This is a list of abbreviations commonly used in Ghana and previously in the Gold Coast
AATUF | All-African Trade Union Federation | |
ABU | African Boxing Union | |
ACDC | Army Central Defence Committee | |
ACDR | Association of Committees for the Defence of the Revolution | |
ACI | African Culture Institute | |
ACID | Amansuri Conservation and Integrated Development | |
ACP | African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States | |
ACP | Action Congress Party | |
ACP | Assistant Commissioner of Police | |
ADB | African Development Bank | |
ADC | Agricultural Development Corporation | |
ADF | Alliance of Democratic Forces | |
ADDRO | Anglican Diocesan Development and Relief Organization | |
AEFG | Aid Effectiveness Forum - Ghana | |
AFC | Alliance for Change | |
AFCAS | African Commission on Agricultural Statistics | |
AFDC | Armed Forces Defence Commission | |
AFF | African Freedom Fighters | |
AFRC | Armed Forces Revolutionary Council | |
AFWC | African Forestry and Wildlife Commission | |
AGC | Ashanti (Asante) Goldfields Corporation | |
AGCC | African Gold Coast Company | |
AGI | Association of Ghana Industries | |
ALPE | Alliance for Poverty Eradication | |
AMA | Accra Metropolitan Assembly | |
AME | African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church | |
ANUC | All Nations University College | |
AOMC | Association of Oil Marketing Companies | |
APP | All People's Party | |
APP | Africa Progress Panel | |
APRP | All People's Republican Party | |
APTI | Association of Principals of Technical Institutions | |
ARI | Animal Research Institute | |
ARPB | Association of Recognized Professional Bodies | |
ARPS | Aborigines' Rights Protection Society | |
ASP | Assistant Superintendent of Police | |
AU | African Union | |
AUC | Ashesi University College | |
AWAM | Association of West African Merchants | |
AYA | Anlo Youth Association | |
AYA | Anlo Youth Association | |
AYB | African Youth Brigade | |
AYC | Africa Youth Command |
BA | Bachelor for Administration | |
BAG | Bar Association of Ghana | |
BARADEP | Brong-Ahafo Regional Agricultural Development Program | |
BARDEC | Brong-Ahafo Regional Development Corporation | |
BECE | Basic Education Certificate Examination | |
BG | Border Guards | |
BHC | Bank for Housing Construction | |
B.L. | Bachelor of Law Sciences | |
BNI | Bureau of National Investigations | |
BoG | Bank of Ghana | |
BSL | Black Star Line | |
BSPS | Business Sector Programme Support |
C & S | Cherubim and Seraphim Society | |
CA | Constitutional Assembly | |
CA | Consultative Assembly | |
CAP | National Coalition Against the Privatization of Water | |
CAS | Chief of the Air Staff | |
CBA | Collective Bargaining Agreement | |
CCAF | Coca Cola Africa Foundation | |
CCDEF | Coordinating Committee of Democratic Forces | |
CCDF | Coordinating Committee of Democratic Forces | |
CCE | Center for Civic Education | |
CCG | Christian Council of Ghana | |
CCLM | Community Based Child Labour Monitoring | |
CDD-Ghana | Center for Democratic Development, Ghana | |
CDR | Committee for the Defence of the Revolution | |
CDS | Chief of the Defence Staff | |
CECAF | Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic | |
CEDEP | Center for the Development of People | |
CEPS | Customs, Excise and Preventive Service | |
CGMC | Chamber of Ghanaian Mining Concessionaires | |
CHPS | Community-Based Health Planning and Services | |
CHRAJ | Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice | |
CICOL | Civil Society Coalition on Land | |
CID | Criminal Investment Department | |
CILT | Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport | |
CIP | Community Initiated Project | |
CLGSA | Civil and Local Government Staff Association | |
CMA | Christian Mothers Association | |
CMB | Cocoa Marketing Board | |
CME | Council of Muslim Elders | |
CMS | Church Missionary Society | |
CNC | Central National Committee (Ghana) | |
CNS | Chief of the Naval Staff | |
CO | Colonial Office | |
COAS | Chief of the Army Staff | |
COCOBOD | Ghana Cocoa Board | |
COPAL | Cocoa Producers' Alliance | |
COSG | Cross of the Order of the Star of Ghana | |
COV | Companion of the Order of the Volta | |
COYA | Committee on Youth Associations | |
CPA | Community Protection Assistants | |
CPA | Cocoa Producers Alliance | |
