SONOR was UCSD's Resident contemporary music Ensemble. Performing between 1977 and 2006, the group presented 37 concerts. Members included UCSD Faculty such as Philip Larson, Edwin Harkins, Carol Plantamura, János Négyesy, John Fonville, Robert Zelickman, Steven Schick, Charles Curtis, Aleck Karis, Peter Farrell, Bertram Turetzky as well as associates and graduate students such as Päivikki Nykter, Hugh Livingston, Susan Barrett, Ross Karre, Rob Esler, Fabio Oliveira, Gregory Stuart, Justin Dehartand, and Orin Hildestad. Conductors and Directors included Bernard Rands, Paul Dresher, Rand Steiger, Jean-Charles Francois, Thomas Nee, Jan Williams, and Keith Humble.



Adams, John

  • Chamber Symphony, 1992

Argento, Dominick

  • Letters from Composers, 1968

Babbitt, Milton

  • Additional Correspondence, 1974–75

Balassa, S√°ndor

  • Music Based on Junk Mail, Op. 18, 1969

Barkin, Elaine

  • Election Pamphlet, 1982

Berg, Alban

  • Four Songs, Op. 2
  • Four Pieces for Clarinet and Piano, Op. 5
  • Chamber Concerto for Piano and Violin and Thirteen Wind Instruments, 1925

Berio, Luciano

  • Lines Sequenza III, 1966 Circles, 1961

Bharali, Arun

  • Regan, 1994–95

Blaustein, Susan

  • Harlequinade
  • Heads! Heads!
  • Harliquin

Bloom, Victor

  • Quintet, 1987–88

Bolcom, William

  • Lilith, 1984

Boulez, Pierre

  • Drive, 1984

Boone, Charles

  • The Khaju Bridge

Bozay, Attila

  • Series for Chamber Ensemble, Op. 9, 1970

Brant, Henry

  • Ghost Nets, 1988

Brown, Earle

  • Centering

Cage, John

  • Five Pieces from 26'1.1499" (solo contrabass), 1955
  • Freeman Etudes, 1-XXXII (solo violin), 1977–1989
  • Sonatas and Interludes (solo piano), 1946–48
  • 4'33" (solo piano), 1952
  • Music for Four, 1984–87
  • Ryoangi, 1987

Carter, Elliott

  • Penthode, 1985

Chadabe, Joel

  • Many Mornings - Many Moods, 1988

Cox, Frank

  • Viz, 1989–91
  • Di-remption (percussion solo), 1993

Cunha, Antonio

  • Ancient Rhythm, 1994

Curran, Alvin

  • Why Is This Night Different from All other Nights, 1992

Czernowin, Chaya

  • For Arye, 1990
  • Dam Sheon Hachol (The Hourglass Bleeds Still), 1992Dallapiccola, Luigi
  • Due Liriche Di Anacreonte, 1946

Davidovsky, Mario

  • Salvos, 1986

Davies, Paul

  • Aurora Borealis, 1985

Davis, Anthony

  • Lost Moon Sisters, 1992

Densiov, Edison

  • Chamber Symphony

Dobrian, Chris

  • Nonyx, 1986
  • Now and Then, 1985

Donatoni, Franco

  • Arp√ge, 1986

Dubrovay, László

  • Violin Concerto

Durand, Joél-François

  • Un feu distinct, 1991

Durkó, Zsolt

  • Three English Verses, 1990–91

Eisler, Hanns

  • Vierzehn Arten den Regen zu Geschreigen, Op. 7

Elliott Carter

  • A Mirror on Which to Dwell, 1975

Enriquez, Manuel

  • Tercia

Erb, Donald

  • Views of Space and Time, 1988

Erickson, Robert

  • Cradles II, 1972
  • Dunbar's Delight, tympani solo, 1985
  • Fives
  • Kryl, 1977
  • Night Music, 1978
  • Nine and a Half for Henry, 1970
  • The Pleiades, violin solo, violin solo, 1981
  • Quintet, 1985
  • Quoq, flute solo, 1978
  • Ricercar √† 3, contrabass solo, 1967
  • Sierra, 1984
  • The Idea of Order at Key West, 1979
  • Music for Trumpet, Strings and Tympani, 1990
  • Taffytime, 1983

Estrada, Julio

  • Three Solos

Felciano, Richard

  • Shadows, 1987

Felder, David

  • Inner Sky, 1993–94 Episode, 1978

Feldman, Morton

  • Crippled Symmetry, (1983)
  • Four Songs to e. e. cummings
  • I Met Heine on the Rue Furstemberg, 1971

Ferneyhough, Brian

  • Bone Alphabet (solo percussion), 1991
  • Carceri d'Invenzione I, 1980–81
  • Chute d'Icare, 1988
  • Prometheus, 1967
  • Superscriptio (solo piccolo), 1981
  • Brain Terrain, 1992

