TV dober dan is a Slovenian television sitcom that aired on POP TV. Filming began in August 1999, the series debuted in October 1999 and concluded in May 2002, after more than 80 episodes.


  • Ana Ban (Tjaša Železnik)
  • Samo Kral (Primož Ekart)
  • Miran Podrepnik (Kondi Pižorn)
  • Frane Merkatori (Jernej Kuntner)
  • Zofka Mlakar (Barica Blenkuš)
  • Jože (Janez Cankar)
  • Mr. Johnny Smith (Damjan Perne)
  • Izidor (Matjaž Javšnik)
  • Luka Jazbec (Vito Rožej)
  • Ingrid Babnik (Alenka Kozolc)
  • Fata (Lucija Ćirović)
  • Valentin Zois (Peter Musevski)
  • Amanda (Iva Babić)

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