CPC | Cocoa Purchasing Company | |
CPP | Convention People's Party | |
CPU | Community Protection Units | |
CRIG | Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana | |
CSA | Civil Servants Association | |
CSIR | Council (Center) for Scientific and Industrial Research | |
CSU | Christian Service University College | |
CSU | Christ Symbolic Union | |
CTO | Commonwealth Telecommunication Organization | |
CTS | (West African) Command Clerks Training School | |
CUCG | Catholic University College of Ghana | |
CUT | Committee of Togolese Unity | |
CVC | Citizens' Vetting Committee | |
CWA | Catholic Women's Association | |
CYO | Catholic Youth Organization | |
CYO | Committee on Youth Organization |
DA | District Assembly | |
DAG | Democratic Alliance of Ghana | |
DAO | District Administrative Officer | |
DAPIT | Development and Application of Intermediate Technology Program | |
DC | District Commissioner | |
DCE | District Chief Executive | |
DEC | District Executive Committee | |
DFI | Department of Factories Inspectorate | |
DFID | Department for International Development | |
DFP | Democratic Freedom Party | |
DIC | Divestiture Implementation Committee | |
DMC | Diamond Marketing Corporation | |
DOC | Department of Cooperatives | |
DOVVSU | Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit | |
DPP | Democratic People's Party | |
DS | District Secretary | |
DSW | Department of Social Welfare | |
DUA | Democrat Union of Africa | |
DVC | Diaspora Vote Committee | |
DVLA | Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority | |
DWM | 31st December Women's Movement | |
DWP | Decent Work Programme | |
DYLG | Democratic Youth League of Ghana |
EAC | Economic Advisory Committee | |
EC | Electoral Commission | |
ECOMOG | ECOWAS Monitoring Group | |
ECOWAS | Economic Community of West African States | |
ECRAG | Entertainment Critics and Reviewers Association of Ghana | |
EDP | Entrepreneurship Development Program | |
EEC | European Economic Community | |
EGLE | Every Ghanaian Living Everywhere | |
EITI | Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative | |
EREDEC | Eastern Regional Development Corporation | |
EPA | Economic Partnership Agreements | |
ERP | Economic Recovery Program | |
ETLS | ECOWAS Trade Liberalisation Scheme |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization | |
FC | Forestry Commission | |
FDB | Food and Drugs Board | |
FDC | Food Distribution Corporation | |
FEAC | Foreign Exchange Auction Committee | |
FGM | Female Genital Mutilation | |
FOD | Fraternal Order of Police | |
FOIB | Freedom of Information Bill | |
FORIG | Forestry Research Institute of Ghana | |
FOREX | Foreign Exchange Bureau | |
FPD | Front for the Prevention of Dictatorship | |
FPIB | Forest Production Inspection Bureau | |
FRI | Food Research Institute | |
FSD | Forest Service Division | |
FWSC | Fair Wages and Salaries Commission | |
FY | Federation of Youth | |
FYO | Federated Youth Organization |
GAAS | Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences | |
GABA | Ghana Amateur Boxing Association | |
GADL | Ghana Association of Democratic Lawyers | |
GAF | Ghana Armed Forces | |
GAFCSC | Ghana Armed Forces Command & Staff College | |
GAS | Ghana Academy of Sciences | |
GAINS | Ghana Agricultural Information Network System | |
GAW | Ghana Association of Writers | |
GAWU | Ghana Agricultural Workers' Union | |
GAWW | Ghanaian Association for Women's Welfare | |
GBA | Ghana Bar Association | |
GBC | Ghana Bauxite Company | |
GBC | Ghana Broadcasting Corporation | |
GC | Gold Coast | |
GC | Grand Coalition | |
GCARPS | Gold Coast Aborigines Rights Protection Society | |
GCC | Gold Coast Constabulary | |
GCC | Ghana Co-operative College | |
GCC | Ghana Co-operative Council | |
GCD | Ghana Consolidated Diamonds Ltd. | |
GCEU | Gold Coast Ex-Servicemen's Union | |
GCFA | Gold Coast Farmers' Association | |
GCHC | Ghana Cargo Handling Company | |
GCMA | Ghana Co-operative Marketing Association | |
GCP | Ghana Congress Party | |
GCPP | Great Consolidated Popular Party | |
GCSA | Ghana Civil Servants Association | |
GCTUC | Gold Coast Trades Union Congress | |
GCUC | Garden City University College | |
GCUC | Ghana Christian University College | |
