The Canadians is a biographical television show that is broadcast by History Television. The show is hosted and narrated by Patrick Watson, featuring the stories of well-known and some not-so-well-known Canadians.
- List of People who were profiled on the show
- William Aberhart (Bible Bill)
- W.A.C. Bennett
- Buzz Beurling
- Birdman
- Wilf Carter
- Marion de Chastelain
- Kit Coleman
- Louis Cyr
- Gabriel Dumont
- Bob Edwards
- Sir Sandford Fleming
- Northrop Frye
- Rose Fortune
- Alfred C. Fuller
- CD Howe
- Sir Sam Hughes
- Stewart James
- Pauline Johnson
- Klondike Kate
- Ruby Keeler
- La Bolduc
- Anna Leonowens
- Ruth Lowe
- Grant MacEwan
- Gunanoot
- Alexander Mackenzie
- Agnes Macphail
- Mandrake
- Louis B. Mayer
- Ada McCallum
- Bill Miner
- Emily Murphy
- Margaret "Ma" Murray
- Northern Dancer
- Marion Orr
- Grey Owl
- Mona Parsons
- Jacques Plante
- Francis Rattenbury
- Fred Rose
- Bobbie Rosenfeld
- Joseph Scriven
- Nell Shipman
- Jay Silverheels
- Joshua Slocum
- Sam Steele
- The Great Farini
- The Megantic Outlaw
- Tom Thomson
- Joseph Tyrrell
- Vladimir Valenta
- Georges Vanier
- Angus Walters
- John Ware
- Percy Williams
External links
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