This is a list of pine species by geographical distribution. For a taxonomy of the genus, see Pinus classification.

    Old World

    Mature Pinus pinea (stone pine); note umbrella-shaped canopy
    Pollen cones of Pinus pinea (stone pine)
    A red pine (Pinus resinosa) with exposed roots
    Young spring growth ("candles") on a loblolly pine
    Monterey pine bark
    Monterey pine cone on forest floor
    Whitebark pine in the Sierra Nevada
    Hartweg's pine forest in Mexico
    The bark of a pine in Tecpan, Guatemala
    A pine, probably P. pseudostrobus, in Guatemala

    Europe, Mediterranean, West Asia

    East Asia, Southeast Asia

    New World

    Eastern Canada, Eastern United States

    Western Canada, Western United States, Northern Mexico

    Southwestern United States, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean

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