GDM | Ghana Democratic Movement | |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product | |
GDRP | Ghana Democratic Republican Party | |
GEC | Ghana Enterprises Commission | |
GEPC | Ghana Export Promotion Council | |
GES | Ghana Education Service | |
GET | Ghana Educational Trust | |
GFA | Ghana Football Authority or Ghana Football Association |
GFDC | Ghana Food Distribution Corporation | |
GFIC | Ghana Film Industry Corporation | |
GHA | Ghana Highway Authority | |
GHAPSO | Ghana People's Solidarity Organization | |
GHS | Ghana Health Service | |
GIA | Ghana International Airlines | |
GIHOC | Ghana Industrial Holding Corporation | |
GILLBT | Ghana Institute of Linguistics, Literacy and Bible Translation | |
GIMPA | Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration | |
GJA | Ghana Journalists Association | |
GJA | Ghana Judo Association | |
GLSS | Ghana Living Standards Survey | |
GMA | Ghana Manufacturing Association | |
GMA | Ghana Medical Association | |
GMA | Ghana Military Academy | |
GMFJ | Ghana Movement for Freedom and Justice | |
GMRC | Ghana Muslim Representative Council | |
GNA | Ghana National Archives | |
GNA | Ghana News Agency | |
GNAT | Ghana National Association of Teachers | |
GNCC | Ghana National Chamber of Commerce | |
GNCC | Ghana Nation Commission on Children | |
GNCC | Ghana National Construction Corporation | |
GNFC | Ghana National Farmers' Council | |
GNFS | Ghana National Fire Service | |
GNMC | Ghana National Manganese Corporation | |
GNPC | Ghana National Petroleum Corporation | |
GNTC | Ghana National Trading Corporation | |
GNYC | Ghana National Youth Council | |
GOIL | Ghana Oil Company | |
GOPDC | Ghana Oil Palm Development Corporation | |
GP | Ghana Post | |
GPHA | Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority | |
GPM | Ghana Patriotic Movement | |
GPP | Ghana Peoples' Party | |
GPPF | Ghana Progressive Popular Front | |
GPSC | Ghana Peace and Solidarity Council | |
GPTCWU | Ghana Petroleum, Transport and Chemical Workers Union | |
GPRTU | Ghana Private Road Transport Union | |
G-RAP | Ghana Research and Advocacy Programme | |
GRC | Ghana Railway Corporation | |
GREDA | Ghana Real Estate Developers Association | |
GSB | Ghana Standards Board | |
GSC | Ghana Shippers Council | |
GSD | Geological Survey Department | |
GSE | Ghana Stock Exchange | |
GSHRDC | Gender Studies and Human Rights Documentation Centre | |
GSL | Ghana School of Law | |
GSMC | Ghana State Mining Corporation | |
GSPD | Ghana Society of the Physical Disabled | |
GTB | Ghana Tourist Board | |
GTLC | Ghana Trade and Livelihood Coalition | |
GTMC | Ghana Timber Marketing Board | |
GTMO | Ghana Timber Miller Organization | |
GTP | Ghana Textile Printing | |
GTPCWU | General Transport, Petroleum and Chemical Workers' Union | |
GTUC | Ghana Telecom University College | |
GTV | Ghana Television | |
GUNSA | Ghana United Nations Students' Association | |
GUP | Ghana University Press | |
GWCL | Ghana Water Company Limited | |
GYP | Ghana Young Pioneer movement |
HRD | Human Resource Development | |
HIPC | Heavily Indebted Poor Country | |
HSWU | Health Services Workers' Union |
IAP | Implementation Action Plan | |
IAS | Institute of African Studies | |
IAS | Independent African States | |
IASB | International African Service Bureau | |
IBRD | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | |
ICC | Industrial Co-operative Corporation | |
ICCES | Integrated Community Centres for Employable Skills | |
ICCO | International Cocoa Organization | |
ICO | International Coffee Organization | |
ICOUR | Irrigation Company for the Upper Regions | |
ICT | Information Communication Technology | |
ICU | Industrial and Commercial Workers' Union | |
ICVB | International Cocoa Verification Board | |
IDA | Irrigation Development Authority | |
IDC | Industrial Development Corporation | |
IDEA | International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance | |
IGP | Inspector-General of the Police | |
IMC | Interim Management Committee | |
IMF | International Monetary Fund | |
IMWG | Inter-Ministerial Working Group | |
INCC | Interim National Coordinating Committee | |
INEC | Interim National Electoral Commission | |
INSTI | Institute for Scientific Technological Information | |
IOM | International Organization for Migration | |
