sweden has actively engaged in peace mediation efforts, seeking to resolve conflicts and broker peace agreements. Notable examples include the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, which ended the Thirty Years' War, and various mediation efforts during the 20th century.
  • Sweden has a longstanding tradition of promoting international cooperation, human rights, and humanitarian initiatives. It has been involved in the establishment of international organizations such as the League of Nations and the United Nations, and has championed causes such as humanitarian aid and disarmament.
  • Sweden has pursued close ties and cooperation with its neighboring Nordic countries, particularly Denmark, Finland, Iceland, and Norway. This commitment to Scandinavian unity has been reflected in diplomatic initiatives, trade agreements, and cultural exchanges.
  • Sweden's relationship with the European Union (EU) has been a significant theme in its recent diplomatic history. While Sweden joined the EU in 1995, it has maintained a somewhat reserved approach, often balancing its national interests with EU membership.
  • Sweden has been an advocate for global development and has provided substantial aid to developing countries. It has sought to address global inequalities and promote sustainable development through its aid programs, often challenging neocolonial practices.
  • In the 21st century , Sweden has gained attention for its feminist foreign policy approach, which aims to integrate gender equality into its diplomatic efforts. Sweden has been a leading advocate for women's rights globally, emphasizing the inclusion and empowerment of women in peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and development processes.

United Nations

Sweden has been a member of the United Nations since November 19, 1946, and participates actively in the activities of the organization, including as an elected member of the Security Council (1957–1958, 1975–1976, 1997–1998 and 2017–2018), providing Dag Hammarskjöld as the second elected Secretary-General of the UN, etc. The strong interest of the Swedish Government and people in international cooperation and peacemaking has been supplemented in the early 1980s by renewed attention to Nordic and European security questions.

Sweden decided not to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.[6]

European Union

  EU members in 1995
  Sweden, Austria and Finland

After the then Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson had submitted Sweden's application in July 1991 the negotiations began in February 1993. Finally, on January 1, 1995, Sweden became a member of the European Union. While some argued that it went against Sweden's historic policy of neutrality, where Sweden had not joined during the Cold War because it was seen as incompatible with neutrality, others viewed the move as a natural extension of the economic cooperation that had been going on since 1972 with the EU. Sweden addressed this controversy by reserving the right not to participate in any future EU defense alliance. In membership negotiations in 1993–1994, Sweden also had reserved the right to make the final decision on whether to join the third stage of the EMU "in light of continued developments." In a nationwide referendum in November 1994, 52.3 percent of participants voted in favour of EU membership. Voter turnout was high, 83.3 percent of the eligible voters voted. The main Swedish concerns included winning popular support for EU cooperation, EU enlargement, and strengthening the EU in areas such as economic growth, job promotion, and environmental issues.

In polls taken a few years after the referendum, many Swedes indicated that they were unhappy with Sweden's membership in the EU. However, after Sweden successfully hosted its first presidency of the EU in the first half of 2001, most Swedes today have a more positive attitude towards the EU. The government, with the support of the Center Party, decided in spring 1997 to remain outside of the EMU, at least until 2002. A referendum was held on September 14, 2003. The results were 55.9% for no, 42.0% yes and 2.1% giving no answer ("blank vote").

Nordic Council

Swedish foreign policy has been the result of a wide consensus. Sweden cooperates closely with its Nordic neighbors, formally in economic and social matters through the Nordic Council of Ministers and informally in political matters through direct consultation.


Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, February 11, 2017

Swedish neutrality and nonalignment policy in peacetime may partly explain how the country could stay out of wars since 1814. Swedish governments have not defined nonalignment as precluding outspoken positions in international affairs. Government leaders have favored national liberation movements that enjoy broad support among developing world countries, with notable attention to Africa. During the Cold War, Sweden was suspicious of the superpowers, which it saw as making decisions affecting small countries without always consulting those countries. With the end of the Cold War, that suspicion has lessened somewhat, although Sweden still chooses to remain nonaligned. Sweden has devoted particular attention to issues of disarmament, arms control, and nuclear nonproliferation and has contributed importantly to UN and other international peacekeeping efforts, including the NATO-led peacekeeping forces in the Balkans. It sat as an observer in the Western European Union from 1995 to 2011, but it is not an active member of NATO's Partnership for Peace and the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council.

