The following is the list of mosques in Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan.

List of mosques

Name Images Location Year/century G Remarks
Agdam MosqueAghdam1868—1870TS
Ashaghi Govhar Agha MosqueShusha1875—1876TS
Yukhari Govhar Agha MosqueShusha1768—1885TSThe mosque also bears the name Boyuk Juma Mosque of Govhar Agha
Chol Gala MosqueShusha18th century
Chukhur Mahalla MosqueShusha18th century
Guyulug MosqueShusha18th century
Haji Yusifli MosqueShusha18th century
Julfalar MosqueShusha18th century
Khoja Marjanli MosqueShusha18th century
Kocharli MosqueShusha19th century
Mamayi MosqueShusha19th century
Mardinli MosqueShusha19th century
Saatli MosqueShusha1883
Seyidli MosqueShusha17th century
Taza Mahalla MosqueShusha19th century
TS Twelver Shī‘ah group
S Sunni (different madhabs)
U Unknown group (or undetermineted)

See also

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