IRI | Industrial Research Institute | |
ISD | Information Services Department | |
ISODEC | Integrated Social Development Centre | |
ISP | Institutional Strengthening Plan | |
ITOCA | Information Training and Outreach Centre for Africa | |
ITSA | Information Technology Students Association-(ask vvu - tc) | |
IUCG | Islamic University College, Ghana | |
IVRDP | Inland Valleys Rice Development Project |
JAMB | Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board | |
JCC | Joint Consultative Committee | |
JCSA | Junior Civil Servants Association | |
JFM | June Fourth Movement | |
JP | Justice Party | |
JPC | Joint Provincial Council of Chiefs | |
JSS | Junior Secondary School | |
JWAC | Joint West Africa Committee |
KAIPTC | Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre | |
KMA | Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly | |
KMAC | King's Medal for African Chiefs | |
KNRG | Kwame Nkrumah Revolutionary Guards | |
KNUST | Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology |
LA | Legislative Assembly | |
LAP | Land Administration Project | |
LD | Labour Department | |
LEAP | Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty | |
LGWU | Local Government Workers Union | |
LI | Legislative Instrument (ask vvu-tc) | |
LMIS | Labour Market Information System | |
LOC | Local Organizing Committee of Ghana | |
LRP | Labor Re-deployment Program | |
LTPA | Local Textile Printers Association |
MAC | Military Advisory Council | |
MAP | Muslim Association Party | |
MATS | Military Academy and Training School | |
MAYAN | Militant African Youth Against Neo-Colonialism | |
MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire | |
MDG | Millennium Development Goals | |
MDPI | Management Development and Productivity Institute | |
MESW | Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare | |
MFJ | Movement for Freedom and Justice | |
MI | Military Intelligence | |
M+J | Mabey & Johnson | |
MMR | Medium Mortar Regiment | |
MOC | Municipal Oversight Committee | |
MOFA | Ministry of Food and Agriculture | |
MOFEP | Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning | |
MOPAD | Movement for Peace and Democracy | |
MOTI | Ministry of Trade and Industry | |
MOV | Member of the Order of Volta | |
MP | Member of Parliament | |
MTN | Mobile Telecommunications Network | |
MUC | Maranatha University College | |
MUC | Meridian University College | |
MUCG | Methodist University College Ghana | |
MYC | Muslim Youth Congress |
NA | Native Authority | |
NACOB | Narcotics Control Bureau (Board) | |
NADECO | National Development Company | |
NADMO | National Disaster Management Organization | |
NAFAC | National Festival of Arts and Culture | |
NAFTI | National Film and Television Institute | |
NAG | National Archives of Ghana | |
NAGRAT | National Association of Graduate Teachers | |
NAL | National Alliance of Liberals | |
NALCO | National Association of Local Councils | |
NAO | Native Administration Ordinance | |
NAPATS | National Police Academy & Training Schools | |
NARAC | National Agricultural Resources Allocation Committee | |
NASPA | National Service Personnel Association | |
NASSO | National Association of Socialist Students Organizations | |
NBSSI | National Board for Small-Scale Industries | |
NBTPE | National Board of Technical and Professional Examinations | |
NCBWA | National Congress of British West Africa | |
NCC | National Commission on Culture | |
NCCE | National Commission for Civic Education | |
NCD | National Commission on Democracy | |
NCGW | National Council of Ghana Women | |
NCP | National Convention Party | |
NCWD | National Council for Women and Development | |
NDC | National Defence Committee | |
NDC | National Democratic Congress | |
NDF | National Democratic Front | |
NDM | National Democratic Movement | |
NDM | New Democratic Movement | |
NDP | National Democratic Party | |
NDPC | National Development Planning Commission | |
NEB | National Energy Board | |
NEC | National Economic Commission | |
NEPAD | New Economic Partnership for Africa's Development | |
NES | National Employment Service | |
NGA | New Generation Alliance | |
NGP | New Ghana Party | |
NHC | National House of Chiefs | |
NHC | National Haji Committee | |
NHIS | National Health Insurance Scheme | |
NIB | National Investment Bank | |
