Mormons are people who are members of a religious group that is part of Mormonism and the Latter-Day Saint movement.

Mormon may also refer to:




Arts and entertainment


  • "Mormon" is part of the common name of several butterflies in the genus Papilio, in particular:
    • Andaman Mormon (Papilio mayo) found in the Adamans
    • Great Mormon (Papilio memnon), endemic to Indochina and Japan
    • Blue Mormon (Papilio polymnestor), endemic to parts of India
    • Common Mormon (Papilio polytes), endemic to India, the Himalayas, parts of China, and Indochina
    • Scarlet Mormon (Papilio rumanzovia), endemic to the Philippines and Celebes

Other uses

  • Anabrus simplex, the Mormon cricket
  • Sphenophorus mormon, a species of beetle in the family Dryophthoridae
  • Mopsus mormon is an Australian spider species of the family Salticidae (jumping spiders)
  • inflected form of Mormo (Greek: Μορμώ, Μορμών, Mormō), a female spirit in Greek folklore

See also

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