Sweden's engagement with NATO was especially strengthened during the term of Anders Fogh Rasmussen.[7]

Sweden's nonalignment policy has led it to serve as the protecting power for a number of nations who don't have formal diplomatic relations with each other for various reasons. It currently represents the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations in North Korea for consular matters. On several occasions when the United Kingdom broke off relations with Iran (including the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the Salman Rushdie affair, and the 2011 storming of the British embassy in Tehran), Sweden served as the protecting power for the UK.

In May 2022, Sweden formally applied to join the NATO alliance. The public opinion in the Nordic region had changed in favour of joining NATO since Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24 of the same year.[8]

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in March 2022 that her government would have to respond if Sweden became a NATO member.[9] However, in June 2022 President Vladimir Putin contradicted the statement, claiming that Sweden and Finland can "join whatever they want" on the condition that there will be no NATO military deployment in either country.[10]


Sweden has employed its military on numerous occasions since the end of the Cold War, from Bosnia and Congo to Afghanistan and Libya. According to one study, "this military activism is driven both by the Swedish internationalist tradition of "doing good" in the world, but also for instrumental purposes. These include a desire for political influence in international institutions, an interest in collective milieu shaping, and a concern to improve the interoperability and effectiveness of the Swedish military."[11]

Participation in international organizations


Organization Formal Relations Began Notes
 European Union See 1995 enlargement of the European Union
 NATO See Sweden–NATO relations


Region Formal relations began Notes
 AngolaFebruary 1976[12]
 Benin 17 November 1961 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 21 November 1961[13]
 Burkina FasoSee Burkina Faso–Sweden relations
  • Burkina Faso is accredited to Sweden from its embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Ouagadougou.
 Burundi 7 December 1965 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 7 December 1965 when was accredited first ambassador of Burundi to Sweden Mr. Pierre Bigayimpunzi[14]
 Chad 3 August 1995 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 3 August 1995[15]
 Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • DR Congo has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Kinshasa.
 Cote d'Ivoire 31 December 1963 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 31 December 1963 when first Swedish Ambassador to the Ivory Coast Karl Henrik Anderson presented his credentials[16]
  • Djibouti is accredited to Sweden from its embassy in Brussels, Belgium.
  • Sweden is accredited to Djibouti from its embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and maintains an honorary consulate in Djibouti City.
 Egypt25 November 1922Both countries established diplomatic relations on 25 November 1922 when Harald Bildt take up the post of first Swedish Minister to Egypt.[17]
  • Egypt has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Cairo.
 Eritrea 24 June 1993 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 24 June 1993[18]
 EthiopiaSee Ethiopia–Sweden relations
  • Ethiopia has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Addis Ababa.
 Ghana 27 April 1962 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 27 April 1962 when first ambassador of Sweden to Ghana Mr. Gunnar Järnstedt presented his credentials[19]
 Guinea-Bissau14 March 1975See Guinea-Bissau–Sweden relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 14 March 1975 when Sweden's first Ambassador to Guinea-Bissau , Mr. D. Friedman , presented his credentials to President Louis Cabral.[20]

