This is a list of flags used in Chile. For more information about the national flag, visit the article Flag of Chile.

National flags

1818- National flag, State flag, State ensign, Civil ensign and War ensign Three cantons. In superior level, a blue square to the left with a white five-ponted star within, and a white rectangle to the right. In the inferior level, a red rectangle.
1818- Flag of Chile (vertical)

Governmental flags

1920- (creation)
1967- (Legal regulation)
Presidential flag A flag of Chile with the Chilean coat of arms in the center.
Ambassador flag A blue flag with white and red nordic cross and a white star in the canton. Used as a pennant on a car.
Flag of the Ministry of National Defense A dark blue flag with the Chilean coat of arms in the center.

Military flags

Chilean Army

Flag of the Chilean Army A red flag with the army emblem in the center.

Chilean Navy

1945- Naval jack A squared blue flag with a star in the center

Chilean Air Force

Flag of the Chilean Air Force A sky blue flag with the coat of arms of Chilean Air Force in the center.

Police flags

Flag of the Carabineros de Chile

Vexillology Association flags

Flag of the Corporación Nacional de Vexilología de Chile


FlagAdministrative divisionAdoptedDescription
Arica and Parinacota2008White flag with the Regional Government logo in the center.
Tarapacá2008White flag with the coat of arms of Tarapacá Region in the center.
AntofagastaBlue flag with the Regional Intendance logo
Atacama1859 (in revolution), 1996-Flag of Atacama
Coquimbo2013Blue flag with a white star in the left down corner. To the top, in the middle, a yellow sun and a light blue sky. In the right superior side, a green land with dark green bands.
ValparaísoBlue flag with the regional coat of arms in the center.
Santiago Metropolitan Region2013Dark grey flag with the Regional Government logo in the center.
O'HigginsWhite flag with the regional coat of arms in the center.
Maule2002 (last modification)White flag with the regional coat of arms in the center.
ÑubleWhite flag with the regional coat of arms in the center.
BiobíoWhite flag with the regional coat of arms in the center.
La AraucaníaThree horizontal stripes (blue, white and red) with the regional coat of arms in the center.
Los Ríos2008Flag of Los Ríos Region
Los Lagos2013Flag of Los Lagos
Aysén2013White flag with the regional coat of arms in the center
Magallanes and Antártica Chilena Region1997Flag of Magallanes

Unofficial regional flags

- Unofficial flag of Chiloé Archipelago
1990s Unofficial flag of Araucanía Region
Unofficial flag of Bío-Bío Region
2015 Flag of Juan Fernández Islands
2014 Unofficial flag of Arica y Parinacota Region es
2014 Unofficial flag of Chilean glaciers


Political flags

2019–present Estallido Social protests
1988–present National Renewal
1983–present Independent Democratic Union
1979–present Chilean Communist Party
1965–present Revolutionary Left Movement
1957–present Christian Democratic Party
1933–present Socialist Party of Chile
1912–present Communist Party of Chile
2014-2018 Amplitude
2013-2018 Nueva Mayoría
2008-2012 Front of the National Orderes
2004-2008 National Socialist Movement of Chilean Workerses
1999-2010 New Fatherland Societyes
1990-2002 Union of the Centrist Center
1988-2013 Concertación
1983-1987 National Union Movement
1973-1989 MAPU Obrero Campesino
1971-2013 Citizen Left
1969-1994 Popular Unitary Action Movement
1973 Popular Unity
1966-1994 National Party
1952-1983 Revolutionary National Syndicalist Movementes
1945-1958 Agrarian Labor Party
1932-1938 National Socialist Movement of Chile
1849-1966 Liberal Party
2007-2009 Revolutionary Anarchist Front
1983–1999 Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front
1982-1994 Lautaro Youth Movement
1968-1971 Organized Vanguard of the Peoplees

Indigenous groups flags

1991–present Wenufoye, the Flag of Mapuche people Five horizontal strips. In the top and down, two black stripes with twelve white gemil ("diamonds") each one. In the center, three light blue, green and red stripes. In the center, a yellow kultrun ("ceremonial drum") with red lines and pictures.
2006–present Reimiro, the Flag of Rapa Nui people White field with a red Reimiro (a traditional religious figure sculpted in wood).
2006–present Flag of Aymara people Wiphala
2012–present Flag of Alacaluf people Two blue and green triangles divided by a white sash. In the blue triangle, a brown 8-point star. In the green triangle, a human figure made with brown circles.
2020–present Flag of Chango people Three stripes with marine and reddish colors. A central element that groups together the activities of the town and representative silhouettes of the coastal mountain range and the waves of the sea. Nine white dots accompany the central circle.
2017–present Flag of Colla people in Chile Four horizontal stripes yellow, white, black and red.
2018–present Flag of Diaguita people
2021–present Flag of Yaghan people

Mapuche territories

Historical flags

16th and 17th centuries
Mapuche military flag during the Arauco War Blue field with a guñelve (eight-pointed star).
 ?-1557 Mapuche flag, used by Lautaro forces, in Arauco War Light blue gemil with a guñelve star bordered by black triangles
1541-1785 Burgundy Cross, flag of the Spanish forces in Arauco War and flag of the Spanish Overseas Territories A red saltire resembling two crossed, roughly-pruned (knotted) branches, on a white field.
1785–1812, 1814-1817 Spanish national flag and war ensign
1812-1814 First National Flag, also called Bandera de la Patria Vieja ("Old Fatherland Flag") Three horizontal strips blue, white and yellow.
1812-1814 Alternative version of the First Chilean flag Different order of the strips, with the first Chilean coat of arms and a red Cruz de Santiago (Cross of St. James) in the top left corner.
1814-1817 Flag of the Andes, ensign of the Army of the Andes, now the provincial flag of Mendoza (Argentina) Two rectangles, white and light blue, with the coat of arms in the center.
1817-1818 Second National Flag, now also called Bandera de Transición ("Transitory flag") Tricolour similar to flag of Yugoslavia, Three horizontal strips blue, white and red.
1818, only a few days Alternative flag Tricolour similar to flag of Russia, Three horizontal strips white, blue and red, with a white star in blue strip.
1818-1834 First design of the actual flag, also called Bandera de la Independencia ("Independence Flag") Similar to flags of Texas, Poland, and Czechoslovakia, and to actual ensign for Chilean Independence flag, with the coat of arms in the center, and a black eight-pointed star within the white five-pointed star.
1820–1822 Flag used in Liberating Expedition of Peru
1826-1854 Civil flag
1860-1862 Flag of the Kingdom of Araucanía and Patagonia Three horizontal strips blue, white and green.
1880-1888 Flag of the Kingdom of Easter Island Similar to actual Reimiro flag, with four black manutaras (mythological bird) in each corner.
1888-1902 Flag of the Kingdom of Easter Island Similar to the flag of Chile, with white and red fields reversed, and the star in the blue canton replaced by Christian and traditional Rapa Nui symbols. Used during the first years after the annexation until the arrival of the ship Baquedano in 1902.
1860s A recreation of Dutrou-Bornier's flag.

House flags of Chilean freight companies

Flag Date Use Descpription
Flag of CSAV
Flag of Compañía Chilena de Navegación Interoceánicaes

Burgees of Chile

Flag Club
Cofradía Náutica del Pacífico Austral
Club de Yates Algarrobo
Club de Yates El Quisco
Club de Yates Higuerillas
Yacht Club de Chile

Antarctic base flags

Flag Base Descpription
Captain Arturo Prat Plain white field charged with the coat of arms of the base.


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