Firsova, Elena

  • Forest Walks Sonata, Op. 16, 1976

Fonville, John

  • Mong Songs

François, Jean-Charles

  • NOstreOS, 1987
  • Obdobla, 1976
  • Orbes, Aubade, 1989
  • Sphyxis (T), 1991

Frank, Andrew

  • . . .of silence and slow time, 1979

Gaburo, Kenneth

  • Line Studies Inside: Quartet for One Double Bass Player, 1969

Gandolfi, Michael

  • Personae

Gerhard, Roberto

  • Libra Octet, 1967

Ginastera, Alberto

  • Pampeana, No. 2

Giraud, Albert

  • Songs from PIERROT LUNAIRE

Glasgow, Glenn

  • New Work, 1991

Gubaidulina, Sofia

  • Detto II

György Ligeti

  • Chamber Concerto, 1969–70

Harrison, Lou

  • Solstice, a Masque, 1946

Hiller, Lejaren

  • Algorithms I, II, III, 1986–87

Hindemith, Paul

Humble, Keith

  • Kaleida's Cope, 1987
  • Piano Sonata, No. 3, 1985

Ives, Charles

  • Largo, 1902

Johnston, Ben

  • Two Sonnets of Shakespeare A Sea Dirge, 1963

Kim, Earl

  • Now & Then, 1981

Koonce, Paul

  • Diapason Spin-Curve Foci, 1986

Korf, Anthony

  • Nothing but Love Songs

Kraft, William

  • Harlequinade

Krenek, Ernst

  • Altendichte (1927); Wechselsahmen (1966); Spahelese (1972)
  • Vier Ges√§nge Nachalten Gedichten,Op. 53

Kurtág, György

  • Bagatelles, 1981

Lam, Bun-Ching

  • Social Accidents, 1988

Lang, David

  • Dance/Drop, 1988–89

L√°ng, Istv√°n

  • Musica 3-4-2, 1979

Lansky, Paul

  • Stroll, 1988

Lanza, Alcides

  • Arghanum II, 1987

Larin, Eduardo

  • Iridescence, 1980

Lavista, Mario

  • Dusk Monologo, 1966

Leedy, Douglas

  • Canti, 1975

Leibowitz, Rene

  • Marijuana, 1959 Suite for 9 Instruments, Op. 81, 1967

Lewis, George

  • Nightmare at the Best Western (a few folk songs), 1992

Lierdeman, Philippe

  • Variations, Op. 5, 1993

Lifchitz, Max

  • Night Voices #6, 1985

Ligeti, György

  • Chamber Concerto, 1969–70

Lian, Rafael

  • Dubhe, 1986

Lyon, Eric

  • Splatter, 1989

Mabry, Drake

  • 11.10.83 (clarinet solo)

