Peregrine of Opole
Peregrine of Opole (c. 1260 – ?) was a Silesian Dominican friar. He was twice elected a provincial of his Order and became designated an inquisitor of Wrocław by the pope John XXII.
His major literary achievement is his twofold collection of Latin sermons: Sermones de tempore (sermons on the feasts of the liturgical year) and Sermones de sanctis (sermons on feasts of particular saints).
Further reading
- Peregrini de Opole sermones de tempore et de sanctis. Warsaw, 1997. (Introductory notes in German, Latin and Polish.)
- Brückner, Aleksander. Literature religijna w Polsce średniowiecznej 1: Kazania i piesni. Warszawa, 1902.
- Hervé, Martin. Pérégrin de Opole (vers 1260-vers 1330): Un prédicateur dominicain à l'apogée de la chrétienté medieval. Rennes, 2008.
- Scheneyer, Johannes Baptist. Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones des Mittelalters IV. (1969), 557–74.
- Tatrzyński, Richard. "Peregrini de Opole Sermones Editoris Nota". Studia "Przeglądu Tomistycznego" 1 (1997).
- Wünsch, Thomas. "Zur Gestaltung von Predigtexempla aus den "Sermones de tempore" des Peregrinus von Oppeln." In Die Anfänge des Schrifttums in Oberschlesien bis zum Frühhumanismus, edited by Gerhard Kosellek, 139–67. Frankfurt/Main, 1997.
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