The sedimentary basins of Britain and Ireland are numerous, occurring beneath both the land surface of these islands and the surrounding seas. Sedimentary basins (not to be confused with drainage basins) have operated in this region over much of geological time from the Precambrian to the present day, typically accepting sediment from neighbouring areas where erosion is taking place, over timescales variously from millions to hundreds of millions of years. They may be referred to simply as basins or else as troughs, grabens or half-grabens, according to their mode of formation and morphology.

Key to table

  • Column 1 indicates the name of the basin. Some variant names are recorded between sources. Sub-basins are noted.
  • Column 2 indicates the area (country/sea) in which the basin occurs. Some extend across more than one. Sea areas include the Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, English Channel, Sea of the Hebrides, Irish Sea, Celtic Sea, Bristol Channel, The Minch
  • Column 3 indicates the period(s) or epoch(s) during which it was active as a sediment sink. May not be exhaustive.
  • Column 4 provides any additional notes
  • Column 5 indicates a selection of publications in which references to the basin may be found. See references section for full details of publication.
Sortable table of sedimentary basins
Basin name Country/sea Period active Notes Reference/s
Anglian Basin
Anglo-Dutch Basin North Sea BGS Tm
Anglo-Welsh Basin Wales, England Devonian
Arfon Basin Wales B&R36-7
Ayrshire Basin Scotland
Badbea Basin Scotland Devonian T229
Banff Sub-basin North Sea BGS Tm
Blackstones Basin Sea of the Hebrides Oligocene T370
Bovey Basin England B&R
Bowland Basin England Carboniferous
Bratch Graben England Permian, Triassic
Bristol Channel Basin Bristol Channel, England, Wales BGS Tm
Canna Basin Sea of the Hebrides BGS Tm
Cardigan Bay Basin Irish Sea BGS Tm
Cardington Sub-basin B&R54
Carlisle Basin England, Scotland B&R
Celtic Sea Basin Celtic Sea B&R
Central Coalfield Basin Scotland Carboniferous
Central English Channel Basin English Channel BGS Tm
Central Irish Sea Basin Irish Sea BGS Tm
Central North Sea Basin North Sea Carboniferous T259
Central Pennine Basin England B&R
Central Viking Graben North Sea BGS Tm
Cheshire Basin England Permian, Triassic, Jurassic BGS Tm
Clare Basin Atlantic Ocean, Ireland BGS Tm
Cleaver Bank Basin B&R390
Cleveland Basin England, North Sea Carboniferous, Jurassic, Cretaceous BGS Tm
Clyde Basin Scotland Permian T317
Cockburn Basin Celtic Sea BGS Tm
Coll Basin Sea of the Hebrides BGS Tm
Colonsay Basin Sea of the Hebrides BGS Tm
Corrieyairack Basin Scotland Neoproterozoic T97,99
Craighead Basin Scotland Ordovician T156
Craven Basin England
Crediton Trough England BGS Tm, B&R290
Cressage Sub-basin England B&R54
Cromdale Basin Neoproterozoic T97,99
Culm Trough England
Dalry Basin Scotland Carboniferous T273
Denbigh Trough Wales B&R
Donegal Basin Atlantic Ocean BGS Tm
Dorset Sub-basin England BGS Tm
Douglas Basin
Dumfries Basin Scotland Permian T316-7
Dutch Bank Basin North Sea BGS Tm
East Central Graben North Sea BGS Tm
East Fair Isle Basin North Sea
East Irish Sea Basin Irish Sea BGS Tm
East Orkney Basin North Sea BGS Tm
East Shetland Basin North Sea BGS Tm
East Solan Basin Triassic BGS Tm, T321
Edale Basin England Edale Gulf on BGS Tm BGS Tm
Erris Basin Atlantic Ocean BGS Tm
Faroe-Shetland Basin Atlantic Ocean Cretaceous, Palaeogene, Neogene BGS Tm, T363-4
Fastnet Basin Celtic Sea BGS Tm
Fetlar Basin North Sea BGS Tm
Fife Basin
Fisher Bank Basin North Sea BGS Tm
Fishguard-Cardigan Trough Wales B&R65
Flannan Trough Atlantic Ocean BGS Tm
Flett Sub-basin Atlantic Ocean BGS Tm
Flimston Basin B&R425
Forth Approaches Basin North Sea BGS Tm
Gainsborough Trough England BGS Tm
Gramscatho Basin England B&R
Haig Fras Basin Celtic Sea BGS Tm
Hampshire Basin England, English Channel Paleogene
Harrogate Basin England B&R
Hatton Basin
Hinckley Basin England Permian, Triassic
Inner Hebrides Trough Scotland
Inner Moray Firth Basin Moray Firth BGS Tm
Irish Sea Basin Irish Sea B&R464
Isle of Wight Basin England B&R318
Kincardine Basin Scotland Carboniferous T274
Kish Bank Basin Irish Sea BGS Tm
Knowle Basin England Permian, Triassic
Lake District Basin England
Lakesman Basin England, Irish Sea B&R
Leinster-Lakesman Basin England, Ireland, Irish Sea B&R26-8
Lancaster Fells Basin England
Leinster Basin Ireland
Leven Basin Scotland Carboniferous T287
Little Minch Trough The Minch Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic BGS Tm, T258