Macchia, Salvatore

  • Evening Sky

Martino, Donald

  • Triple Concerto, 1976–78

Martirano, Salvatore

  • LON/dons, 1988

Messiaen, Olivier

Moe, Eric

  • Kicking and Screaming, 1993–94

Moore, F. Richard

  • We, 1991

Mosko, Stephen

  • Schweres Loos

Mosko, Stephen

  • Superluminal Connections I: "The Atu of Tahuti", 1985

Mumma, Gordon

  • Faisandage et Galimafr√©e, 1984

Murail, Tristan

  • Allegoresi, 1992

Nancarrow, Conlon

  • Study No. 1; Study No. 5; Study No. 9
  • (arranged by Ivar Mikashoff) Studies for Player PianoNono, Luigi
  • Liebeslied, 1955
  • Incontri, 1955Ogdon, Wilbur
  • A Fantasy for Violin and Piano, 153
  • A Modern? Fable, 1990
  • By the Isar
  • Eight Pieces for Violin and Piano, 1988–89
  • Five Preludes, 1985
  • Four DH Lawrence Songs, 1989
  • Serenade for Wind Quintet, 1986–87
  • Seven Pieces and a Capriccio, 1988
  • Six Small Trios, 1982
  • Summer images and Reflections, 1984-5
  • Thireteen Expressions for solo violin and ensemble, 1993
  • Three Baritone Songs, 1950/56
  • Three Guitar Songs, 1988–89
  • Three Trifles, 1957
  • Two Ketchwa Songs, 1955
  • Two Sea Chanteys, 1988
  • Two Tonal Songs
  • UnTombeau de Jean Cocteau III, 1975–76
  • Winter images, 1980Oliveros, Pauline
  • Portraits of SONOR, 1988
  • Double Bases at Twenty PacesPayton, Leonard
  • 7 Apocalyptic SongsPecquet, Franck
  • Archipel Brise et Retour, 1988Pousseur, Henri
  • Trois Chants sacr√©s, 1954Powell, Mel
  • Modules: An Intermezzo for Chamber Orchestra, 1985
  • Settings for Soprano and Chamber GroupRan, Shulamit Amichai
  • Songs, 1984Rands, Bernard
  • Canti del Sole, 1982
  • Canti Lunatici, 1980
  • Memo 2bReck, David
  • Night Sounds (and Dream), 1965Reich, Steve
  • Eight Lines, 1987 Piano Phase, 1967Reynolds, Roger
  • Archipelago, 1983
  • Emperor of Ice Cream, 1962
  • Less than Two, 1977–79
  • Personae, 1989
  • The Palace, 1980
  • Transfigured Wind III, 1984
  • Personae, 1990
  • Not Only Night, 1988
  • Vertigo, 1986Risset, Jean-Claude
  • Profils, 1981-82Rose, Fran√ßois
  • Lueur de Nuit (solo violin), 1993Rosenman, Leonard
  • Die Estrade; AbsinthRuders, Poul
  • Corpus cum Figuris, 1984Rzewski, Frederic
  • Piano Sonata, 1991Saariaho, Kaija
  • Io, 1986–87Sch√°ffer, Boguslaw
  • Free Form No. 2/Evocazioni (solo contrabass)
  • Free Form No. 3 (for contrabass and piano)Schieve, Catherine
  • Tiger's Eye, 1981Schnittke, Alfred
  • Hymn II
  • Hymn IIISchoenberg, Arnold
  • Ode to Napoleon, 1942Sculthorpe, Peter
  • RequiemSessions, Roger
  • From My Diary, 1947Shapey, Ralph
  • De Profundis, 1960Simmons, Margo
  • ObeisanceSimons, Nettie
  • Wild Tales Told on the River RoadSollberger, Harvey
  • Killapata/Chaskapata, 1983
  • The Advancing Moment, 1993Son, Yung-Wha
  • somewhere I have never travelled, 1982Stein, Leonard
  • MoquerieSteiger, Rand
  • Quintessence, 1981
  • Double Concerto, 1986
  • Woven Serenade, 1991Stevens, John
  • Pentas, 1986
  • Sum over HistoriesStockhausen, Karlheinz
  • Kontra-Punkte
  • Kreuzspiel, 1951Stokes, Eric
  • The Greenhouse EffectStokes, Eric
  • Four Songs for Voice and Oboe, 1962Stravinsky, Igor
  • Elegie, 1944Strizich, Robert
  • HydraSubotnick, Morton
  • The Key to Songs, 1985Takemitsu, Toru
  • Rain Coming
  • Voice, 1980
  • Waves, 1976
  • Far Away, 1973
  • Water Ways, 1977Tenney, James
  • Form 3, 1993
  • Three Textures from Quintext (for String Quartet and Bass), 1972
  • Wake for Charles Ives, 1974
  • Crystal Canon for Edgar Varese, 1974Thimmig, Les
  • Sleeping Fire, 1971Torke, Michael
  • Yellow Pages, 1985Tower, Joan
  • Wings (solo clarinet)
  • PetroushskatesVar√®se, Edgard
  • Octandre, 1923
  • OffrandesWebern, Anton
  • Two Songs for Chorus and Instruments, Op. 19, 1926
  • Five Canons on Latin Texts, Op. 16, 1923–24
  • Three Songs, Op. 18, 1925
  • Three Songs, Op. 25
  • Four Pieces for Violin and Piano, Op. 7, 1910
  • Three Small Pieces for Cello and Piano, Op. 11
  • Konzert, Op. 24

Wilson, Olly

  • No More, 1985

Winkler, Todd

  • Cascade, 1986

Wolpe, Stefan

  • Chamber Piece No. 1
  • Piece for 2 Instrumental Units
  • Piece in Two Parts for Flute and Piano, 1959–60
  • Piece for Trumpet and Seven Instruments, 1971

Xenakis, Iannis

  • Thallein, 1984
  • Morsima-Amorsima, 1956–62
  • N'Shima

Yin, Gan-wei

  • Chuen Mian, 1985

Yuasa, Joji

  • Domain, 1986 (flute solo)
  • Etude for "THE", 1983
  • Mutterings, 1988
  • Projection for Violoncello and Piano, 1967
  • Nine Levels by Ze-Ami, 1987
  • Maibatariki II for alto flute, 1987
  • My Blue Sky, no. 3, 1977
  • Terms of Temporal Detailing [Homage to D.H.] (flute solo),1989
  • Solitude, 1980
  • A Winter Day: Homage to Bash√≥, 1981

Zwilich, Ellen Taaffe

  • Concerto for Trumpet and Five Players, 1984


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