  • Guinea-Bissau is accredited to Sweden from its embassy in Brussels, Belgium and maintains an honorary consulate in Stockholm.
  • Sweden is accredited to Guinea-Bissau from its embassy in Lisbon, Portugal.
 KenyaSee Kenya–Sweden relations
  • Kenya has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Nairobi.
 Mali 25 January 1965 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 25 January 1965 when first Ambassador of Sweden to Mali with residence in Abidjan Mr. Karl Henrik Anderson , presented his letters of credentials.[21]
 Mauritania 14 December 1970 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 14 December 1970 when Ambassador of Sweden to Mauritania with residence in Rabat M. Lars Von Celsing presented his letters of credentials.[22]
 Mozambique25 June 1975Both countries established diplomatic relations on 25 June 1975[23]
  • Mozambique has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Maputo.
 NamibiaSee Namibia–Sweden relations
  • Namibia has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden is accredited to Namibia from its embassy in Pretoria, South Africa and maintains an honorary consulate in Windhoek.
 Nigeria3 October 1961Both countries established diplomatic relations on 3 October 1961[24]
  • Nigeria has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Abuja.
 South AfricaSee South Africa-Sweden relations
 South Sudan 9 July 2011 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 9 July 2011[25]
 Sudan27 October 1957Both countries established diplomatic relations on 27 October 1957 when has been accredited Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Sweden to Sudan (Resident in Addis Ababa) Dr. Bjorn Axel Eyvind Bratt.[26]
  • Sudan has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Khartoum.
 Tanzania29 May 1964Both countries established diplomatic relations on 29 May 1964 when Mr. Otto Gustaf Rathsman presented his credentials as Sweden's Ambassador to the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar to President Nyerere.[27]
  • Sweden has an embassy in Dar es Salaam.
  • Tanzania has an embassy in Stockholm.
 Togo 15 March 1978 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 15 March 1978 when accredited first Ambassador of Togo to Sweden (resident in Bonn) Mr. Agbenou Assiongbon.[28]
 TunisiaSee Sweden–Tunisia relations
  • Sweden has an embassy in Tunis.
  • Tunisia has an embassy in Stockholm.
 Zimbabwe 30 April 1980 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 30 April 1980 when first Ambassador of Mozambique to Zimbabwe presented his credentials.[29]


Region Formal relations began Notes
 Antigua and Barbuda 11 May 1982 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 11 May 1982[30]
 ArgentinaSee Argentina–Sweden relations
 Bahamas 9 May 1978 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 9 May 1978[31]
 Barbados 19 March 1976 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 19 March 1976[32]
 Belize17 November 1982 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 17 November 1982[33]
  • Belize has an honorary consulate in Stockholm.
  • Sweden is accredited to Belize from its embassy in Guatemala City and maintains an honorary consulate in Belmopan.
 Bolivia2 February 1932Both countries established diplomatic relations on 2 February 1932[34][35]
  • Bolivia has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in La Paz.
 BrazilSee Brazil–Sweden relations
  • Brazil has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Brasília.
 CanadaSee Canada–Sweden relations

Relations with Canada are close, positive and constructive. Both countries have strong commitments to peacekeeping, UN reform, development assistance, environmental protection, sustainable development, and the promotion and protection of human rights.[36] In addition, there are more than 300,000 Canadians of Swedish descent.[37]

 Chile1827See Chile–Sweden relations
  • Chile has an embassy in Stockholm and a consulate in Gothenburg.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Santiago.
 Colombia11 December 1874
  • Colombia has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Bogotá.
  • Sweden is the 6th largest trade partner of Colombia in the European Union.
  • Cuba has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Havana.
 Dominica 3 May 1984 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 3 May 1984[38]
 El Salvador
  • El Salvador has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden is accredited to El Salvador from its embassy in Guatemala City and maintains an honorary consulate in San Salvador.
  • Guatemala is accredited to Sweden from its embassy in Berlin, Germany.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Guatemala City.
 Guyana16 June 1975

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 16 June 1975[39]

  • Guyana has an honorary consulate in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an ambassador accredited to Guyana based in Stockholm.
 Haiti 31 March 1941 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 31 March 1941 when the first Charge d'Affaires ad interim of Sweden to Haiti (Resident in Havana) Mr. Erik Wisen presented his credentials.[40]
 Mexico1850[41]See Mexico–Sweden relations.
 Peru11 February 1938See Peru–Sweden relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 11 February 1938.[42]

  • Peru has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden is accredited to Peru from its embassy in Santiago, Chile.[43]
 Saint Kitts and Nevis 3 April 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 3 April 1992[44]
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 3 April 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 3 April 1992[45]
 United States29 April 1818See Sweden–United States relations.

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 29 April 1818[46]

Sweden and the United States have had strong ties since the 18th century.

