This is the list of UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) country codes.
In addition to countries, codes identify geographical groupings and political entities such as various liberation fronts (not all of which still exist). The purpose of the codes is in part actuarial.
Trigram | Entity | Comment |
AFG | Afghanistan | |
ALB | Albania | |
ALG | Algeria | |
AMS | American Samoa | |
ANA | Authorised Neutral Athlete | For Authorised athletes of banned countries - Like Russia at London 2017 |
ANC | ANC – South Africa | African National Congress – South Africa |
AND | Andorra | |
ANG | Angola | |
ANL | Anguilla | |
ANT | Antigua and Barbuda | |
ARG | Argentina | |
ARM | Armenia | |
ARU | Aruba | |
AUL | Australia | |
AUS | Austria | |
AZE | Azerbaijan | |
BAH | Bahrain | |
BAL | Baltic States | Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia |
BAR | Barbados | |
BDI | Burundi | |
BEL | Belgium | |
BEN | Benin | |
BER | Bermuda | |
BGD | Bangladesh | |
BHA | The Bahamas | |
BHU | Bhutan | |
BIH | Bosnia-Herzegovina | |
BKF | Burkina Faso | |
BOL | Bolivia | |
BOT | Botswana | |
BRA | Brazil | Also RIO for "Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)" and SUB for "Brazil (Subin)" |
BRU | Brunei | |
BUL | Bulgaria | |
BUR | Burma | Obsolete 1989; now Myanmar |
BVI | British Virgin Islands | |
BYE | Belarus | |
BZE | Belize | |
CAF | Central African Republic | |
CAM | Central America | |
CAN | Canada | |
CAR | Caribbean | |
CAY | Cayman Islands | |
CHA | Undistributed Other | |
CHD | Chad | |
CHI | Chile | |
CIS | Commonwealth of Independent States | |
CKI | Cook Islands | |
CMB | Cambodia | Formerly Kampuchea (KAM, 1975–1990) and Khmer Republic (KMR, 1970–1975) |
CMR | Cameroon | |
COI | Comoros | |
COL | Colombia | |
COS | Costa Rica | |
CPR | People's Republic of China | |
CRO | Croatia | |
CUB | Cuba | |
CVI | Cape Verde | |
CYP | Cyprus | |
CZE | Czech Republic | Since 1993 |
DAH | Dahomey | Obsolete 1977; now Benin |
DEN | Denmark | |
DJI | Djibouti | |
DMI | Dominica | |
DOM | Dominican Republic | |
DRK | North Korea | |
EAC | East African Community | Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda |
ECU | Ecuador | |
EGY | Egypt | |
ELS | El Salvador | |
EQG | Equatorial Guinea | Also EQL for "Equatorial Guinea (Douala)" |
ERI | Eritrea | |
EST | Estonia | |
ETH | Ethiopia | |
FAN | French Antilles | Probably means just St-Martin |
FGU | French Guiana | |
FIJ | Fiji | |
FIN | Finland | |
FLC | FLCS – Djibouti | Front de Libération de la Côte des Somalis |
FOS | French Overseas Territories | Probably includes Saint-Pierre and Miquelon |
FPL | French Polynesia | |
FRA | France | |
FSM | Federated States of Micronesia | |
GAB | Gabon | |
GAM | The Gambia | |
GBS | Guinea-Bissau | |
GDR | East Germany | Obsolete 1990 |
GEO | Georgia | |
GER | Germany | |
GHA | Ghana | |
GIL | Gilbert Islands | Obsolete 1979; now Kiribati |
GLO | Global | |
GRE | Greece | |
GRN | Grenada | |
GUA | Guatemala | |
GUD | Guadeloupe | |
GUI | Guinea | |
GUY | Guyana | |
HAI | Haiti | |
HLS | Vatican City (Holy See) | |
HOK | Hong Kong | |
HON | Honduras | |
HUN | Hungary | |
ICE | Iceland | |
IND | India | |
INS | Indonesia | |
INT | Inter-Regional | |
IRA | Iran | |
IRE | Ireland | |
IRQ | Iraq | |
ISR | Israel | |
ITA | Italy | |
IVC | Côte d'Ivoire | |
JAM | Jamaica | |
JOR | Jordan | |
JPN | Japan | |
KAZ | Kazakhstan | |
KEN | Kenya | |
KIR | Kiribati | |
KOS | Kosovo | |
KUW | Kuwait | |
KYR | Kyrgyzstan | |
LAO | Laos | |
LAT | Latvia | |
LEB | Lebanon | |
LES | Lesotho | |
LIB | Libya | |
LIE | Liechtenstein | |
LIR | Liberia | |
LIT | Lithuania | |
LMA | ? | Landmine Action UK (?) |
LUX | Luxembourg | |
MAC | Macau | |
MAF | ? | Mission Aviation Fellowship (?) |
MAG | Madagascar | |
MAL | Malaysia | |
MAQ | Martinique | |
MAR | Mauritius | |
MAS | Marshall Islands | |
MAT | Malta | |
MAU | Mauritania | |
