February 1939: First virology journal, Archiv für die gesamte Virusforschung, appeared
8 February 1951: Establishment of the HeLa cell line from a cervical carcinoma biopsy, the first immortal human cell line
12 February 1892: Dmitri Ivanovsky (pictured) demonstrated transmission of tobacco mosaic disease by extracts filtered through Chamberland filters; sometimes considered the beginning of virology
19 February 1966: Prion disease kuru shown to be transmissible
23 February 2018: Baloxavir marboxil, the first anti-influenza agent to target the cap-dependent endonuclease activity of the viral polymerase, approved in Japan
27 February 2005: H1N1 influenza strain resistant to oseltamivir reported in a human patient
24 February 1977: Phi X 174 sequenced by Fred Sanger and coworkers, the first virus and the first DNA genome to be sequenced
28 February 1998: Publication of Andrew Wakefield's Lancet paper, subsequently discredited, linking the MMR vaccine with autism, which started the MMR vaccine controversy