 UruguaySee Sweden–Uruguay relations
  • Sweden is accredited to Uruguay from its embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Uruguay has an embassy in Stockholm.


Country Formal relations began Notes
 Afghanistan 22 November 1940 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 22 November 1940.[47]
 Armenia10 July 1992Both countries established diplomatic relations on 10 July 1992[48]
 Azerbaijan 8 May 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 8 May 1992[51]
  • The embassy of Sweden in Baku opened in 2014.
  • Azerbaijani opened an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Currently, approximately 10 thousand Azerbaijanis live in Sweden, and in addition about 30 thousand Azerbaijanis from Iran.[52]
  • In 2006, a diaspora organization called «Odlar yurdu» was established in Sweden.[52]
  • In 2010, the Congress of Swedish Azerbaijanis was established.[53]
 ChinaSee China–Sweden relations
  • China has an embassy in Stockholm and a consulate-general in Gothenburg.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Beijing and consulates-general in Hong Kong and Shanghai.

In July 2019, the UN ambassadors from 22 nations, including Sweden, signed a joint letter to the UNHRC condemning China's mistreatment of the Uyghurs as well as its mistreatment of other minority groups, urging the Chinese government to close the Xinjiang re-education camps.[54][55]

 Georgia19 September 1992See Georgia–Sweden relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 19 September 1992[56]

 IndiaSee India–Sweden relations.
 IndonesiaSee Indonesia–Sweden relations.
 Iran5 September 1897See Iran–Sweden relations.

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 5 September 1897 when has been accredited first Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Persia to Sweden with residence in St. Peterbourg Mirza Reza Khan Ar Faed-Doouleh.[57]

 IraqSee Iraq–Sweden relations.

Iraq has an embassy in Stockholm and Sweden has an embassy in Baghdad.[58] Sweden is one of the largest donors to the protection force for UN personnel in Iraq, that was established in 2004.

Iraq has severed all ties with Sweden since July 2023, after Swedish authorities allowed a man to burn the Iraqi flag and the Quran in front of the Iraqi Embassy, Stockholm.[59][60][61]

 IsraelSee Israel–Sweden relations.

Both countries established diplomatic relations in 1949. Israel has an embassy in Stockholm.[62] Sweden has an embassy in Tel Aviv.[63]

 Japan1868See Japan–Sweden relations.

Both countries established diplomatic relations in 1868 by signing the Swedish-Japanese Treaty in 1868,.[64]

 Kazakhstan 7 April 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 7 April 1992[65]
  • Sweden has an embassy in Astana.
  • Kazakhstan has an embassy in Stockholm.
 Kuwait 22 December 1964 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 22 December 1964 when Sweden opens its Embassy in Kuwait.[66]
 Kyrgyzstan 25 March 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 25 March 1992[67]
 Lebanon 7 February 1946 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 7 February 1946[68]
 MalaysiaSee Malaysia–Sweden relations.

Diplomatic relations were established in 1958.[69] Sweden has an embassy in Kuala Lumpur, and Malaysia has an embassy in Stockholm. As of 2009, 90 Swedish companies are present in Malaysia and about 450 Swedish citizens live in Malaysia.

 North KoreaApril 7, 1973[70]See North Korea–Sweden relations
 PalestineOctober 30, 2014See Palestine–Sweden relations.
 Saudi Arabia 1957 Both countries established diplomatic relations in 1957[71]
 South Korea11 March 1959See South Korea–Sweden relations

The establishment of diplomatic relations between South Korea and Sweden began on March 11, 1959[72]

 Syria 24 June 1947 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 24 June 1947 when has been accredited Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Sweden to Syria with residence in Cairo Mr. Widar Bagge.[73]
 Tajikistan 9 December 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 9 December 1992[74]
 Timor Leste 20 May 2002 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 20 May 2002[75]
 TurkeySee Sweden–Turkey relations.

Both countries are full members of the Council of Europe, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the Union for the Mediterranean. Sweden supports Turkey's European Union membership.[76][77] Turkey does not fully support the accession of Sweden to NATO.

