Resurrection (Spanish: Resurrección) is a 1931 Spanish-language adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's 1899 novel Resurrection produced by Universal Studios, the same year they made the first English-language all-talking version of the film. The film was directed by Eduardo Arozamena and David Selman and starred Gilbert Roland and Lupe Vélez, who also starred in the English-language version.
- Lupe Vélez - Katyusha Maslova
- Gilbert Roland - Prince Dmitir Nekhludov (*as Luis Alonso)
- Miguel Faust Rocha - Capitan Shenbok
- Soledad Jimenez - Maria
- Amelia Senisterra - Princess Sofia
- Eduardo Arozamena
- Blanca de Castejón
- Ramón Pereda - ?unknown
External links
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