Coat of Arms of the Radziwiłł family
Possessions of Radziwiłł family are marked in blue
Castle in Nieśwież, residence of the ordynats of the "Nieśwież Fee Tail"
Castle in Ołyka

Radziwiłł Family Fee Tail (Polish: Ordynacja Radziwiłłów, Belarusian: Ардынацыя Радзівілаў) was a fee tail established in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and owned by the Radziwiłł family.

Three family fee tail estates were established on the basis of an agreement between the three sons of Mikołaj Czarny Radziwiłł on August 16, 1586 in Grodno. The "Nyasvizh Fee Tail" (Ordynacja Nieświeska, Нясвіжская ардынацыя), "Ołyka Fee Tail" (Ordynacja Ołycka) and "Kleck Fee Tail" (Ordynacja Klecka, Клецкая ардынацыя). It was approved by the Sejm in 1589. Ordynat was the title of the principal heir of the Ordynacja.

The family fee tail existed in partitioned Poland and the Second Republic of Poland until the end of World War II. The last ordynat was Prince Leon Władysław Radziwiłł (1888-1956).[1]

Ortynats of the Estate

Nyasvizh Fee Tail (Ordynacja Nieświeska)

Kleck Fee Tail (Ordynacja Klecka)

  • Albrecht Radziwiłł, I ordynat
  • Jan Albrycht Radziwiłł, II ordynat, son of the previous
  • Jan Władysław Radziwiłł, III ordynat, son of the previous
  • Michał Karol Radziwiłł, IV ordynat, son of the previous
  • Stanisław Kazimierz Radziwiłł, V ordynat, son of the previous
  • Dominik Mikołaj Radziwiłł VI ordynat, distant cousin
  • Jan Mikołaj Radziwiłł, VII ordynat, son of the previous
  • Marcin Mikołaj Radziwiłł, VIII ordynat, son of the previous
  • Józef Mikołaj Radziwiłł, IX ordynat, son of the previous
  • Michał Hieronim Radziwiłł, X ordynat, son of the previous
  • Ludwik Mikołaj Radziwiłł, XI ordynat, son of the previous
  • Leon Radziwiłł, XII ordynat, son of the previous
  • Jerzy Fryderyk Radziwiłł, XIII ordynat, cousin of the previous
  • Albrecht Antoni Wilhelm Radziwiłł, XIV ordynat, son of the previous
  • Leon Władysław Radziwiłł, XV ordynat, brother of the previous

Ołyka Fee Tail (Ordynacja Ołycka)

See also


  • T. Zielińska Ordynacje w dawnej Polsce, „Przegląd Historyczny” 1977 z. 1.


  1. "Genealogia dynastyczna". Archived from the original on 2013-12-21. Retrieved 2013-12-20.
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