 Turkmenistan 10 April 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 10 April 1992[78]
 Uzbekistan 8 April 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 8 April 1992[79]


Region Formal relations began Notes
 Albania20 June 1969Both countries established diplomatic relations on 20 June 1969[80]
 Andorra 2 March 1995 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 2 March 1995[81]
  • Austria has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Vienna.
  • There are 7,000 Austrians living in Sweden.
  • There are 2,000 Swedes living in Austria.
  • Both countries became members of the European Union in 1 January 1995.
 Belarus14 January 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 14 January 1992[82]

There are 3,000 Belarusian living in Sweden and above 1,000 Swedes living in Belarus.

 Belgium23 February 1837 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 23 February 1837 when has been accredited Charge d'Affaires of Belgium to Sweden baron T. Vander Straten Ponthoz.[83]

There is an ethnic group of Walloons living in Sweden making up the 8,000 Belgians living in Sweden and 5,000 Swedes living in Belgium.

  • Belgium has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an ambassador accredited to Belgium based in Stockholm.
  • Both countries are members of the European Union.
 Bosnia and Herzegovina 15 December 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 15 December 1992[84]
 BulgariaJuly 6, 1914 There are approximately 3,000 Swedes living in Bulgaria and
 Croatia29 January 1992See Croatia–Sweden relations.
  • Both countries established diplomatic relations on 29 January 1992[85]
  • Croatia has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Zagreb.
  • Sweden joined the European Union as a full member on 1 January 1995, while Croatia joined on 1 July 2013.
 CyprusSee Cyprus–Sweden relations
  • Cyprus has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Nicosia.
  • Sweden joined the European Union as a full member on 1 January 1995, while Cyprus joined on 1 May 2004.
 Czech Republic1 January 1993Both countries established diplomatic relations on 1 January 1993[86]
 DenmarkSee Denmark–Sweden relations.

Today, both countries are separated by the Øresund, which links the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. Both countries are full members of the Council of the Baltic Sea States, of the Council of Europe, and of the European Union. There are around 21,000 Swedes living in Denmark and there are around 42,000 Danes living in Sweden.

 Estonia28 August 1991See Estonia–Sweden relations.

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 28 August 1991[87]

Estonia was under Swedish occupation between 1561 and 1721. Sweden re-recognized Estonia on August 27, 1991.

 FinlandSee Finland–Sweden relations.

Finnish–Swedish relations have a long history (Sweden and Finland were the same country for several hundred years), due to the close relationship between Finland and Sweden. Particularly in Finland, the issue emerges in frequent exposés of Finnish history, and in motives for governmental proposals and actions as reported in Finnish news broadcasts in English or other foreign languages. In Sweden, this relationship is a recurrent important theme of 20th-century history, although maybe by most Swedes considered to be an issue of purely historical relevance now that both countries have been members of the European Union since 1995.

 FranceSee France–Sweden relations.
 GermanySee Germany–Sweden relations
 Greece24 January 1833See Greece–Sweden relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 24 January 1833 when Carl Peter von Heidenstam (until then Consul General) has been appointed as Chargé d’Affaires of the Kingdom of Sweden and Norway in Greece.[88]

 HungarySee Hungary–Sweden relations

Diplomacy relations between the two countries started on December 28, 1945.

  • Hungary has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Budapest.
  • Sweden joined the European Union as a full member on 1 January 1995, while Hungary joined on 1 May 2004.
 IcelandSee Iceland–Sweden relations
  • Iceland has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Reykjavík.
 Ireland18 July 1946See Ireland–Sweden relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 18 July 1946[89] Ireland has an embassy in Stockholm.