MCD | Republic of Macedonia | |
MDV | The Maldives | |
MEX | Mexico | |
MIC | Federated States of Micronesia | |
MLD | MLD – Djibouti | Mouvement de Libération de Djibouti |
MLI | Mali | |
MLW | Malawi | |
MNC | Monaco | |
MOL | Republic of Moldova | |
MON | Mongolia | |
MOR | Morocco | |
MOT | Montserrat | |
MOZ | Mozambique | |
MTN | Montenegro | |
MYA | Myanmar | |
NAM | Namibia | |
NAN | Netherlands Antilles | |
NAU | Nauru | |
NCA | New Caledonia | |
NEP | Nepal | |
NER | Niger | |
NET | Netherlands | |
NHE | New Hebrides | Obsolete 1980; now Vanuatu |
NIC | Nicaragua | |
NIR | Nigeria | |
NIU | Niue | |
NLM | National Liberation Movements | |
NOR | Norway | |
NZE | New Zealand | |
OMA | Oman | |
PAC | PAC – Azania | Pan Africanist Congress of Azania |
PAE | PAE – Zimbabwe | Pacific Architects and Engineers |
PAF | Patriotic Front for the Liberation of Zimbabwe | |
PAK | Pakistan | |
PAL | Occupied Palestinian Territory | |
PAN | Panama | |
PAR | Paraguay | |
PDY | People's Democratic Republic of Yemen | Obsolete 1990 |
PER | Peru | |
PHI | Philippines | |
PMI | Pacific Multi Islands | Pacific Minor Islands? |
PNG | Papua New Guinea | |
PNL | ? | Partidului National Liberal (National Liberal Party of Romania) ? |
POL | Poland | |
POR | Portugal | |
POT | Portuguese Territories (UNEPTSA) | United Nations Training Programme for Southern Africa (Angola and Mozambique) |
PRC | Republic of the Congo | Formerly People's Republic of Congo (1970–1992) |
PUE | Puerto Rico | |
QAT | Qatar | |
REU | Réunion | |
ROK | South Korea | |
ROM | Romania | |
RUS | Russia | |
RWA | Rwanda | |
SAF | South Africa | |
SAH | Western Sahara | |
SAM | Samoa | |
SAU | Saudi Arabia | |
SEN | Senegal | |
SEY | Seychelles | |
SIK | Sikkim | Obsolete 1975 |
SIL | Sierra Leone | |
SIN | Singapore | |
SLO | Slovakia | |
SNM | San Marino | |
SOI | Solomon Islands | |
SOM | Somalia | |
SPA | Spain | |
SPF | South Pacific Fund | |
SRH | Southern Rhodesia | Obsolete 1980; now Zimbabwe |
SRL | Sri Lanka | |
SRV | North Vietnam | Former Socialist Republic of Vietnam; obsolete 1977 |
STH | Saint Helena | |
STK | Saint Kitts and Nevis | |
STL | Saint Lucia | |
STA | stateless | |
STP | São Tomé and Príncipe | |
STV | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | |
SUD | Sudan | Also SUC for "Sudan (Suba)" |
SUR | Suriname | |
SVN | Slovenia | |
SWA | Swaziland | |
SWE | Sweden | |
SWI | Switzerland | |
SWP | SWAPO | South West Africa People's Organization (Namibia) |
SYR | Syria | |
TAJ | Tajikistan | |
TCI | Turks and Caicos Islands | |
THA | Thailand | |
TIM | Timor-Leste | |
TOG | Togo | |
TOK | Tokelau | |
TON | Tonga | |
TRI | Trinidad and Tobago | |
TTP | Palau | Formerly the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (1986) |
TUK | Turkmenistan | |
TUN | Tunisia | |
TUR | Turkey | |
TUV | Tuvalu | |
UAE | United Arab Emirates | |
UAF | Undistributed – Africa | |
UAP | Undistributed – Asia and the Pacific | |
UGA | Uganda | |
UKM | United Kingdom | |
UKR | Ukraine | |
ULA | Undistributed – Latin America and the Caribbean | |
ULM | Undistributed – National Liberation Movements | |
UPV | Upper Volta | Obsolete 1984, now Burkina Faso |
URT | Tanzania | For "United Republic of Tanzania" |
URU | Uruguay | |
USA | United States | |
USR | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics | Obsolete 1992 |
UVI | U.S. Virgin Islands | |
UZB | Uzbekistan | |
VAN | Vanuatu | |
VEN | Venezuela | |
VIE | Vietnam | |
WES | Western Samoa | Became Samoa in 1998 |
WFI | Wallis and Futuna Islands | |
WIR | West Irian | Obsolete 1973; now merged into Indonesia (Western New Guinea) |
WPN | ? | Women's Peace Network (?) |
YEM | Yemen | |
YUG | Yugoslavia | Progressively reduced starting in 1993 |
ZAI | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Formerly Zaire (1997) |
ZAM | Zambia | |
ZIM | Zimbabwe |
External links
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