The Servei Andorrà d'Atenció Sanitària is the Andorran Health Care Service. It was established in December 1986 and manages all the public health care facilities in the country. It co-ordinates the private, public and voluntary sectors. [1]

The Sant Joan de Déu Terres de Lleida centre in Lleida, which has a high dependency unit, provides services for Andorran people with severe mental disorders.[2]

The Social Democratic Party takes an interest in the employment policies of the organisation, and in November 2018 expressed concern that a number of senior positions had gone to candidates who did not live in the country.[3]

In September 2018 the service moved to a referral system, where patients must register with a general practitioner who would decide whether to refer them to a specialist. Those who follow this integrated route are to be encouraged by a higher rate of reimbursement.[4]

In September 2018 the service had a crisis in the dermatology service, as for various reasons none of the five dermatologists were taking on new patients.[5]

A helicopter may be used for medical transfers and also for rescue services. A charge will be made for rescue services for people who were carrying out risky recreational activities or who have neglected warnings of dangerous conditions.[6]


  1. "Andorra's Healthcare System". Andorra Guides. 30 April 2018. Retrieved 9 December 2018.
  2. "Camins de la ment". Diari d'Andorra. 6 April 2018. Retrieved 9 December 2018.
  3. "El PS vol informació dels últims concursos del SAAS per fitxar càrrecs directius". Bondia. 5 November 2018. Retrieved 9 December 2018.
  4. "Èxit inicial del metge de capçalera". Diari d'Andorra. 19 September 2018. Retrieved 9 December 2018.
  5. "Andorra es queda temporalment sense dermatòlegs". Ara Andorra. 18 September 2018. Retrieved 9 December 2018.
  6. "El Govern cobrarà per l'ús de l'helicòpter". Diari d'Andorra. 6 November 2018. Retrieved 9 December 2018.
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