 Italy23 December 1859See Italy–Sweden relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 23 December 1859 when has been appointed first interim Charge d'Affaires Giov. Antonio Migliorati.[90]

 KosovoSee Kosovo–Sweden relations

Sweden recognized Kosovo on March 4, 2008.[91] Liaison Office of Sweden in Pristina, subordinated to the Embassy in Skopje, North Macedonia.[92] On March 8, 2008, the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt became the first foreign minister to officially visit Kosovo since it declared its independence.[93] Sweden currently has 243 troops serving in Kosovo as peacekeepers in the NATO led Kosovo Force.[94]

  • Kosovo has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Pristina.
 Latvia28 August 1991Both countries established diplomatic relations on 28 August 1991[95]
  • Latvia has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Riga.
  • Sweden joined the European Union as a full member on 1 January 1995, while Latvia joined on 1 May 2004.
 Lithuania28 August 1991See Lithuania–Sweden relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 28 August 1991[96]

  • Lithuania has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Vilnius.
  • Sweden joined the European Union as a full member on 1 January 1995, while Lithuania joined on 1 May 2004.
 Moldova12 June 1992See Moldova–Sweden relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 12 June 1992[97]

Sweden is one of Moldova's top donors. From 1996, Sweden provided Moldova with technical assistance worth 30 million dollars, which significantly helped strengthen sectors such as: protection of human rights, democracy, good governance, public health, education, agriculture, energy, infrastructure, transport and the private sector. Much of the aid is delivered through the Swedish International Development Agency.[98][99] In 2007, the Swedish Government established the 2007–2010 strategy of cooperation with Moldova, which sees 11 million euros in financial assistance annually for three important sectors: good governance, strengthening of com petitiveness in the rural area and reduction of vulnerability in the energy sector.[98]

  • Moldova has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Chişinău.
 Monaco 30 January 2009 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 30 January 2009[100]
 Montenegro 26 June 2006 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 26 June 2006[101]
 The NetherlandsSee Netherlands–Sweden relations
 North Macedonia 20 December 1993 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 20 December 1993[102]
 NorwaySee Norway–Sweden relations
  • Norway has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Oslo.
 PolandSee Poland–Sweden relations
  • Poland has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Warsaw.
  • Sweden joined the European Union as a full member on 1 January 1995, while Poland joined on 1 May 2004.
 PortugalSee Portugal–Sweden relations
 Romania1 November 1916
  • Romania has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Bucharest.
  • Sweden joined the European Union as a full member on 1 January 1995, while Romania joined on 1 January 2007.
 RussiaSee Russia–Sweden relations.
 San Marino 13 December 1988 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 13 December 1988[103]
 SerbiaSee Serbia–Sweden relations.
 Slovakia 1 January 1993 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 1 January 1993[104]
 Slovenia 29 January 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 29 January 1992[105]
 SpainSee Spain–Sweden relations
  • Sweden has an embassy in Bern.
  • Switzerland has an embassy in Stockholm.
 Ukraine13 January 1992See Sweden–Ukraine relations.

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 13 January 1992[106]

A Ukrainian information bureau was opened 1916 in Stockholm by Volodymyr Stepankivskyi and M. Zaliznyak. In 1918 an official diplomatic mission from the Ukrainian People's Republic headed by K. Lossky was opened in Stockholm.[107] Diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Sweden were established on January 13, 1992.

  • Sweden has an embassy in Kyiv.
  • Ukraine has an embassy in Stockholm.
 United KingdomSee Sweden–United Kingdom relations.


Country Formal relations began Notes
 AustraliaSee Australia–Sweden relations.
  • Australia has an embassy in Stockholm.
  • Sweden has an embassy in Canberra and eight honorary consulates: Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns, Darin, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.
 Fiji 3 April 1979 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 3 April 1979[108]
 Kiribati 28 September 2012 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 28 September 2012[109]
 Marshall Islands 14 February 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 14 February 1992[110]
 Federated States of Micronesia 26 August 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 26 August 1992[111]
 Nauru 28 September 2012 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 28 September 2012[112]
 New ZealandSee New Zealand–Sweden relations
 Palau 9 August 1995 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 9 August 1995[113]
 Tuvalu 24 August 2012 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 24 August 2012[114]

