In Marvel Comics, the Sorcerer Supreme is the primary protector of Earth against magical and mystical threats. The title may refer to one of the following fictional characters in Marvel Comics.


  • Agamotto the All-Seeing, the very first Sorcerer Supreme and a member of the Avengers of 1,000,000 BC.
  • Merlin, the court wizard of King Arthur and the Sorcerer Supreme of his era.
  • Isaac Newton, a member of the Brotherhood of the Shield and the Sorcerer Supreme of his era.
  • Kushala the Demon Rider, a skilled magic-wielder possessed by the Spirit of Vengeance, who becomes her era's Sorcerer Supreme.
  • The Ancient One, the first Sorcerer Supreme introduced in the Marvel Universe, preceding Dr. Strange.
  • Dr. Stephen Strange, the Ancient One's successor as the Sorcerer Supreme.
  • Jericho Drumm, Dr. Strange's first successor as Sorcerer Supreme.
  • Loki Laufeyson, Dr. Strange's second successor as Sorcerer Supreme.
  • Clea Strange, Dr. Strange's wife and his third successor as Sorcerer Supreme, and the Sorceress Supreme of Earth X.
  • William Kaplan, the Demiurge, who in the future of Earth-616 succeeds Dr. Strange as Sorcerer Supreme.

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