< Portal:Current events
July 14, 2013 (Sunday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
- Syrian civil war:
- Unknown attackers kill six people in and near the city of Mosul in northern Iraq. (Press Association via Independent Ireland)
- Four policemen are killed in Russia's restless Dagestan region as gunmen open fire on their car. (Reuters)
Arts and culture
- Pope Francis sends greetings in a letter to Cardinal Ossa, the Special Envoy to the celebrations of the 3rd World Apostolic Congress on Mercy (WACOM III) at Bogota, Colombia, 15-19 August 2014. (Vatican, Pope Francis letters), (Catholic Key)
Disasters and accidents
- Typhoon Soulik kills three people in China's Guangdong province after having killed two people in Taiwan. (BBC)
Law and crime
- The Mexican Army captures Miguel Treviño Morales, a leader of the Los Zetas criminal gang. (CBS News)
Politics and elections
- Protests occur in several American cities following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in relation to the shooting of Trayvon Martin. (AAP via News Limited)
- In athletics, six athletes are announced to have failed drug tests including American Tyson Gay and Jamaican Asafa Powell. (The Guardian)
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