See also


  1. WorldBank. "Military expenditure (% of GDP)". report. Retrieved October 5, 2015.
  2. Neil Kent, A Concise History of Sweden (2008),
  3. Franklin D. Scott, Sweden: The Nation's History (1988)
  4. Erik Thomson, "Beyond the Military State: Sweden’s Great Power Period in Recent Historiography." History Compass 9.4 (2011): 269-283. online
  5. Patrick Salmon, Scandinavia and the great powers 1890-1940 (2002). online.
  6. "Sweden declines to sign UN nuclear ban treaty". The Local. July 12, 2019.
  7. NATO Review. "Sweden: a special NATO partner?". NATO Review. Retrieved February 20, 2015.
  8. Emmott, Robin; Devranoglu, Nevzat (May 18, 2022). "Finland, Sweden apply to join NATO amid Turkish objections". Reuters.
  9. "Russia Sends Bone-Chilling Message To Sweden & Finland; Threatens 'Military Implications' If They Go The Ukraine Way". The EurAsian Times. February 25, 2022.
  10. "Putin issues fresh warning to Finland and Sweden on installing Nato infrastructure". the Guardian. June 29, 2022. Retrieved June 30, 2022.
  11. Aggestam, Lisbeth; Hyde-Price, Adrian (December 17, 2015). Pierre, Jon (ed.). ""A Force for Good"?". doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199665679.001.0001. ISBN 9780199665679. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  12. "Angola" (in Swedish). Government Offices of Sweden. Retrieved May 9, 2023.
  13. Monde colonial illustré Volume 39, Issues 383-392. Société nouvelle des Editions France Outremer S.A. 1961. p. 49.
  14. "Främmande makters beskickningar". Sveriges statskalender / 1970 / (in Swedish). Retrieved May 30, 2023.
  15. "Avtal med Tchad om upprättande av diplomatiska förbindelser. Bonn den 3 augusti 1995". (in Swedish). Retrieved May 12, 2023.
  16. Africa Research Bulletin. Blackwell. 1964. p. 13.
  17. "The Sphinx, Vol. 30, No. 486, 1922". The American University in Cairo. Retrieved January 14, 2024.
  18. Utrikesfrågor - Volume 1993 (in Swedish). Sweden. Utrikesdepartementet. 1994. p. 444.
  19. Daily Report, Foreign Radio Broadcasts Issues 84-85. United States. Central Intelligence Agency. 1962. p. 7.
  20. Africa Research Bulletin. Blackwell. 1975. p. 3576.
  21. Bulletin de l'Afrique noire - Issues 355-366 (in French). La Documentation africaine. 1965.
  22. Bulletin de l'Afrique noire - Issues 627-651 (in French). Ediafric. 1971.
  23. Summary of World Broadcasts Non-Arab Africa · Issues 4866-4942. British Broadcasting Corporation. Monitoring Service. 1975. p. 10.
  24. "1961 – 2021: Sweden marks 60 years of diplomatic relations with Nigeria (Embassy of Sweden Abuja, Nigeria)". Archived from the original on April 14, 2023. Retrieved April 14, 2023.
  25. "Avtal med Sydsudan om upprättande av diplomatiska förbindelser". (in Swedish). Retrieved May 12, 2023.
  26. Sudan Almanac. Egypt. Maṣlaḥat al-Misāḥah. 1959. p. 49.
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Further reading

  • Elgström, Ole, and Magnus Jerneck. "Activism and adaptation: Swedish security strategies, 1814–85." Diplomacy and Statecraft 8.3 (1997): 210–236.
  • Grimberg, Carl. A History of Sweden (1935) online free
  • Horn, David Bayne. Great Britain and Europe in the eighteenth century (1967) covers 1603–1702; pp 236–69.
  • Lindström, Peter, and Svante Norrhem. Flattering Alliances: Scandinavia, Diplomacy and the Austrian-French Balance of Power, 1648–1740 (Nordic Academic Press, 2013).
  • Makko, Aryo. Ambassadors of Realpolitik: Sweden, the CSCE and the Cold War (2016) excerpt
  • Nordstrom, Byron J. The History of Sweden (2002) excerpt and text search; also full text online free to borrow
  • Salmon, Patrick. Scandinavia and the great powers 1890–1940 (Cambridge University Press, 2002).
  • Sevin, Efe. Public diplomacy and the implementation of foreign policy in the US, Sweden and Turkey (Springer International Publishing, 2017).
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