The Polish Highlanders Alliance of America (pl. Związek Podhalan w Ameryce Północnej) was founded in 1929 in Chicago as an organization that unites all other Góral organizations in the United States. Most of Chicago's Góral community is concentrated on Chicago's Southwest Side along Archer Avenue where the headquarters, also known as the "Highlander Home" ("Dom Podhalan" in Polish) is located.
The Highlander House is styled as a Carpathian chalet in the traditional Zakopane Style of Architecture. Located at 4808 S. Archer Avenue in Chicago, the structure underwent renovation under the eye of famed artist Jerzy Kenar in 2005. In 2012 the Highlander House was upgraded with state of the art audio and video equipment.
The Polish Highlanders Alliance of North America is a nonprofit organization run by an executive board. The members of the current (2011-2014) board are:
- Andrzej Gedlek - president
- Karolina Walkosz-Strzelec - vice president
- Michal Ploskonka- vice president of economic affairs
- Jozef Cikowski - vice president of cultural affairs
- Malgorzata Stopka- vice president for the East Coast
- Helena Studencka - general secretary
- Mateusz Staszel - financial secretary
- Monika Pawlikowska - treasurer
- Tomasz Radecki - marshall
- Jozef Fryzlewicz- Secretary of Records (minutes)
- Waclaw Pilat, Jozef Krzystyniak - standard-bearer
- Wojciech Dorula, Anna Zalinska - public relations
- Fr. Jacek Palica, Fr. Waclaw Lech, Fr. Bartlomiej Stanowski, Fr. Slawomir Kurc, Fr. Franciszek Florczyk chaplain
- Kapelmistrz: Marek Bukowski, Wladyslaw Pawlikowski
Chicago's Góral community publishes its own quarterly newspaper Podhalanin, in addition to transmitting radio programs such as "Gawędy", "Poezja i muzyka góralska", or "Na góralską nutę", broadcasting from WPNA 1490 AM. The Polish language Chicago area daily Dziennik Związkowy (Polish Daily News) publishes a section titled Kronika podhalańska (The Highlander Chronicle).
Member organizations (circles) within the Polish Highlander Alliance of North America
- Jan Sabała's memorial circle
- Władysław Orkan's memorial circle
- Morskie Oko
- Morskie Oko - Detroit, Michigan
- Władysław Zamoyski's memorial circle
- Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer's memorial circle in Passaic, New Jersey
- Inactive
- General Galica's memorial circle
- Armstrong Creek, Wisconsin
- J. Janosik’s memorial circle
- Tatra Mountains Górals in Passaic, New Jersey
- Polish Highlanders in New York
- Dr. Stefan Jarosz memorial circle
- Tatry, Uniontown, Pennsylvania
- Inactive
- Association of Polish Highlanders from Zakopane in Utica, New York
- Makow Podhalanski circle
- Giewont circle in Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania
- Duch Knapczyk's memorial circle
- Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer’s memorial circle
- Czarny Dunajec
- Maniowy
- Odrowąż Podhalański
- Szaflary
- Harklowa
- Raba Wyżna
- Witów
- Gronków
- Ciche
- Wierchy
- Spytkowice
- Dzianisz
- Zakopane
- Maruszyna
- Skawa
- Leśnica Groń
- Ludźmierz
- Chabówka
- Biały Dunajec
- Nowy Targ
- Wróblówka
- Białka Tatrzańska
- Chochołów
- Śleboda
- Poronin
- Stare Bystre
- Ski Club “Tatry”
- Babia Góra
- Kluszkowce
- Pieniny
- Ostrowsko
- Czerwienne
- Klikuszowa parish
- Kościelisko
- Ratułów
- “Podhale” Soccer Club
- Bukowina Tatrzańska
- Ząb
- Morawczyna
- Małe Ciche
- Łopuszna
- Hubertus - Hunting circle
- Waksmund under the patronage of St. Hedwig
- Czarna Góra
- Ciche Dolne, Miętusowo parish
- Dębno
- Pieniążkowice
- Gliczarów Górny "Wierchowiany"
- Skrzypne
- Polish Highlanders in Arizona
- Nowe Bystre
- Ochotnica
- Zaskale
- Tylmanowa
- Dział
- Kruszów
- Bukowina Podszkle
- Zagórzanie of Mszana Dolna
- Florida under the patronage of Our Lady of Ludźmierz
- Polish Highlanders in Washington State
- Bustryk
- Piekielnik
- Podczerwone
- Giewont in Lemont
- Gronik
- Zespol Goralski "SIUMNI," Polish Highlander Folkloric Group representing Polish Highlander Alliance in Chicago (www.siumni.org and Facebook "Siumni")
and also the Brighton Park circle, Podhalan Women's Club, The Ski Club, Podhale Soccer Club.
External links
- Official website of the Polish Highlanders Alliance of North America
- - Oficjalny Portal Internetowy Najstarszej Polskiej Ligi Piłkarskiej w Chicago
- Chicago Public Radio series on diaspora communities in Chicago, including one on Goral Music in Chicago
- Info-Portal Gorale in Polish
- Gorale - old photographs