Loch Indaal Basin Scotland Permian, Triassic BGS Tm, T318
Lochmaben Basin Scotland Permian T316-7
London Basin England Paleogene
Looe Basin England B&R248
Magnus Half-graben Atlantic Ocean BGS Tm
Magnus Trough Atlantic Ocean BGS Tm
Malin Basin Sea of the Hebrides BGS Tm
Mauchline Basin Scotland Permian T317
Mell Fell Trough England B&R171
Melville Basin Celtic Sea BGS Tm
Midland Valley Graben / Midland Valley Basin Scotland BGS Tm
Midlothian Basin Scotland
Moffat Basin Scotland Permian T316-7
Montgomery Trough Wales, England B&R101
Muirkirk Basin
Munster Basin Ireland BGS Tm
Needwood Basin England Permian, Triassic
North Celtic Sea Basin Celtic Sea BGS Tm
North Channel Basin / Portpatrick Basin Irish Sea Permian BGS Tm, T317
North Lewis Basin Atlantic Ocean BGS Tm
North Minch Basin The Minch BGS Tm
Northern Rockall Trough Atlantic Ocean
North Rona Basin Atlantic Ocean BGS Tm
North Sea Basin North Sea Cretaceous, Palaeogene, Neogene BGS Tm, T363-4
North Staffordshire Basin England
Northumberland-Solway Basin England, Scotland, Irish Sea
Northumberland Trough England, North Sea Carboniferous BGS Tm
North Viking Graben North Sea BGS Tm
Oldhamstocks Basin / Oldhamstocks-Dunbar Basin Scotland Carboniferous T253,265
Orcadian Basin Scotland Devonian
Papa Basin Atlantic Ocean BGS Tm
Peel Basin Irish Sea BGS Tm
Pennine Basin England B&R
Petrockstow Basin England B&R425,427
Pewsey Sub-basin England BGS Tm
Plymouth Bay Basin English Channel BGS Tm
Porcupine Trough, Porcupine Basin Atlantic Ocean Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Cenozoic BGS Tm, T338
Portland-Wight Basin / Sub-basin English Channel BGS Tm
Rathlin Trough Northern Ireland, Malin Sea Triassic BGS Tm, T318
Rhynie Basin Scotland Devonian see Rhynie Chert BGS Tm, T226-7
Rockall Basin / Rockall Trough Atlantic Ocean BGS Tm
St George's Channel Basin Irish Sea BGS Tm
St Mary's Basin English Channel BGS Tm
Sandbach-Knutsford Sub-basin England Permian, Triassic
Sandwick Basin Atlantic Ocean BGS Tm
Scarvister Sub-basin Atlantic Ocean BGS Tm
Sea of the Hebrides Trough Sea of the Hebrides BGS Tm
Severn Coal Basin England B&R221
Shelve Sub-basin England B&R
Slyne Trough / Slyne-Erris Trough Atlantic Ocean Jurassic BGS Tm, T338
Sole Pit Trough North Sea BGS Tm
Solway Basin / Solway Firth Irish Sea Permian, Triassic BGS Tm, T317
South Celtic Sea Basin Celtic Sea BGS Tm
South Devon Basin England B&R
South Wales Basin Wales B&R
South West Arran Trough Scotland Permian T316
South West England Half-graben England B&R292
Stafford Basin England Permian, Triassic
Stainmore Trough / Stainmore Basin England BGS Tm
Stanton Trough Sea of the Hebrides BGS Tm
Stirling-Clackmannan Basin Scotland
Stranraer Basin Scotland Permian T317
Strathtummel Basin Scotland Neoproterozoic T99
Thornhill Basin Scotland Permian T316-7
Tiverton Trough England B&R290
Torridonian Basin Scotland, The Minch Proterozoic BGS Tm, T71
Turriff Basin Scotland Devonian T216,228
Tweed Basin North Sea Carboniferous BGS Tm, T265
Ulster Basin Northern Ireland BGS Tm
Unst Basin North Sea two arms; NW and S BGS Tm
Usk Sub-basin Wales B&R
Vale of Clwyd Wales
Vale of Eden Basin England B&R
Weald Basin England
Weald Sub-basin England BGS Tm
Welsh Basin Wales B&R
Wem-Audlem Sub-basin England Permian, Triassic, Jurassic
Wessex Basin England BGS Tm
West Central Graben North Sea BGS Tm
West Fair Isle Basin North Sea Devonian BGS Tm, T240
West Flannan Basin Atlantic Ocean BGS Tm
West Lewis Basin Atlantic Ocean Jurassic BGS Tm, T341
West Lothian Basin Scotland Carboniferous T262,264
West Orkney Basin Complex Atlantic Ocean BGS Tm
West Shetland Basin Atlantic Ocean Devonian BGS Tm, T239
Western Approaches Trough English Channel BGS Tm
Widmerpool Gulf England BGS Tm,B&R
Widmerpool Half-graben England B&R196
Widnes Basin England
Witch Ground Graben North Sea BGS Tm
Woolhope Basin England B&R
Worcester Graben / Worcester Basin England Permian, Triassic B&R

See also


  • BGS Tm = BGS 1996 Tectonic map of Britain, Ireland and adjacent areas, Pharaoh T.C., Morris J.H., Long C.B., Ryan P.D. (compilers) 1:1,500,000 (Keyworth, Nottingham, British Geological Survey) ISBN 0751831298
  • Txxx = Trewin, N.H. (editor) 2002 The Geology of Scotland 4th edition The Geological Society, London ISBN 1862391262 (where xxx = page number)
  • B&Rxxx = Brenchley, P.J & Rawson, P.F. (editors) 2006 The Geology of England and Wales 2nd edition, The Geological Society, London ISBN 978-1862391994 (where xxx = page number)
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