< Portal:Current events
September 5, 2012 (Wednesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
- A drone strike conducted by the United States kills at least five suspected militants in the eastern Yemeni province of Hadhramaut. (Reuters)
- A Palestinian Authority colonel is killed by gunfire from unknown assailants in Jenin, West Bank. (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Business and economy
- In a letter ordering terms for the next installment of the second bailout, the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund (the troika) want Greece to raise the maximum amount of weekly work days to six. Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte rules out a third bailout loan. Diederik Samsom of the Labour Party, excludes Greece from leaving the eurozone; he mentions tutelage. (The Guardian) (Xinhua) (De Telegraaf)
- The UNCTAD releases a report detailing the further deterioration of the occupied Palestinian territories's economic environment. (AFP via MSN Philippines) (Reuters) (ReliefWeb)
- A 7.6-magnitude earthquake 87 miles west of the Costa Rican capital of San José triggers a tsunami alert for the coastlines of Costa Rica, Panama and Nicaragua. (CNN) (USGS)
- A firecracker factory explodes near Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu, killing 54 and injuring 50. (Times of India)
- An accidental explosion at a Turkish Army ammunition store in Afyon, western Turkey kills 25 soldiers and wounds another 4. (BBC)
International relations
- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton does not meet Vice President Xi Jinping. (TIME)
Law and crime
- Mauritania extradites former Libyan intelligence chief Abdullah Senussi, who was arrested in the capital Nouakchott in March after fleeing Libya during the civil war in 2011. The United States insist on a fair trial for the suspect, a "milestone in (Libya's) democratic transition". (BBC) (Xinhua)
- A masked gunman kills one person and wounds another at a Quebec rally for the new premier Pauline Marois. (AP via Yahoo! News)
- Wang Lijun, the former vice mayor and police chief of Chongqing, faces charges of abuse of power, bribe-taking, defection, and bending the law for personal gain. The Chengdu city prosecutor says Wang has tried to cover up Gu Kailai's murder of businessman Neil Heywood. (Xinhua)
Politics and elections
- Benjamin Netanyahu interrupts an Israeli cabinet meeting on defense and security, citing inside leaks. (Yedioth Ahronoth) (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
- 2012 Democratic National Convention:
- The United States Democratic Party holds its national convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. (Los Angeles Times)
- The concepts of "God-given potential" and an "indivisible Jerusalem, capital of Israel" re-enter the platform in an eleventh-hour move at the behest of the President. (The Ticket via Yahoo! News) (Tick 2)
- Former President Bill Clinton nominates current President Barack Obama as the party's nominee in the presidential election. (Washington Post)
Science and technology
- The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements is published. For the first time, a browsable, analysable overview of the four million regulatory regions, or functional elements of the human genome found up to now, is made available to the general public. At least 80% of the human genome is biologically active, rather than mainly junk DNA as once believed. (ENCODE) (Nature)
- Thirty-year-old Andy Roddick formally begins his tennis retirement, losing in the fourth round of the US Open. (Entertainment Online)
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