NIC | National Investigating Committee | |
NIP | New Independence Party / National Independence Party | |
NLC | National Labour Commission | |
NLC | National Liberation Council | |
NLCD | National Liberation Council Decree | |
NLM | National Liberation Movement | |
NRC | National Redemption Council | |
NNP | Nkrumah National Party | |
NP | Nationalist Party | |
NPA | National Plan of Action | |
NPECLC | National Programme for the Elimination of Worst Forms of Child Labour in Cocoa | |
NPP | New Patriotic Party | |
NPP | Northern People's Party | |
NPTB | National Petroleum Tender Board | |
NRC | National Reconciliation Commission | |
NRC | National Redemption Council | |
NRCD | National Redemption Council Decree | |
NREG | Natural Resource and Environmental Governance | |
NRSC | National Road Safety Commission | |
NRP | National Reform Party | |
NSC | National Security Council | |
NSC | National Service Corps | |
NSPS | National Social Protection Strategy | |
NSS | National Service Scheme | |
NT | Northern Territories | |
NTC | Northern Territories Council | |
NTTC | National Teacher Training Council | |
NUGS | National Union of Ghana Students | |
NUS | National Union of Seamen | |
NVTI | National Vocational and Technical Institute | |
NYA | Northern Youth Association | |
NYC | National Youth Council | |
NYEP | National Youth Employment Program |
OAC | Organization for African Community | |
OATUU | Organization of African Trade Union Unity | |
OAU | Organization of African Unity | |
OCDR | Organizing Committee for the Defence of the Revolution | |
OFY | Operation Feed Yourself | |
OIC (OICG, OIC-Ghana) | Opportunities Industrialization Centre - Ghana | |
OOV | Officer of the Order of Volta | |
OPRI | Oil Palm Research Institute | |
ORC | Office of Revenue Commissioners | |
OTDC | Overseas Trade Development Council | |
OVC | orphans, vulnerable children |
PAC | Pan African Club | |
PAC | Political Advisory Committee | |
PACU(C) | Pan-African Christian University College | |
PAMSCAD | Program of Action to Mitigate the Social Cost of Adjustment | |
PANAFEST | Pan African Festival | |
PAP | People's Action Party | |
PBC | Pentecost Bible Centre | |
PBD | Produce Buying Division (of Cocoa Marketing Board) | |
PCP | People's Convention Party | |
PDA | Preventive Detention Act | |
PDC | People's Defence Committee | |
PDD | Presidential Detail Department | |
PEA | People's Educational Association | |
PEAs | Private employment agencies | |
PEF | Private Enterprise Foundation | |
PFP | Popular Front Party | |
PHP | People's Heritage Party | |
PIB | Price and Incomes Board | |
PIP | People's Independent Party | |
PLWHA | Peoples Living With HIV/AIDS | |
PMFJ | People's Movement for Freedom and Justice | |
PMMC | Precious Minerals Marketing Corporation | |
PNC | People's National Convention | |
PNDC | Provisional National Defence Council | |
PNDCL | Provisional National Defence Council Law | |
PNP | People's National Party | |
POGR | President's Own Guard Regiment | |
POYA | Popular Youth Association | |
PP | Progress Party | |
PPAG | Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana | |
PPB | Public Procurement Board | |
PPC | Petroleum Promotion Council | |
PPDD | Popular Party for Democracy and Development | |
PPF | People's Popular Front | |
PPP | People's Popular Party | |
PRELOG | People's Revolutionary League of Ghana | |
PRLG | People's Revolutionary League of Ghana | |
PRP | People's Revolutionary Party | |
PSC | Police Service Commission | |
PSG | Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana | |
PSI | Presidential's Special Initiatives | |
PSWU | Public Services Workers' Union | |
PTWU | Post and Telecommunications Workers' Union | |
PTA | Parent-Teacher Association | |
PUC | Pentecost University College | |
PUC | Presbyterian University College | |
PURC | Public Utilities Regulatory Commission | |
PWDs | People with disabilities | |
PYG | Patriotic Youth of Ghana |
QUT=Quantity union Transfer
RAC | Royal African Company | |
RACCLI | Royal African Colonial Corps of Light Infantry | |
RAF | Regional Office for Africa | |
RAO | Research and Advocacy Organizations | |
RC | Regional Commissioner | |
RDC | Regional Development Corporation | |
ROCAS | Royal Care and Support | |
