Naukan Yupik
Native to Russian Federation
RegionBering Strait region (or Chukchi Peninsula)
Ethnicity450 Naukan people (2010)[1]
Native speakers
60, 13% of ethnic population (2010)[2]
Early forms
Official status
Official language in
Language codes
ISO 639-3ynk
ELPNaukan Yupik
Naukan Yupik settlements (magenta dots)
East Cape Yupik is classified as Critically Endangered by the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger

Naukan Yupik language[3] or Naukan Siberian Yupik language (Naukan Yupik: Нывуӄаӷмистун; Nuvuqaghmiistun) is a critically endangered Eskimo language spoken by c. 70 Naukan persons (нывуӄаӷмит) on the Chukotka peninsula. It is one of the four Yupik languages, along with Central Siberian Yupik, Central Alaskan Yup'ik and Pacific Gulf Yupik.

Linguistically, it is intermediate between Central Siberian Yupik and Central Alaskan Yup'ik.[4]


Chart example of the oblique case:

Locative miˠnini
Abl. / Instr. məˠˠnəˠnəˠ
Allative munˠnunnun
Vialis kunˠkuntəkun
Aequalis tunˠtuntətun

The non-possessed endings in the chart may cause a base-final 'weak' ʀ to drop with compensatory gemination in Inu. Initial m reflects the singular relative marker. The forms with initial n (k or t) are combined to produce possessed oblique with the corresponding absolutive endings in the 3rd person case but with variants of the relative endings for the other persons.

In proto-Eskimo, the ŋ is often dropped within morphemes except when next to ə. ŋ is also dropped under productive velar dropping (the dropping of ɣ,ʀ, and ŋ between single vowels), and "ana" goes to "ii" in these areas.


  1. ataasiq
  2. maalghut
  3. pingayut
  4. sitamat
  5. tallimat
  6. aghvinelek
  7. maalghugneng aghvinelek
  8. pingayuneng aghvinelek
  9. qulngughutngilnguq
  10. qulmeng
  11. atghanelek
  12. maalghugneng atghanelek
  13. pingayuneng atghanelek
  14. akimiaghutngilnguq
  15. akimiaq
  16. akimiaq ataasimeng
  17. akimiaq maalghugneng
  18. akimiaq pingayuneng
  19. yuinaghutngilnguq
  20. yuinaq



  • Jacobson, Steven A. (2005), "History of the Naukan Yupik Eskimo dictionary with implications for a future Siberian Yupik dictionary" (PDF), Études/Inuit/Studies, 29 (1–2)
  • Fortescue, M. D.; Jacobson, S. A.; Kaplan, L. D. (1994), Comparative Eskimo dictionary: With Aleut cognates, Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center

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