LocoArts was an Argentine website created by Alejandro Szykula that hosts animated series such as “Alejo y Valentina” and others. Alejandro Szykula is also the scriptwriter, drawer, animator and voice provider of these animated series. These animation are made using Macromedia Flash and are based on an absurd humor. Its animation “Alejo y Valentina” is now broadcast on MTV Latin America.


Alejo y Valentina

Alejo y Valentina is an animated series, created by Alejandro Szykula made with Macromedia Flash, and broadcast on MTV Latin-American.


Timotines is a tribute to South Park. It is about a group of children who have a very special Christmas holiday vacation. This series has only one episode, and was Alejandro's first animation to be uploaded.


"Reynaldo" follows the adventures of a hitman who is forced to kill people by an evil teddy bear. The bear speaks English and uses profanities. The phrases are translated to Spanish by captions that remove the curses to produce a comical effect.

International broadcast

The animation "Alejo y Valentina" is also broadcast throughout the world:

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