ROPAL | Representation of the People's Amendment Law | |
RTU | Real Tamale United | |
RWAFF | Royal West African Frontier Force |
Re=Rain earn
SAEMA | Shama Ahanta East Metropolitan Assembly | |
SAG | Senior Advocate of Ghana | |
SAL | Structural Adjustment Loan | |
SAP | Structural Adjustment Program | |
SCMB | State Cocoa Marketing Board | |
SCOA | Société Commerciale de l'Ouest Africain | |
SDF | Social Democratic Front | |
SEC | State Enterprises Commission | |
SFO | Serious Fraud Office | |
SIB | Special Investigations Board | |
SGMC | State Gold Mining Corporation | |
SMA | Societas Missionum ad Afros | |
SMC | State Mining Companies | |
SMC | Supreme Military Council | |
SMCD | Supreme Military Council Decree | |
SME | Small and Medium Enterprises | |
SOERP | State-Owned Enterprise Reform Program | |
SONA | Society of National Affairs | |
SPG | Society for the Propagation of the Gospel | |
SPLiT | Social Protection and Livelihood Technical Committee | |
SPP | Special Public Prosecutor | |
SRC | Students' representative council | |
SFO | Social Security and National Insurance Trust | |
SRID | Statistics, Research and Information Directorate | |
STAFAMS | State Farms Corporation | |
Supt. | Superintendent | |
SWAG | Sport Writers Association of Ghana |
TAMASEC | Tamale Secondary School | |
TB | Trashy Bags | |
TBA | Traditional birth attendant | |
TC | Togoland Congress | |
TCC | Technology Consultancy Center | |
TCOR | Trusteeship Council Official Records | |
TCP | Togoland Congress Party | |
TDC | Tema Development Corporation | |
TEDB | Timber Export Development Board | |
TEWU | Teachers and Educational Workers' Union | |
TF | Third Force | |
TMB | Timber Marketing Board | |
TOR | Tema Oil Refinery | |
TRC | Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Ghana) | |
TSSP | Trade Sector Support Programme | |
TTI | Takoradi Technical Institute | |
TUC | Trades Union Congress | |
TVET | Technical and Vocational Education and Training | |
TVT | Trans-Volta Togoland |
UAC | United Africa Company | |
UAF | United Action Front | UENR |
UDS | University for Development Studies | |
UG | University of Ghana | |
UGCC | United Gold Coast Convention Party | |
UGFC | United Ghana Farmers' Council | |
UGFCC | United Ghana Farmers' Council of Cooperatives | |
UGM | United Ghana Movement | |
UGMRC | United Ghana Muslim Representative Council | |
UNC | United National Congress | |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization | |
UNIA | Universal Negro Improvement Association | |
UNIFIL | United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon | |
UNIGOV | Union Government (Ghana) | |
UNP | United Nationalist Party | |
UNTSO | United Nations Truce Supervision Organization | |
UP | United Party | |
UST | University of Science and Technology | |
UTAG | University Teachers Association of Ghana | |
UUY | Universal United Youth Organization | |
UVC | Universal Village Consult (ask vvu - tc) | |
VAG | Veterans Association of Ghana | |
VALCO | Volta Aluminium Company | |
VBGC | Veranda Boys and Girls Club | |
VBRP | Volta Basin Research Project | |
VLRDP | Volta Lake Research and Development Project | |
VORADEC | Volta Regional Agricultural Development Corporation | |
VORADEP | Volta Regional Agricultural Development Project | |
VRA | Volta River Authority | |
VRCC | Volta Regional Co-ordinating Council | |
VRP | Volta River Project | |
VSD | Veterinary Service Directorate | |
VVU | Valley View University |
WAAC | West African Airways Corporation | |
WACA | West African Court of Appeal | |
WAEC | West African Examinations Council | |
WAFF | West African Frontier Force | |
WAGP | West African Gas Pipeline | |
WAMI | West African Monetary Institute | |
WAMZ | West African Monetary Zone | |
WANEP | West Africa Network for Peacebuilding | |
WANS | West African National Secretariat | |
WASEC | Wa Secondary School | |
WASSCE | West Africa Senior Secondary Certificate Examination | |
WASU | West African Students' Union | |
WAYL | West African Youth League | |
WDC | Workers' Defence Committee | |
WREDEC | Western Regional Development Corporation |
YAG | Youth Association of Ghana | |
YEN | Youth Employment Network | |
YPM | Young Pioneer Movement | |
YSG | Youth Study Group |
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