Masri Feki is a French writer, researcher in the Paris 8 University, and a specialist of the geopolitics and the Middle East who lives in Paris. He is author of numerous articles published in newspapers of the Middle East and North Africa, including Al-Seyassah (Kuwait), Hürriyet (Turkey), Turkish Daily News (Turkey) and The Jerusalem Post (Israel).

Main publications

  • Syrie : La régionalisation et les enjeux internationaux d'une guerre imposée (Collective), L'Harmattan, Paris, 2013 (Syria: Regionalisation and International Stakes of an Imposed War).
  • Les révoltes arabes, géopolitique et enjeux, Studyrama, Paris, 2011 (The Arab Uprisings: Geopolitics and Stakes).
  • L'Iran paradoxal, dogmes et enjeux régionaux (Collective), L'Harmattan, Paris, 2008 (Paradoxical Iran, Regional Dogmas and Stakes).
  • Géopolitique du Liban, Studyrama, Paris, 2008 (Geopolitics of Lebanon).
  • Géopolitique du Moyen-Orient, Studyrama, Paris, 2008 (Geopolitics of the Middle East).
  • Israël, géopolitique et enjeux, Studyrama, Paris, 2008 (Israel, Geopolitics and Stakes).
  • L'axe irano-syrien, géopolitique et enjeux, Studyrama, Paris, 2007 (Iranian-Syrian Axis: Geopolitics and Stakes).


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