Maekawa's algorithm is an algorithm for mutual exclusion on a distributed system. The basis of this algorithm is a quorum-like approach where any one site needs only to seek permissions from a subset of other sites.



  • A site is any computing device which runs the Maekawa's algorithm
  • For any one request of entering the critical section:
    • The requesting site is the site which is requesting to enter the critical section.
    • The receiving site is every other site which is receiving the request from the requesting site.
  • ts refers to the local time stamp of the system according to its logical clock


Requesting site:

  • A requesting site sends a message to all sites in its quorum set .

Receiving site:

  • Upon reception of a message, the receiving site will:
    • If site does not have an outstanding message (that is, a message that has not been released), then site sends a message to site .
    • If site has an outstanding message with a process with higher priority than the request, then site sends a message to site and site queues the request from site .
    • If site has an outstanding message with a process with lower priority than the request, then site sends an message to the process which has currently been granted access to the critical section by site . (That is, the site with the outstanding message.)
  • Upon reception of a message, the site will:
    • Send a message to site if and only if site has received a message from some other site or if has sent a yield to some other site but have not received a new .
  • Upon reception of a message, site will:
    • Send a message to the request on the top of its own request queue. Note that the requests at the top are the highest priority.
    • Place into its request queue.
  • Upon reception of a message, site will:
    • Delete from its request queue.
    • Send a message to the request on the top of its request queue.

Critical section:

  • Site enters the critical section on receiving a message from all sites in .
  • Upon exiting the critical section, sends a message to all sites in .

Quorum set ():
A quorum set must abide by the following properties:

  1. Site is contained in exactly request sets


  • Number of network messages; to
  • Synchronization delay: 2 message propagation delays
  • The algorithm can deadlock without protections in place.[1][2]

See also


  1. "Maekawa's Mutual Exclusion Algorithm: Voting approach".
  2. "Distributed Mutual Exclusion" (PDF).
  • M. Maekawa, "A √N algorithm for mutual exclusion in decentralized systems”, ACM

Transactions in Computer Systems, vol. 3., no. 2., pp. 145–159, 1985.

  • Mamoru Maekawa, Arthur E. Oldehoeft, Rodney R. Oldehoeft (1987). Operating Systems: Advanced Concept. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.
  • B. Sanders (1987). The Information Structure of Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithms. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 145–59.
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