The modern constellation Lynx lies across two of the quadrants symbolized by the White Tiger of the West (西方白虎, Xī Fāng Bái Hǔ) and Vermilion Bird of the South (南方朱雀, Nán Fāng Zhū Què), that divide the sky in traditional Chinese uranography.

The name of the western constellation in modern Chinese is 天貓座 (tiān māo zuò), meaning "the celestial cat constellation".


The map of Chinese constellation in constellation Lynx area consists of :

Four Symbols Mansion (Chinese name) Romanization Translation Asterisms (Chinese name) Romanization Translation Western star name Chinese star name Romanization Translation
Three Enclosures (三垣) 紫微垣[1] Zǐ Wēi Yuán Purple Forbidden enclosure 內階[1] Nèijiē Inner Steps
19 Lyn內階增一Nèijiēzēngyī1st additional star
18 Lyn內階增二Nèijiēzēngèr2nd additional star
24 Lyn內階增三Nèijiēzēngsān3rd additional star
30 Lyn內階增四Nèijiēzēngsì4th additional star
29 Lyn內階增五Nèijiēzēngwǔ5th additional star
八穀[1] Bāgǔ Eight Kinds of Crops
1 Lyn八穀增二十一Bāgǔzēngèrshíyī21st additional star
3 Lyn八穀增二十二Bāgǔzēngèrshíèr22nd additional star
8 Lyn八穀增二十三Bāgǔzēngèrshísān23rd additional star
10 Lyn八穀增二十四Bāgǔzēngèrshísì24th additional star
4 Lyn八穀增二十五Bāgǔzēngèrshíwǔ25th additional star
2 Lyn八穀增二十六Bāgǔzēngèrshíliù26th additional star
5 Lyn八穀增二十七Bāgǔzēngèrshíqī27th additional star
6 Lyn八穀增二十八Bāgǔzēngèrshíbā28th additional star
14 Lyn八穀增二十九Bāgǔzēngèrshíjiǔ29th additional star
15 Lyn八穀增三十Bāgǔzēngsānshí30th additional star
13 Lyn八穀增三十一Bāgǔzēngsānshíyī31st additional star
11 Lyn八穀增三十二Bāgǔzēngsānshíèr32nd additional star
9 Lyn八穀增三十三Bāgǔzēngsānshísān33rd additional star
太微垣[1] Tài Wēi Yuán Supreme Palace enclosure 三台[1] Sāntái Three Steps
27 Lyn上台增一Shàngtáizēngyī1st additional star of Upper Step
26 Lyn上台增二Shàngtáizēngèr2nd additional star of Upper Step
25 Lyn上台增三Shàngtáizēngsān3rd additional star of Upper Step
31 Lyn上台增四Shàngtáizēngsì4th additional star of Upper Step
35 Lyn上台增五Shàngtáizēngwǔ5th additional star of Upper Step
36 Lyn上台增六Shàngtáizēngliù6th additional star of Upper Step
White Tiger of the West (西方白虎) Turtle Beak 座旗 Zuòqí Seat Flags
16 Lyn[2]座旗二Zuòqíèr2nd star
21 Lyn座旗增九Zuòqízēngjiǔ9th additional star
22 Lyn座旗增十Zuòqízēngshí10th additional star
20 Lyn座旗增十一Zuòqízēngshíyī11th additional star
Vermilion Bird of the South (南方朱雀) Xīng Star 軒轅 Xuānyuán Xuanyuan
10 UMa[3][4]軒轅一Xuanyuanyī1st star
HD 77912[4]軒轅二Xuanyuanèr2nd star
38 Lyn[5]軒轅三Xuanyuansān3rd star
α Lyn[6]軒轅四Xuanyuansì4th star
HD 79452軒轅增三Xuanyuanzēngsān3rd additional star
33 Lyn軒轅增八Xuanyuanzēngbā8th additional star
內平[1] Nèipíng High Judge
43 Lyn内平增三Nèipíngzēngsān3rd additional star
42 Lyn内平增四Nèipíngzēngsì4th additional star

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 this is not original mansion for this constellation and listing is only for additional stars
  2. Other designation of this star is Psi10 Aurigae (ψ10 Aur)
  3. the star is actually located in the constellation Lynx near the border of Ursa Major and Leo
  4. 1 2 (in Chinese) 夢之大地 @ 國立成功大學 WebBBS DreamLand @ National Cheng Kung University WebBBS System Archived 2011-09-02 at the Wayback Machine
  5. Ian Ridpath's Startales - Lynx the Lynx
  6. (in Chinese) AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 7 月 19 日
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