The following table summarizes the operational strength of the German air force, the Luftwaffe, by general category of aircraft.

The period covered is World War II from 1940 to 1945, starting at part way through of the Battle of Britain which started on 10 July 1940 to near end of the war and the German unconditional surrender on 8 May 1945.

Class:17 August 194024 June 194127 July 194217 May 194331 May 194410 January 19459 April 1945
Single-engine fighters 787898945980106314691305
Twin-engine fighters 21910558114151n/an/a
Night fighters 63148203378572808485
Fighter-bombers 11912440216278
Anti-shipping aircraft 83 n/a
Ground attack aircraft n/an/a1961352613712
Dive-bombers 294260249413n/an/an/a
Night harassment aircraft n/an/an/an/a305302215
Twin-engine bombers 96093111191269841
Four-engine bombers 74413397
Multi-engine bombers 294 37
Reconnaissance aircraft 185282188215153176143
Army cooperation aircraft 135388209251210293309
Coastal aircraft 16276641491236045
Transport aircraft 22621236541471926910
Kampfgeschwader 200
(misc. aircraft)

See also

  • Price, Alfred (1997). The Luftwaffe Data Book. Greenhill Books. ISBN 1853672939.
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